KS State Tournament. Host: Jacob Arrowood, redemptionking25@gmail.com. Providence Community Church, 10113 Lenexa Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215. $10.00 door fee then Type: Closed Deck - 2 Player ($15.00), Type 1 - 2 Player (free), Type 1 - Multi-player (free), Type 2 - 2 Player (free) and Type 2 - Multi-player (free). Starts 9:00am.
LocationLinkSchedule First Category starts at 9:10 so please arrive by 8:50!
T-1 2 Player
T-2 2 Player
Closed Deck $15
T-2 Multi Player
(Laterish Afternoon)
T-1 Multi-player
We'll be having pizza for lunch so bring a few extra dollars for that.
CountFount will be allowed to play type 2 assuming he follows the terms of his parole by not including ANB in his decks.