Author Topic: Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney  (Read 1647 times)

Offline spacy32

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Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:06:46 PM »
Spacy32 (Rex Adams) is hosting his first tourney. Black Friday, November 23 from 2 until. Is is type 1 singles and teams and it is all free. Pizza included. Come join me to make this a blast. R.S.V.P. so I can make sure I have enough pizza., or spacy32 here or my cell is 423-903-1127.
Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left. Either way, God will get you there.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 04:33:09 PM »
Congrats on your first tourney.  I hope you guys will have a lot of fun :)

Offline spacy32

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Re: Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 01:06:43 PM »
Me too. I am tempted to announce the prize promo for the tourney. What the heck. Can we say King David. lol. I have ten people coming and anyone else in the area who wants to show up.
Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left. Either way, God will get you there.

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 01:24:11 PM »
Well I went to this one and had a great time. We started with Type 1 and I ran my classic Disciples/Pharisee. There were alot of 70 carder decks with little NJ/Grapes/Mayhems/Destructions.

Game 1 I play 150 card random with no sleeves and he has to place in two piles so it doesnt fall over and continues to draw from correct pile til he notices a bent card on top and tries to draw from other pile. "No, No, No." I say and he ends up drawing me some souls ftw.

Game 2 was against my nephew RTSMASTER on the boards who ran an ABOMB deck i made for him. He called me a cheat when all my protection started kicking in ex. Ceasar Phillipi, High Priest Palace, and me keeping my dudes in the boat.

Game 3 I faced I think the best in the playgroup and he ran it looked like another 80 carder but this kid actually had offence and wasnt drawing souls...NO! My defense was starting to run low until i went infinite with Scribe/Proud getting back Abes Descendant/GoGo recursion and he had no answer. I drew Revealer a couple of times/ Mayhemed my way to victory. 5-4 close phew.

Round 4 I played against another 80 carder who got paired up and stomped a 5-0 victory. I looked through his collection and built him a quick deck with his extra's from his Teal/Purple which had Zeal,Tblast,Pentecost,Filling Z Temple,Burning Incense,AoCp, Reach, and I gave him a teal/purple Melchezadeck which he played in teams.

Next Teams Event:
Logan Lowry/Clift Crysel

I changed decks into Judges/Magi-Assyrians and nephew continued with Abomb. We both ran Feast of Trumpets/Gifts and he had a Hur which I would band to with Deborah's Directive. I also ran Search. These type of plays won us most games. His Martha with our Gifts up ect.

It wasnt until the end of Round 3 when we reached 5 lost souls that our opponents argued we played to 7 not 5 ftw and i was like WHUT? The whole playgroup thought the same and someone said look it up in the rulebook. It was the playgroup's first time hosting so some kinks had to be ironed out. alot of the kids had been playing for about a year and I got to help out with some deckbuilding and give  a few good cards away. Free pizza to top off an overall great experience. I'm looking foward to going again in the future.
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline jbeers285

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Dunlap, Tn Fall local tourney
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 01:39:18 PM »
Sounds like it was a good time hope everyone enjoyed it

Next I see my fiancé I'm gonna say

"Girl are you from Tennessee bc when I saw you my lip "Dunlap"ped over" lol
JMM is a modern day prophet


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