Author Topic: Deck Lists for Top 8 Finishers at Nationals Request (Deadline 8/19/2016)  (Read 1164 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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***If you have already submitted a deck list but did not have a place to put your name or e-mail address, please PM me with those items along with a way to identify your deck list easily so I can get a discount code out to you next week.

I am looking for Deck Lists from the Top 8 Finishers in the following categories at Nationals 2016:

Type-1 2-Player (most played deck list for event)
Type-2 2-Player (most played deck list for event)
Teams (both deck lists per team)

I am not wanting either Multi-Player event since there were only 8 players total in each of those categories.

I will be sending out discount codes to everyone who sends me a list via my online submission form located here:!submit-a-top-8-deck-list/c12yb

I realize many have shared their deck lists on the forums here and perhaps elsewhere, but I will need the data entered into the above form in order to receive a discount code on TLG.

Why do I want this information? Because I am planning on taking over the world. No, not really. I want the info so I know what is being played in top decks. Once I have the data collected, I will adjust prices on cards on TLG according to how often they appeared. For this reason, please only submit the deck you used most often (since you could have checked in multiple decks) on your way to a top 8 finish. If you placed Top 8 in multiple categories listed above, please submit a deck list for each category. This will go a long way to help prices of cards stay up with the usage of those cards.

Thanks for your help! Submissions of Top 8 Deck Lists will end on 8/19/2016 at midnight EST.


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