Welcome, from the sub-tropical land of Minnesota!
Yes we are from Winnipeg!
i was one of the bros that "invaded" MN. My first ever tourny and first time versing other redemption players.it was a blast and we hope to go to the nxt one .
Putting a plug in for Wild Bill--the next tourney is the T2 Only (
linky doo). For the past couple of years it has been the largest Type-2 tournament in the game. There are tons of decks available for borrowing if you don't have one of your own.
i was hoping to start a playgroup in winnipeg to get more players into redemption got any suggestions?
Putting in another plug--Wild Bill (the host at the tournament you went to) is one of the best if not *the best* playgroup organizers in the game. From my experience, just hanging out with him will make you a better playgroup host. (You can pm him at everytribe.)