Author Topic: Braymer, MO: T1-2P and Super-Sealed  (Read 5396 times)

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: Braymer, MO: T1-2P and Super-Sealed
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2012, 02:05:54 AM »
You all have a safe drive tomorrow, make sure to use the destination directions I posted (above) to avoid any GPS surprises ("please take a left into the unoccupied cattle pasture"... "recalculating").

Isn't this the truth, I have fond memories of this happening to me and Brian Cooper on our trip over there years back. ;D

I'm curious to know how the tournament went with the new rules in effect, how did that go?

lol, close... give or take 3 hours. That was Des Moines, IA that you and Brian went to. That's where I grew up and had a big playgroup through my Church and Highschool Gamer's Club. We're a lot closer to ya'll now down here in Missouri. Hope you can make the next one John!

Red was always playable :)


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