Status: Approved!What: Local Tournament
When: Saturday February 23, 2013
Where: Bel Air Church of the Nazarene 2430 Conowingo Road (US1) Bel Air, MD 21015
Go to the parking lot to your left upon entering the main parking lot, enter the door there (look for the Redemption sign).
Host/Co-Hosts: Dayne Maust, Blake Maust, Shawn Capron
Cost: $5.00 to enter all categories
and get lunch.
Tournament Promo: Windows of Narrow Light
Winner Promo: New Jerusalem
Winners' Prizes: Kings Packs
Deck checks begin at 8:00am.
Play starts at 9:00am.
Please arrive with COMPLETE decks by 8:45am, please!
Morning SessionBegins at 9:00am SHARPT1-2p and T2-2P
LunchWill start between 12:00pm and 1:00pm (depends on attendance for morning rounds)
At least 30 minutes will be allotted.Lunch is included with Registration.
Food and drinks available are TBD but will likely be made be made at the church (like we did with Maryland States last year, for those who made it).
Afternoon Rounds:Start sometime between 1:00pm and 1:30pm (depends on attendance for morning rounds and lunch duration)T1 Multi and T2 Multi
Evening Rounds:Start immediately following the Multi games, between 4:00pm and 5:00pm depending on attendance.T3 (See notes below)
Projected end time: Approximately 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Notes regarding Type 3:
We will be playing with the
Type Three Rules that are in use for the games played in this area. A summary:
- Type 3 Games are played in Multi-Player Format only.
- All decks must contain 60-63 cards and follow all deck-building rules for a deck of that size.
- The number of your good cards and the number of your evil cards MUST be equal. If Haman's Plot is ripped and removed from the deck between games, a good card must be removed for the duration of the tournament. The deck must still have at least 60 cards to be legal. (This is the same as the T2 rule on good-evil balance and ripping a Plot)
In addition, this tournament will be played for 3RS points. For more information, please
see here. Essentially, the number of points at stake depend on the number of participants, and there WILL be a prize to the top three players at the end of the season. There will be prizes provided by me for this tournament to the top finishers, and there is no additional cost to play T3. For questions (or to activate an account on the site I linked to), please PM me.