Author Topic: Anyone else feel that teams events should have double-prizes?  (Read 5443 times)

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Re: Anyone else feel that teams events should have double-prizes?
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2010, 05:40:08 PM »
Did somebody say something about an uber shrubbery?

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Re: Anyone else feel that teams events should have double-prizes?
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2010, 05:43:55 PM »
Prof U =/= Prof A. One is smarter and way better looking than the other. Out of my great humility, I will refrain from specifying which one, so as to avoid hurting Mark's feelings.  ;)
It's alright, I'm fine with you being better looking.  And I'll refrain from pointing out who can decimate the other in competitions of the mind (Tetris/LOTR Risk/Diplomacy/Star Wars Epic Duels/Twixt/Fortress America/Ticket to Ride) and body (Tetherball/Fussball/Jenga). :)

I don't even know what Diplomacy through Ticket to Ride are (except Twixt, which I have played a few times), so those don't count. Risk of any kind is nearly impossible to determine who is better based on a 2-player match, the winner is almost completely determined by who goes first (I realized this when my then 8 year-old brother swept the rest of the family in 2-player games, including my dad who has played Risk for thirty years). Tetris I'll give you, as your reputation is well established here, and Twixt I couldn't be sure on. However, when it comes to Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, or Cribbage, I would venture to say that I would have the upper hand. Trivial Pursuit might be a toss-up, depending on the questions we each got.

I probably have the disadvantage at tetherball, mostly because I was homeschooled during my elementary years and never had recess. I used to play Foosball (the CORRECT spelling of the game, fyi; I'm not sure what "Fussball" is) quite a bit, but I haven't in awhile so you might have me there too. I will admit my coordination and steadiness of hand is not great, so I wouldn't be surprised if you would best me in Jenga.

Back to Twixt, is there anyway to play that online? I'd be interested to find out, as my parents have it, but I have only played it a few times. Also, we are Facebook friends, so if you ever want to know the real meaning of being humbled, I'll challenge you to a game of Scrabble.  ;)

Prof A (A is in Awesome)
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Re: Anyone else feel that teams events should have double-prizes?
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2010, 07:02:27 PM »
Prof U =/= Prof A. One is smarter and way better looking than the other. Out of my great humility, I will refrain from specifying which one, so as to avoid hurting Mark's feelings.  ;)
It's alright, I'm fine with you being better looking.  And I'll refrain from pointing out who can decimate the other in competitions of the mind (Tetris/LOTR Risk/Diplomacy/Star Wars Epic Duels/Twixt/Fortress America/Ticket to Ride) and body (Tetherball/Fussball/Jenga). :)

I don't even know what Diplomacy through Ticket to Ride are (except Twixt, which I have played a few times), so those don't count. Risk of any kind is nearly impossible to determine who is better based on a 2-player match, the winner is almost completely determined by who goes first (I realized this when my then 8 year-old brother swept the rest of the family in 2-player games, including my dad who has played Risk for thirty years). Tetris I'll give you, as your reputation is well established here, and Twixt I couldn't be sure on. However, when it comes to Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, or Cribbage, I would venture to say that I would have the upper hand. Trivial Pursuit might be a toss-up, depending on the questions we each got.

I probably have the disadvantage at tetherball, mostly because I was homeschooled during my elementary years and never had recess. I used to play Foosball (the CORRECT spelling of the game, fyi; I'm not sure what "Fussball" is) quite a bit, but I haven't in awhile so you might have me there too. I will admit my coordination and steadiness of hand is not great, so I wouldn't be surprised if you would best me in Jenga.

Back to Twixt, is there anyway to play that online? I'd be interested to find out, as my parents have it, but I have only played it a few times. Also, we are Facebook friends, so if you ever want to know the real meaning of being humbled, I'll challenge you to a game of Scrabble.  ;)

Prof A (A is in Awesome)

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Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Anyone else feel that teams events should have double-prizes?
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2010, 10:42:43 PM »
Wouldn't it be Prof U U, then? Prof Uber Underwood.
I'm actually so uber that the U can stand for both U words at the same time :)

I don't even know what Diplomacy through Ticket to Ride are
This is so sad.  I pity you your misspent youth :)

Risk of any kind is nearly impossible to determine who is better based on a 2-player match, the winner is almost completely determined by who goes first
That is specifically why I picked LOTR (trilogy edition), which is the one kind that can actually distinguish between skill level in a 2-player version.

I used to play Foosball (the CORRECT spelling of the game, fyi; I'm not sure what "Fussball" is)
Actually the correct spelling of Fussball is with an letter that looks like a slanted capital B, and is part of the German language.  However, that letter when translated into English is usually typed "ss" as that is how it is pronounced.  And the "u" actually has two little dots over it (pronounced oomlout) signifying the special long "u" sound that is commonly misspelled "oo" in America.  It's actually the same two little dots that are over the "u" in "uber" as in Prof U.  But enough of the language lesson, find me at a table sometime and I'll show you how to play the game :)

Back to Twixt, is there anyway to play that online?
Actually there is, and I'd be glad to play sometime.  I'm always amazed when I find someone else who has even heard of that great game.  I'm at my home comp currently, but I'll find the link sometime when I'm in my office and post it for us.

if you ever want to know the real meaning of being humbled, I'll challenge you to a game of Scrabble.  ;)
Now there you have me.  Word games have never been my specialty.  I wouldn't mind getting my tail kicked though, so I'd be glad to try this sometime.

Prof A (A is in Awesome)
That's funny, "Awesome" was totally the word I was thinking for you as well.


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