Author Topic: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?  (Read 18846 times)

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2013, 06:07:47 PM »
Nationals and anything under Nationals are two completely different animals.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2013, 06:15:27 PM »
Don't judge what you've never experienced.

My opinion is based on hostile encounters at state and regional tournaments, so I do indeed have experience with the issues I present.
I was at Nationals. I saw nothing remotely hostile. I've been to a Pokémon Battle Road tournament back in 2008 when those were the equvilent of our locals, it had a more competitive/hostile atmosphere than our Nationals.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2013, 06:19:05 PM »
This discussion has morphed from this years Nats location...

The only thing for certain is that it won't be in the Northwest...of the United States, circa 2013! geography lessons...

Thoroughly lacking in today's schools.   :-\ Disney [World]...

I last went in 1976.   :o Mickey Mouse...

When explaining the decision process surrounding ANB rulings.   ::) hugs...

Careful...the ACLU might be lurking aroung the corner.   :police:

...yet we can't talk about top cut? Ok.

Dem's da rulz!   :-X
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Offline STAMP

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2013, 06:26:08 PM »
I just realized I've been to Nats 2005 and Nats 2009.  If I stick to the every 4 years plan I guess I have to show up this year. 

(Hmmm...I really hope our company waits to do its ITSM upgrade next year.)
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2013, 06:50:41 PM »
It really is sad when we're trying to put 'competitive' on the exact same level as 'hostile'. -_-

It's a tournament. It's competitive by DEFINITION.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2013, 06:57:30 PM »
Don't judge what you've never experienced.

My opinion is based on hostile encounters at state and regional tournaments, so I do indeed have experience with the issues I present.

How big were these tournaments? Who was there? How long ago was this?

I've gone to three national tournaments, two regionals, and two state tournaments. Some of these were as a noob, some of them were as a future national champion (yes, yes, in a category that doesn't matter, but let's stay on topic  ::)) I've never encountered any overarching themes of hostility, and in fact, the bigger tournaments tend to be even more friendly. This summer I drove 8 hours to attend the EC tournament at Underwood's (someone I traditionally butt heads with on the forums), and nobody involved had more than two hours of sleep for the duration of the event, and it's the most fun non-Nats or Creation event I've attended. Nearly everyone else's experiences are something similar to my own. I'm forced to come to the conclusion that your experiences were anomalies.


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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2013, 07:08:05 PM »
Don't judge what you've never experienced.

My opinion is based on hostile encounters at state and regional tournaments, so I do indeed have experience with the issues I present.
I was at Nationals. I saw nothing remotely hostile. I've been to a Pokémon Battle Road tournament back in 2008 when those were the equvilent of our locals, it had a more competitive/hostile atmosphere than our Nationals.
Which is funny, because from what I've heard, Pokemon has the next best environment.

The tournament itself is competitive, but certainly not hostile.  Outside of the tournament you'll find nothing but a bunch of awesome people.

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2013, 07:16:19 PM »
I don't think anything can get more hostile than throwing carrots at a bus full of nuns. Redemption certainly is the most hostile game on the market.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2013, 08:03:12 PM »
0 geography lessons...

Thoroughly lacking in today's schools.   :-\

Actually last semester I took an AP Human Geography class and we did some intense geographic studies.  ;)

I've always had a good sense of "family" at the tournaments I go to and people aren't "hostile" in the least. Although, most of my tournaments are in Minnesota and being so nice and all...  ;)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2013, 08:14:21 PM »
I'm forced to come to the conclusion that your experiences were anomalies.

As a mathematician, I certainly agree that this is a possibility. The fact that it happened more than once is discouraging. I would blame my own presence were it not for the fact that I was not involved in either situation until after it had started and I had to act as an arbitrator (referee actually).

However, I take comfort in knowing that I am not the only one who experiences anomalies, as evidenced by this quote:

Which is funny, because from what I've heard, Pokemon has the next best environment.

My inner teacher wants to give people every chance to get it right, even after several "mistakes," which may be why I have still entertained the thought of hosting Natz here in Orlando. However, this thread causes concern, since so many of you are so quick to jump all over me about simple posts I make. This side discussion started simply by me posting Orlando Natz 2014, and quickly turned into an interrogation/trial. That's not very comforting.

I've always had a good sense of "family" at the tournaments I go to and people aren't "hostile" in the least. Although, most of my tournaments are in Minnesota and being so nice and all...  ;)

I know you used winking smilies, but this may be more true than you realize. Perhaps my first foray into Natz would be in MN, since I certainly would like to meet Fortress Alstad and Wild Bill in person.  ;D
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2013, 10:23:35 PM »
ITT: Nobody knows what the phrase "for the sake of this argument" means. Yes I know that Tennesee is not part of the geographical midwest, but of the south eastern states it's the only one with a large enough play group to host nationals so rather than say that Redemption is concentrated in the NE, Midwest, and Tennessee, I just included Tenesee as part of the midwest.
I just find it highly amusing that I have never ever seen anyone include Tennessee as part of the Northeast, even though Knoxville is about 200 miles closer to Rochester, NY than it is to Minneapolis, MN (just to pick two cities at random for the sake of this argument).

Perhaps my first foray into Natz would be in MN, since I certainly would like to meet Fortress Alstad and Wild Bill in person.  ;D
You might want to think about dropping in for the annual Type-2 Extravaganza. Although it is slightly larger than Natz (T2 attendance-wise), you would still get a chance to spend time with Wild Bill. Rumors are that the Fortress is also going to be well represented this year.

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #86 on: February 07, 2013, 10:28:26 PM »
Perhaps my first foray into Natz would be in MN, since I certainly would like to meet Fortress Alstad and Wild Bill in person.  ;D
You might want to think about dropping in for the annual Type-2 Extravaganza. Although it is slightly larger than Natz (T2 attendance-wise), you would still get a chance to spend time with Wild Bill. Rumors are that the Fortress is also going to be well represented this year.
Those were my thoughts as well when I read that post. YMT, you should come join us for fun and fellowship with a good amount of competitiveness and very little hostility. It's always lots of fun!

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #87 on: February 07, 2013, 11:28:53 PM »
I hope Nationals will be in Florida in 2014. I have never been there and I would love to meet Your Math Teacher. I bet he is really a nice guy. Besides once he attends one (even the one he hosts)he will be hooked on the fun and fellowship.

We do help out of staters with transportation for the type 2 only, so we could make it happen if he wants to come. That would be a blast having Your Math Teacher at the Type 2 Only.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #88 on: February 08, 2013, 12:28:16 AM »
My experiences so far with Pokemon have made me appreciate the spirit of this game, and I haven't even been to a Pokemon tournament yet. Maybe it's because of the increase in the money that's involved, but its pretty srs. Hilariously fun, but srs. There's currently an initiative going around a big pokemon strategy forum to stop talking about decks because nooby netdeckers are doing well. How's that for competitive...

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #89 on: February 08, 2013, 12:59:18 AM »
I suppose that I should clarify that when I mention "highly competitive" players, I am thinking of specific people that have been part of my unfortunate experiences. I generalize the term to avoid naming names, since the players in question still play. In my attempt to avoid opening old wounds, I have probably created new ones with people I have never met. I apologize for the miscommunication on my part.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #90 on: February 08, 2013, 01:00:46 AM »
My experiences so far with Pokemon have made me appreciate the spirit of this game, and I haven't even been to a Pokemon tournament yet. Maybe it's because of the increase in the money that's involved, but its pretty srs. Hilariously fun, but srs. There's currently an initiative going around a big pokemon strategy forum to stop talking about decks because nooby netdeckers are doing well. How's that for competitive...
That's ridiculous. Deck building skill shouldn't make for playskill.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #91 on: February 08, 2013, 01:04:42 AM »
My experiences so far with Pokemon have made me appreciate the spirit of this game, and I haven't even been to a Pokemon tournament yet. Maybe it's because of the increase in the money that's involved, but its pretty srs. Hilariously fun, but srs. There's currently an initiative going around a big pokemon strategy forum to stop talking about decks because nooby netdeckers are doing well. How's that for competitive...
That's ridiculous. Deck building skill shouldn't make for playskill.

Disagree. Since the format is pretty standardized in about 2 seconds after the new sets are released, secret techs are a HUGE deal. Playskill is important, but deck building should ALWAYS be a part of the equation of who wins. Cookie cutter lists ruin creative deck building.


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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #92 on: February 08, 2013, 01:29:44 AM »
Both Pokemon and Redemption suffer from pretty straight forward deck building. There are key differences between the decks, obviously, but in the end, it doesn't take a genius to put together a TGT deck. Or a Blastoise/Keldeo deck.

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #93 on: February 08, 2013, 01:32:25 AM »
My experiences so far with Pokemon have made me appreciate the spirit of this game, and I haven't even been to a Pokemon tournament yet. Maybe it's because of the increase in the money that's involved, but its pretty srs. Hilariously fun, but srs. There's currently an initiative going around a big pokemon strategy forum to stop talking about decks because nooby netdeckers are doing well. How's that for competitive...
That's ridiculous. Deck building skill shouldn't make for playskill.

Disagree. Since the format is pretty standardized in about 2 seconds after the new sets are released, secret techs are a HUGE deal. Playskill is important, but deck building should ALWAYS be a part of the equation of who wins. Cookie cutter lists ruin creative deck building.
I must have misunderstood, I was referring to skeleton lists and the like.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #94 on: February 08, 2013, 01:58:20 AM »
I have a Magikarp OTK skeleton if anyone is interested.

Willing to trade for Shamgar OTK.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #95 on: February 08, 2013, 08:43:58 AM »
I suppose that I should clarify that when I mention "highly competitive" players, I am thinking of specific people that have been part of my unfortunate experiences.
I can't help but wonder how I fit into your thinking on this issue.  On the one hand, I am a "highly competitive" player, and I do always try my best to win tournaments with whatever deck I'm using.  On the other hand, I've been to multiple tournaments that you've hosted at this point, and I don't remember there being any hostility at any of them.  And in particular, I feel like you and I got along great despite often disagreeing with each other here on the forum.

This summer I drove 8 hours to attend the EC tournament at Underwood's (someone I traditionally butt heads with on the forums), and nobody involved had more than two hours of sleep for the duration of the event, and it's the most fun non-Nats or Creation event I've attended.
Thanks for the compliment Chris.  This is another example of people getting along great in person even though they don't always seem to on the forum.  I just want to point this out so that YMT doesn't base his decision to host Nats 2014 on forum appearances.  He'd be surprised how well all these people actually get along in real life :)

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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #96 on: February 08, 2013, 09:01:20 AM »
I can't help but wonder how I fit into your thinking on this issue. 

For some reason the song You're So Vain just popped into my head....  ;)

Trust me when I say that the incidents I am referring to would not be mistaken for anything but hostility. So, no Mark, I am not referring to you.

We do help out of staters with transportation for the type 2 only, so we could make it happen if he wants to come. That would be a blast having Your Math Teacher at the Type 2 Only.

Two things about this post:
1.) What kind of transportation help can you provide from Florida?
2.) My presence would be a blast because I have never played Type 2, and have only judged a couple games (of course I referred all questions to Josh Kopp). Therefore I would be fodder for the pros.  ;)

Both Pokemon and Redemption suffer from pretty straight forward deck building. There are key differences between the decks, obviously, but in the end, it doesn't take a genius to put together a TGT deck. Or a Blastoise/Keldeo deck.

Since I am not a genius, could you tell me about this Blastoise/Keldeo deck (in PM)? My son was thinking about attending a tournament soon, and I know for a fact that he has both. I know what Blastoise does (now that they reprinted the original ability),  but I have no idea what Keldeo does. I just know that he got the box with the Keldeo toy in it.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #97 on: February 08, 2013, 09:16:40 AM »
It's Keldeo EX (the oversized card that came with the box) he needs, not Keldeo.
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #98 on: February 08, 2013, 09:35:25 AM »
It's Keldeo EX (the oversized card that came with the box) he needs, not Keldeo.

Wouldn't that card stand out in the deck?  ;)

**Gee, I wonder what that prize card is?**
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Re: Any ideas where Nats might be this year?
« Reply #99 on: February 08, 2013, 10:13:53 AM »
We do help out of staters with transportation for the type 2 only, so we could make it happen if he wants to come. That would be a blast having Your Math Teacher at the Type 2 Only.

Two things about this post:
1.) What kind of transportation help can you provide from Florida?
2.) My presence would be a blast because I have never played Type 2, and have only judged a couple games (of course I referred all questions to Josh Kopp). Therefore I would be fodder for the pros.  ;)

In the past, Bill has given away a good chunk of his Christmas money to help players from out of state attend the T2 only, just so the super competitive MN T2 players have some fresh, um, so that we can fellowship with others. I've always been fortunate enough to only need a gallon of gas to get to and fro the tourney, so I'm not sure of specific amounts, but the best thing would be to PM Bill. Also, I'm sure round trip fares from Orlando to Minneapolis and back are much less expensive than the other way. If you come to MN in early March and tell people you're from Orlando on vacation, they will probably give you an odd stare and shake their heads.

Also, the worst thing that could happen in the tournament would be you would hang out at the bottom tables with MJB and Craig (if he can make it). While I've never been there, I can observe from across the room that they always have a good time.
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