Author Topic: All it takes is a little effort...  (Read 10745 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2011, 07:49:50 PM »
We have posters all over the card store we play in advertising both our regular play night (Tuesday Night Redemption) and quick reference sheets for those who want to play the game but are not familiar with which books are from which testament and other similar tidbits.


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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2011, 07:55:48 PM »
We have posters all over the card store we play in advertising both our regular play night (Tuesday Night Redemption) and quick reference sheets for those who want to play the game but are not familiar with which books are from which testament and other similar tidbits.

We need more people like this guy

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2011, 07:58:45 PM »
For one, what about bringing back custom cards, only this time for the group with the most sales?

My first reaction was the question "Is that in the spirit of the game (based upon my reading of Rob's writings)?" But, at the same time, that's hardly gamebreaking or really anything beyond neat and cool.
Where's these writings?
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2011, 08:07:16 PM »
It's a fancy way of saying the Rulebook (A + B) and his postings. He had a full mission type of statement in the AB rulebook IIRC.

Offline theselfevident

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2011, 09:45:14 PM »
I started playing Redemption back in my freshman year of High School (literally the ground floor of the game)... I was a hardcore Christian back then.... My philosophies have changed a bit but I still love the game (and I still have faith in God but things are different now).... My point is, I love the game and it would be sad to see it go under. I think Cactus needs to take an approach much like Tooth & Nail Records. They don't just market to the Christian although their artists are "Christian" bands.

I think if you want to spread Redemption and have more people play:

1. Make a more effective online format. I live in Montana, no-one plays ccg's here unless they are a lot younger than my 30 year-old self.

2. Focus on grass-roots marketing tactics. Create a street team that gets rewarded for promoting the game.

3. Facebook, Facebook, Facebook (although I hate Facebook)

4. If you want to keep the game around, phone or email Rob and let him know your ideas and start acting on them.


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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2011, 10:02:31 PM »
1) working on it

2) also kinda working on it. still in the planning stages

3) already exists

4) look im handling 1 and 2 someone else take care of these things k?

Offline bluefrog1288

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2011, 10:32:39 PM »
For a second there I thought this was turning into a Cactus complain fest. But, you guys got it back on track. I think facebook is a huge way we could get things started. Marketing has never been easier these day via facebook. The problem is I went to the Redemption facebook page and it is advertising for 2008 nationals on it! Who is in charge of that page?? C'mon, there are some cheap basic ways Cactus can advertise.

Exhibit 3: Facebook

That is all.

Offline Terry Markoff

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2011, 11:52:54 AM »
Hey, Bluefrog.  After Saturday's district tournament, let's put our heads together and do a little brainstorming on ways to  expand our player base in the DFW area.   We could discuss ways to introduce Redemption to church leadership.   We can advertise the game and offer workshops on gameplay, current strategies,  and deck building ideas.   We can do this using  Christian book store's bulletin boards.  I have about 15,000 cards (many courtesy of our playgroup) to offer new and old players door prizes and free cards to each participant.

I have access to a good size room at The Life Church (and its free).  As a host, I currently am able to purchase product at a very generous discount from Rob. 

I believe that Texas is ready.  The fields are ripe, but there are so few workers. 

Offline bluefrog1288

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2011, 01:55:15 PM »
Agreed! As far as I can tell I will be there this weekend. Like I said in the PM it depends on my workload for the weekend. I do not imagine it being to heavy.


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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2011, 06:47:02 PM »
My problem (which might be for a lot of post college playgrou leaders) is that any time I spend on Redemption is time away from my wife and kids.  My oldest is old enough to play but isn't that interested in it.  I work all day so I don't like to skip a night with my family.

We used to have a Wednesday night bible study where I was able to have a weekly redemption meeting (I spent the first 10 to 20 minutes going through Kings (one king per week, usually) and the rest of the time was playing) and my group grew.  However, starting in july, my church will be having two services and they are putting Sunday School on Wednesday night (which means my class is out (I can only teach facts(there is a chance that they will start a Sunday night service and they told me I can have my class then))).  The group that was built could not drive themselves around so that is also another road block in having another Redemption night.

Basically, Fresno could get a big group going but the leader (me) doesn't have the time to have a night away from his family to get it going (especially if I could reach out to the larger churches).

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2011, 08:54:58 PM »
This is my main inspiration for my Redemption Connect! project. My belief is that the continued success of games like MTG and Yu-gi-oh! is because they are in every town with a wal-mart. So it's easy to find someone who plays. This is not the case with Redemption. Even in towns with many christian stores, people have never even HEARD of Redemption. Heck, even in my town, Springfield MO, some of the church's youth groups play these games. Sometimes even AT CHURCH. And if you mention Redemption, they say, "What's that? Never heard of it".

So the question remains: How do you get people to KNOW about Redemption? Well, what does the average teenager spend 80% of his/her time outside of school? BROWSING the internet, including facebook. So my idea is that the focus needs to start on the internet. How else do you connect millions of people from around the U.S. who don't know each other?

That's where my project comes in. My goal for Redemption Connect! is to be the go-to place for Redemption. Make that easily found on Google, get linked to by lots of popular Christian websites, a little facebook advertising, and you're golden. By having everything connected to one centralized site, it makes it easier to be found. Plus, the older a site gets, and the more popular it gets, the higher up it shows on Google's search engine.

The second thing is to push, push, push Redemption to Christian stores all over the U.S. Now I understand that is no easy task. But check this out: Hire commission-based salespeople to spread the word. This gives people an incentive to get their local stores to offer Redemption cards, and is a cheaper way for Cactus to advertise.

Well, that's my two cents worth.

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2012, 05:31:01 AM »

4. Alternative to MTG and YGO

i somewhat disagree with this statement for one reason only that thats if it wasn't for yugioh i wouldn't have gotten into redemption in the first place
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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2012, 02:42:00 PM »
This thread is almost a year old, why would you necropost it just to say that?
An unanswered question is infinitely better than an unquestioned answer.

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2012, 06:35:18 PM »
This thread is almost a year old, why would you necropost it just to say that?
i'll tell you why, because im *goes into phone booth and exits the phone booth* NECRO MAN!!! LOL jk but in all honesty i felt the need to say that in terms of posting on here
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 06:37:56 PM by New Raven BR »
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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2012, 06:43:16 PM »
This thread is almost a year old, why would you necropost it just to say that?
i'll tell you why, because im *goes into phone booth and exits the phone booth* NECRO MAN!!! LOL jk but in all honesty i felt the need to say that in terms of posting on here

So you're Necro man, see? (See what I did there?)
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: All it takes is a little effort...
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2012, 07:17:39 PM »
This thread is almost a year old, why would you necropost it just to say that?

Raven was away from the boards for a very long time. I see no harm in him going through old posts that he missed, just out of curiosity.
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