Well this one is in the books and your SouthEast RoadWarrior Award goes to none other that (drum roll)...
Yours Truly!
Seriously though, I had a great time driving down to Centre, Alabama and seeing Jay (Red) and his family again.
On the road trip, it was my nephew Logan, his friend Michael (only played one game) and me. We have this thing we do where everytime I miss a turn we say "Strike One" and so forth and I was lucky I only got to strike four this time.

It was strike ten on the last one, so i dont feel so bad.
I never stopp for gas as I should and regretted the decision once again as we ran out of gas before we got there and I had to pay more ($3.32) than I would have if I had gotten gas at home ($3.17).
Anyways, we stopped and got a few 2Liters as I had to pick up some official drinks of Redemption (MountainDew!) for the gathering and we were on our way.
I turned into the wrong driveway twice and ended up meeting Jay Chambers cousin Jacob Chambers who was wandering why we were there and what we wanted with him and we told him we had the wrong J. Chambers, next driveway.
At the tourny site, I was met by the JayMan and his kid brother Jeremy who were ready to sling some cards. I had no deck ready (Surprise! for anyone who knows me-waves to SouthEastRegion playgroup that doesn't exsist anymore) New Guy "No Deck" Mike, and "Build Me Something" Logan, so that took some time then we were ready.
Type 1 Multi Begins!
So we had a 5 man Type 1 multi game in our midst. A 1 rounder. Winner takes all grudge match, and anyone who know multi player- the person with the less defense Wins! I dont know who had the least- Jay or Me, as I threw in Vitallis, SabbathBreaker, Damsel, Survivor, Gomer, DoU, and Balams. I ran this with TheDecks offence and a Wall of Protection. My nephew had Phillies so I knew the the Wall was bad for me but being multi i would just try to play smart and stay away if i could. (or attack from hand

Everyone played SogNJ in the first 4 turns except for Jay's Brother who had the first half in his hand. and the score was an easy 4, 3, 3, 2, 0. With me leading the pack and no GOYS yet. I knew I should have tried to stay off target and keep the middleground, but i went for it anyways and pulled out a victory for my HarvestTime promo and 3 priest packs. (Where's my NJ promo? I fell so robbed).
LunchBreak! Everyone who wasnt there missed out on a smoked Beef Brisket, Smoked pulled Pork, warm toasted buns, homade baked beans, and 2 different types of homemade BBQ sauce (one Spicy and the other Sweet that tasted like Arby Sauce but better, YUM!) Oh and dont forget about the MountainDew!
Type 1 2 player, BEGIN!
Two more guys showed up and we had a full crew.
Round 1:
I played Jeremy and he used prohets/crimson against my usual disciple/pharisee build. He A New Beggining's me the turn i drew my Nazzy and I heard from across the room from Jay- "Did he have his Nazzy Down?" bummer. He gets 2 souls to my 3 and I have SoG/NJ in hand with 2 liner down. Why didnt I play for the win u ask? I was going to try and let Jay's brother get some points so i wouldnt face Jay round 2 and knock me out of contentions early on. My nephew was winning and Jay was winning so I waited. Jeremy played SoG/NJ on the 2 liner and now it was 4 to 3 him, OH NOES! that was close I rescue 4-4 then block him then rescue for the win. Phew close. and he and he could have won this one if he waited one turn to play sog/nj after the 2liner tap. Call me The Risk Taker, I should not have one that one, ugh. but it pays off as I do not face Jay (he beats me all the time on RTS and he knew it was his day).
Round 2:
I choose to go with TheDeck and I face Jay's friend Sam with FBTNB w/ weapon class heros and a nasty brown defense with plot and dungeon. I get a quick start and Gabe out his evil but had to race for the finish in this one 5-3. Tough Match.
Round 3:
JayTime! and who ever won this one was the champ. I got that nervous feeling I havent felt in a while and anytime I had to reveal my hand I tried not to shake while i was doing it...
Ok. So I've been considering some anti-Jay tech for a while, and I know how he plays so it was either the Polarius sidebattle GreatImage plan or my favorite IamHoly. I figure he would have a very effective yet small defense so i just threw in the IamHoly.
It was a close game as I was chosen to start and I headed off into the lead. Im not sure of all the details except he had a very spread offense and MeetingtheMessiah'ed one of his few evil characters to race to his big two. His luck didnt pay off as his NJ was at the bottom of his deck. I hit Damsel and something else I think with the IamHoly and not sure if it helped or not, but if I had to I would play the card again. It very sweet victory on my part as I lose much to this fierce competitor. Good Games Bro!