Author Topic: 2017 Nationals T1-2P 2nd Place Tournament Report  (Read 1734 times)

Offline Kevinthedude

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2017 Nationals T1-2P 2nd Place Tournament Report
« on: August 07, 2017, 04:06:31 PM »
I originally posted my report as replies to my decklist thread but from looking at older threads it seems reports usually go in threads here so I've moved it over.

This is the first time I've attempted to write a tournament report and realized that partially due to my terrible memory and partially due to Hypocisy/Mayhem slowing the opponent down and Col games generally not including a large number of turns or much interaction with the opponent, I can't recall enough details of my opponent's decks to give a solid write up of the games I won. For the most part, they all included getting CoL in my hand turn 1 in some manner, attacking with Justin to draw 3 off BotL and getting the occasional turn 1 soul, block with Fire Foxes or a dominant, flipping up Ram's Horn turn 2 and planning all the enhancements, Hypocrisy, play them all again, walk in with Children, occasionally toss some dudes, play Mayhem on their turn, block with wives, then either walk in for the third soul and SoG/NJ or, if they used W Falling Away or kept Justin from a turn 1 soul, setting up the double soul combo and ending that way. Add a fourth turn of walking in with Children if the opponent had an obstacle I had to delay a turn to remove.

I apologize to Martin Miller, Simon Miller, Zac Cornell, and Issac Miller (So many Millers :o) that I did not remember much from our games. I greatly enjoyed every match we played.

Game 1 5-1
Martin Miller

Game 2 5-2
Simon Miller

Game 3 3-5
Kye Murphy

Kye had the bravery to run a Liner abuse defense in spite of the new Guardian and it paid off for him here. His turn 1 DoU denied me an opportunity to play Blood of the Lamb, which combined with my poor opening hand forced me to either fall behind or risk putting Children in territory without Peter. He had the Christian Martyr and the presence of mind to shoot Children instantly before I go off with it. I'm used to getting punished for this play and Love Righteousness allows me to retrieve CoL from discard. I had used it on Justin to search CoL out from my deck in the first place but fortunately Consider the Lilies can recur Love Righteousness so all I had to do was delay a bit to draw into Consider the Lilies and proceed with the normal game plan. Unfortunately, I did not notice until after the game that when I played Consider the Lilies on turn 1 to exchange to deck for Love Righteousness, instead of exchanging Consider the Lilies into the deck as the ability states, I had accidentally put it into my discard pile after playing it. Neither Kye or I caught the misplay and unfortunately we won't be able to know what the outcome of the game had been had it not occurred, but Kye definitely deserved the win either way for punishing the risks I took and doing his best to deny my usual strategy.

Game 4 5-2
Zac Cornell
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 04:53:40 PM by Kevinthedude »

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: 2017 Nationals T1-2P 2nd Place Tournament Report
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 04:06:59 PM »
Game 5 4-4
Noah Wagenknecht

This was my second favorite game of the entire weekend, (The first being my Sealed Deck match against JD where we both decked and came within a single battle of locking each other out of the game) and by far my favorite game using the Children of Light deck. I had played Noah with a very rough version of the deck at NC regionals where he ran a Covenant with Death deck and soundly beat me. Before the tournament I expected Noah to be my one loss as the deck just doesn't have a way to directly counter CwD and is forced into a very awkward playstyle. Sure enough, he was still running Covenant with Death in his deck but fortunately for me I was able to drop about half the stack of enhancements before he searched it out with Blasphemies. Justin was the MVP this game even more so than others and turned what would have been a 0-5 loss into an extremely close game that ended in a timeout tie. Noah was prepared for the matchup and played very well against it.

Game 6 5-3
Aidan Spurgetis

Aidan had a plan for the matchup and he executed it. On turn 1 he grabbed Priest of Zeus from his Reserve using the Darkness Lost Soul. My only answer to this is to Angel of the Lord it in territory and I couldn't risk drawing much to dig for it. It held me off long enough for him to rescue 3 souls, (The most of anyone that I beat) but I eventually found my answer, dropped the stack, and let CoL do it's thing.

Game 7 5-1
Issac Miller

Game 8 5-2
Jay Chambers

I beat Jay's Judges deck that he as planning on using in Type 1 the night before the tournament in an Iron Man game which resulted in him scrapping Judges and getting a whole new deck together for the next day. It performed very well for him, leading him to go 6-0 in the first rounds of the tournament, including decisive victories against both of the other Children of Light players before he got to me. I was very worried at the start of the match as I had no idea what he was running and only knew he had begun a reputation as the CoL slayer. My opening was pretty standard but Jay had Three Woes in his opening hand, exactly what he needed, and he played it targeting Children the instant I put it down. Fortunately for me, while he got his opening hand counter, I also drew my opening hand answer. I Hypocrisy'd CoL to reset it and proceeded to go off as normal. I didn't see much of Jay's deck during the game since it was over fairly quickly but after the tournament he showed it to me and I can definitely see why it did so well against the other CoL players. This matchup can easily go either way and assuming no big misplays, simply comes down to who draws the right cards at the right time. Had the draws been different and Jay beaten me he would have been the National Champion with a 7-1 record and head to head against the only other 7-1 player (JD). I expect to see him in a top spot next year.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 04:19:05 PM by Kevinthedude »


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