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Topic: 2008 Tournament Reports (Read 12427 times)
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Posts: 3113
North Central Region
2008 Tournament Reports
September 04, 2008, 06:11:27 PM »
Iowa State:
Game 1: Jeremy Kemp (6-4 Win)
I drew no evil characters to start, so he got two free redeemed souls, but then I didn't have any lost souls for the next few turns allowing my defense to establish itself. My offense kicked in eventually and I was able to come back and win, but I did have to tear a plot.
(Sadducee Defense)
Game 2: Adam Grundhoefer (4-6 Loss)
I didn't have any heroes early, which is the worst thing that can happen against a "speed" deck. He had some early banding chains which were very timely and I couldn't recover from them.
(very much like Gil's deck)
Game 3: Chris Dortch (6-0 Win)
Classic "noob" game game.
Game 4: Zac Cornell (5-4 Win)
My most enjoyable game of the tournament. We both decked out. I tore a plot in the last round to buy my one more attack which won me the game. We each had two cards left in our hands at the end of the game.
(Silver blue offense, Hormah/The Darkness defense)
Game 5: Andrew Garrett (5-0 Win)
My Widow got two free lost souls on the first two turns. Angel of the Lord got me a third then I was just waiting for Son of God/New Jerusalem, quick game.
(Pale Green defense)
Game 6: Josh Brinkman (5-2 Win)
His Judas stalled me early, but my by the numbers won it for me over time after I Holy Grailed the one CBN Babylonian dude. He almost never attacked me.
(Babylonians, Z-temple deck)
Tournament Result: 5-1 Record, 1st Place : Round four win against Zac Cornell was one of my favorite games of the summer. It was a very fun and competitive tournament; a very good way to start off my summer.
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Posts: 3113
North Central Region
Re: 2008 Tournament Reports
Reply #1 on:
September 04, 2008, 06:12:10 PM »
Missouri State:
Game 1: Christopher E (6-2 win)
Fairly classic Random Little Kid game. I was annoyed a little by his silver (based on the inherent weakness against it in my defense) but was able to hold him off anyway. Widow eventually took over due to the generally large size of his evil characters.
(Silver offense, Orange defense)
Game 2: Jeff B (6-3 Win)
I gave him the shuffler early because I wasn't drawing much defense. Shuffling his three lost souls into his draw pile. There after he drew very few lost souls. I got a couple with Harvest Time and Hopper but the game was still slow. I converted Judas Iscariot with Holy Grail (before he'd been in battle). And rode two very effective choose the blocker attacks to the win.
(White/Purple offense, Stand alone defense)
Game 3: John Nesfeder (6-0 Win)
I drew Household Idols very early which stymied his banding offense. Widow and The Strong Angel won two free lost souls in the first four turns. I was over aggressive (attacking with the Strong Angel with nothing to counter a CBN site steal card) allowing him to steal my Dragon Raid. After which I stalled until I drew Angel of the Lord, Son of God, and New Jerusalem which I used to get my last three lost souls.
(Banding offense, brown site defense)
Game 4: Jake N (5-0 Win)
Another Random Little Kid style game. I drew no lost souls the entire game. Won three lost souls in the first four or five turns, then dropped Son of God and New Jerusalem which I was lucky enough to get really early in the game.
Tournament Result: 4-0, 1st Place : The tournament wasn't the most competitive, but it was still fun. The highlight of the weekend was playing booster draft with an old friend from college.
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Hero Member
Posts: 3113
North Central Region
Re: 2008 Tournament Reports
Reply #2 on:
September 04, 2008, 06:12:43 PM »
Kansas State:
Game 1: John Nesfeder (5-1 Loss)
No lost souls or heroes (other than Elijah) for quite a few turns. Which really hurt once Elijah got Writted. Eventually my lost souls came (my heroes for the most part still didn't). I also didn't draw any ways to stop his warrior class banding chain, which quickly ended the game. I did "force" him to tear a Haman's Plot though.
(Warrior class banding offense, splash defense)
Game 2: Isaac N (5-3 Win)
Slow game (I didn't draw many lost souls again). He decked when I had about 15 cards left in my draw pile. I had to tear a Haman's Plot (because King Zedekiah, Dungeon, Unholy Writ doesn't work against Lydia). I ground out a win without drawing Son of God.
Game 3: Jason C (7-4 Win)
I fell behind 4-0 early (two of which were his Son of God and New Jerusalem) but then my defense picked up and shut him down. I then managed to run 7 strait lost souls (helped by the fact that his small defense had been burned by two AoC Promos) for a 7-4 win.
Game 4: Brian Cooper (5-0 Win)
I got off to a quick start winning a couple on the first few turns with Elijah (and AoC promo). Eventually got a third and drew Son of God and New Jerusalem early for a quick win.
(Purple Offense, Crimson Defense)
Tournament Result: 3-1 Record, 2nd Place : John Nesfeder got 1st Place : Not winning was a slight disappointment, but I didn't deserve to win because I played poorly, and I already had won a state tournament so it wasn't too bad. I did win both Type 1 and Type 2 multiplayer (and threw together a last minute Type 2 deck that I really liked) so the weekend as a whole was still really enjoyable.
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Hero Member
Posts: 3113
North Central Region
Re: 2008 Tournament Reports
Reply #3 on:
September 04, 2008, 06:13:19 PM »
North Central Regionals:
Game 1 : Zach Zeiss (5-0 Win)
Really short game. The Strong Angel worked well against his silver sites and I got Son of God and New Jerusalem really early.
Game 2: Madaline R. (5-0 Win)
Played the Random Little Girl. She didn't draw many lost souls, but she didn't attack much either (probably influenced by the five evil characters in my territory). Eventually when she did draw lost souls, and I destructioned Holy of Holies she had no answer for my The Strong Angel.
(Red Offense Crimson Defense)
Game 3: John Nesfeder (5-1 Win)
My offense drew slow, which usually is a hindrance to my deck, but in this game it worked to my advantage. With Twelve Fingered Giant drawing an Angel of the Lord when banded into battle (Unknown Nation), tearing a Haman's Plot to get rid of the core of his banding chain, and Destruction on Chariot of Fire to keep him from getting anything back I pretty much locked him out by about halfway through the game. I knew he had a plot which would most likely result in a time out if he could hit my offense hard with it. Thus the slow offensive draw comes in handy, I kept heroes in my hand (and luckily many in my draw pile) so that he never had more than one hero he could get rid of with his plot. I chose his own King Zedekiah to block my unbanded Armorbearer and he used his Dungeon on it (a move I was hoping for because it kept the heroes in my territory thin and loosing Armorbearer to Dungeon is better than loosing anyone else to it). In the end I had three heroes left and all he had left was his plot. But since two of the Heroes were in my hand, he couldn't kill them with the plot, and thus he was unable to stop me. Side Note: We were both decked out when the game was 1-1.
(Warrior Class Banding Offense, Stand Alone Defense)
Game 4: Gabe Isbell (5-0 Win)
The game lasted three turns. I attacked with a stand alone widow on my first three opportunities to attack and got three free lost souls (turns out the only defense Gabe drew was a Prince of this World which can't block Widow). New Jerusalem was in my opening draw. Son of God was in my second three card draw. The only thing Gabe could attack for was a hopper in Hormah, and he never did attack for it (I don't think he had access).
Game 5: Andrew G (5-0 Win)
I failed to write anything down about this game, so I don't remember what happened. But for the most part it was a quick game and I won easily and fairly fast.
(Teal offense, Pale Green defense)
Game 6: Bill Voigt (4-5 Loss)
The game didn't matter because I already had the tournament wrapped up, which ends up being a good thing since I lost. I played slower than usual because I just had to keep the differential close to win the tournament and made a few mistakes because Bill was playing an unusual deck. In the end, he outlasted me by a couple turns helped mostly by the fact that my last three turns I didn't have anything to attack for.
(Attrition offense, Disappearing Lost Souls defense)
Tournament Result: 5-1 Record, 1st Place : Round three win against Nesfeder was one of my greatest games ever, Round four win against Gabe was one of my least enjoyable games ever (despite winning). I was hoping to win the tournament, but a 5-0 record after five rounds with a +24 differential and 0 lost souls surrendered by my defense was even better than I had hoped for.
Trade Count:
Hero Member
Posts: 3113
North Central Region
Re: 2008 Tournament Reports
Reply #4 on:
September 04, 2008, 06:14:14 PM »
Game 1: Isaac Wuest (5-0 Win)
Moses and The Strong Angel won my first four souls. Free-bees a couple times, also using Angel of the Lord and Sword of the Spirit to back them up. Transfiguration got my last soul.
(Teal offense, Sadducee defense)
Game 2: Cody Cox (5-1 Win)
The Strong Angel got a free soul early. Moses got one later. Angel of the Lord, Son of God, and New Jerusalem got the other three. Defense didn't come out smoothly so I was forced to tear a Haman's plot.
(Teal offense, black defense)
Game 3: Ben Campbell (5-1 Loss)
Never drew anything to deal with Joshua the High Priest (despite the fact he didn't draw Zerubbabel's Temple until he decked out). He didn't draw many lost souls for me, so I only had three opportunities to attack the entire game.
(Teal offense, small splash defense)
Game 4: Josh Pearson (5-2 Loss)
The Strong Angel served me well early building up a 3-1 lead. I played Burial on his Female only lost soul, so I could use Harvest Time against him, with Son of God in my hand for a 5-1 win if he couldn't have stopped the rescue. He used Son of God without NJ to stop the rescue, then Fell away the Lost souls card I had rescued. In the end I couldn't stop his King David who made his last three rescues with little opposition.
(Purple, White speed offense, stand alone defense)
Game 5: Matthew Anderson (5-4 Win)
Got a couple free lost souls with Widow before she was Writted. Opponent played Son of God and New Jerusalem really early. I had The Twelve-Fingered Giant and Household Idols out, but Ethiopian Treasurer, Authority of Christ (Promo), and Captured Ark got rid of them. Captain banding chain got two more for him before I got my dominants and used them (and provisions) to win.
(Banding offense, stand alone defense)
Game 6: Christian Kamke (5-3 Loss)
I let him take my Dragon Raid with Danites Attack after which he wisely let himself die (I could have negated it had he given me initiative). I wasted Holy Grail converting characters that didn't end up doing me any good. Which ended up being enough to lock me out. I couldn't stop his Michael for entirely too long, which kept me from being able to pull off a timeout.
(Silver offense, Black/Red Sites defense)
Game 7: Gil Kimmons (5-4 Loss)
Just like every other game I've played with Gil over the last six months.
(Gil's Deck)
Game 8 : Daniel Whitten (5-4 Loss)
A very early Hur/Gifts got his deck going quickly. I stalled for a few turns, but eventually I ended up with no answer for Faithful Servant who won three battles with Authority of Christ (Promo), Plague of Frogs, and Transfiguration.
(Standard Speed, Stand alone Defense)
Game 9 : Scott Anderson (6-1 Win)
The deck finally got back to functioning like I expected it to (for the first time since the second round). Free soul with Widow, Rescues with Provisions and King Amaziah, and I'm sitting at three waiting for Son of God and New Jerusalem. Unknown Nation got The Twelve-Fingered Giant out early which basically scared him off and kept him from attacking for most of the game. I eventually drew Son of God and used it to win...with three cards left in my draw pile.
(Speed/Banding Offense, Stand alone Defense)
Game 10: Ryan Ertmer (5-1 Win)
My biggest mistake in this game was not bringing out the dinosaurs for it. So instead of a fun interesting game, it was a fairly boring unmemorable win.
Tournament Result: 5-5 Record, 39th Place : There's really not much I can say. I came in hoping to place top three and pull off my third consecutive RNRS title. Instead I ended up having one of the worst tournaments of my life.
Season Results:
46 Wins, 10 Losses, 1 Tie
80 RNRS points
Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly, WildCard Secretary of Defense
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