Your Turn Games is excited and honored to host its first ever Redemption Southeast Regional Tournament!
Tournament Details:
Deck check-in: 9:30 AM
Start time: 10:00 AM
Categories of Play:
- Type 1 2-Player - $8.00
- Type 1 Multi-Player - $8.00
- Type 2 2-Player - $5.00
- Type 2 Multiplayer - $5.00
- Closed Deck (I/J starter decks and 3 Revelation of John booster packs) - $15.00
Promotional Cards and Prizes:
- All available Regional participant promos
- Harvest Time winner's promo
- Cloud of Witnesses prize packs
$5.00 per person for food
Contact Derek at 352-494-6949 or yourturngamesfl@gmail.com if you have any questions!