Author Topic: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Results Posted  (Read 7531 times)

Offline Redoubter

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2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Results Posted
« on: April 22, 2013, 01:55:29 AM »
Tournament Details
Status: Approved!
What: Regional Tournament
When: Friday June 7 through Saturday June 8, 2013
Where: Bel Air Church of the Nazarene 2430 Conowingo Road (US1) Bel Air, MD 21015
    Plenty of parking, please enter through the main entrance (look for the Redemption sign).

Host: Dayne Maust
Co-Hosts: Blake Maust, Shawn Capron

Official Supplier: Brad Coverdale

Cost: $15.00 to enter the tournament
No additional cost for Open Categories: T1-2P, T2-2P, T1-MP, T2-MP, Teams.
Additional cost for Closed Categories: $15.00 for Sealed (G/H, no Womens packs), $22.00 for Booster (Unlimited, Prophets, Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Angel Wars, Priests, Womens, TexP)

Tournament Promo: All Regional Promos
Winner Promo: King David
Winners' Prizes: Redemption Cash

Category Winners
Friday Morning               

Type 1 - Multi-Player
  • Josiah Beers
  • Matt Stupienski
  • Charles Johnson

Type 2 - Multi-Player
  • Jordan Alstad
  • Jerome Beers
  • Dayne Maust
Friday Afternoon             

Sealed Deck
  • Brad Coverdale
  • Brandon Wilson
  • Charles Horton

Type 2 - 2-Player
  • Jerome Beers
  • Alexander Olijar
  • Matt Sinclair
Saturday Morning             

Type 1 2-Player
  • Joshua Hartzler
  • Josiah Beers
  • Blake Maust
Saturday Afternoon           

Booster Draft
  • Alex Jacobs
  • Blake Maust
  • Charles Johnson

Teams (with players listed alphabetically on each team)
  • Team 1: Jordan Alstad, Joshua Hartzler
  • Yankees: Daniel Mele, Roberto Villanova
  • Team DC: Alexander Olijar, Matt Stupienski
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 04:25:58 PM by Redoubter »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Information and Answers!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 01:55:48 AM »
Church Sleeping Arrangements
Players may stay at the church Thursday June 6 and Friday June 7.  We will not be able to accommodate players on Saturday June 8 because of the church's schedule and the need to prepare for service, please make other arrangements for that night if needed.  You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here, as it were.

If you are staying overnight at the church, you may do so for free, thanks to the generosity of the church!  We will take up a collection, for those who are able to contribute, which will go to the church along with any proceeds of the tournament (to defray water, electricity, and other costs).  It is voluntary, so please do not feel pressured :)

There are a couple of couches, but all staying overnight must bring their own bedding of some type.  If you would request space for a family to stay together, please PM me as soon as you can so that we can make arrangements.

There are no showers available at this location.  Please bring your shower-on-a-stick (deodorant) and anything else you need for hygiene for the 1-2 nights you will be attending.

Hotel Options
For players who are not staying at the church, there are many reasonably-priced hotels within 10 miles of the location, and traffic is minimal.  We have been unable to have any commit to a 'group rate' for us, please contact me if you need more information on local options.

The closest airport is BWI Airport (which is a hub and has very low fares in general), under an hour drive away, and the closest rail station is Aberdeen Station, under a half hour drive away.  If you are looking to use one of these options and stay at the church, but could use some help getting to the church, please PM me ASAP.  We will attempt to work with you, if it ends up being possible to help you get there and back.

Food Availability
For those who would like to eat away from the church, there is a Royal Farms, a Burger King, and more within a 2 minute drive.  Sit-down restaurants in town are less than 10 minutes away, along with a mall and shopping if needed.

For those wanting to eat at the church, there will be lunch and dinner provided on Friday.  Lunch will be provided on Saturday.  Each meal will be made on location, and provided for a cost of $5.00.  Food options will be announced when determined.

There is also a plan for an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast on Saturday.  Details to follow!

Snacks and drinks may be available for purchase as well, pending finding a worker to run the stand.

Ground Rules
As always, keep the church clean.  The church has been gracious in allowing us use of the space, and it is important to be courteous.  Take care of your trash, don't leave belongings scattered around, and please be careful with food and drink.  We will have teen workers helping with cleaning, but they are no substitute for being proactive!

The church has daycare services (which is a different entity from the church itself) provided in one wing of the church, and the daycare will be active on Friday June 7.  For the safety of the children and in order to use the church, the following rules must be followed.  If you violate these rules, we may be forced to ask you to leave the tournament, for legal and insurance reasons.  PLEASE be respectful of the daycare's wishes:
  • Do not enter the Childrens' Wing.  It will be clearly marked, and is off-limits for the entire duration of the tournament.
  • Due to legal and insurance concerns, please do not interact with the daycare children.  They will be in their own space during the tournament, and there will be limited potential for a problem but we must issue the request.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 11:14:26 PM by Redoubter »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Information and Answers!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 01:56:07 AM »
Thursday, June 6
Early Arrivals, Overnight Stay
Those who wish to stay at the church may arrive starting at 6:00pm.  Please do not arrive earlier, due to the schedule of the church.

Potential activities: Type 3 Presentation, with possible tournament.

Friday, June 7
Type 1 - MP vs Type 2 - MP
Sealed vs Type 2 - 2P

Registration and deck checks begin at 9:00am.

Morning Session
Begins at 10:00am
Type 1 - MP OR Type 2 - MP

12:30pm - 2:00pm

Afternoon Rounds:
Begins at 2:00pm
Sealed OR Type 2 - 2P

Saturday, June 8
Type 1 - 2P
Booster vs Teams

Registration and deck checks begin at 9:00am.

Morning Session
Begins at 10:00am
Type 1 - 2P

1:30pm - 2:30pm OR 2:30pm - 3:30pm (depends on turnout and number of rounds)

Afternoon Rounds:
Begins at 2:30pm OR 3:30pm
Booster OR Teams

Awards Ceremony:
Between 7:00pm and 8:00pm (depends on turnout and number of rounds)

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Information and Answers!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2013, 01:56:33 AM »

Please take the time to Pre-Register for 2013 Northeast Regionals if you plan to attend.  We are not collecting fees before Regionals, so simply follow the instructions if you may be coming.  We would rather you register and have to cancel later if your plans change, as we want to prepare for the maximum number of attendees.  We are also unable to guarantee a seat at the Sealed Category if you do not pre-register.  We should be able to accommodate everyone, but in the case that demand overwhelms supply, it will be first-come first-serve, with Pre-Registered entries all being honored.

Please note that we will be raffling off a SEALED 2nd Edition Gift Set at Regionals*!  You receive an entry just for Pre-Registering!  You will also receive one Angel Wars pack when you arrive if you Pre-Registered!

To register, please either PM me or e-mail me with the following form.  Please include a separate entry for each person who will be registering/playing a category.

Pre-Registration closes at 1200 hours on Thursday 6/6/2013.

Player Information
Full Name:
Full Address:
Contact Phone Number:
Username/E-mail Address:
Age on June 7, 2013:

Please choose ONE option in each:
June 7 Morning Category - Type 1 MP / Type 2 MP / Not Playing:
June 7 Afternoon Category - Sealed / Type 2 2P / Not Playing:
June 8 Morning Category - Type 1 2P / Not Playing:
June 8 Afternoon Category - Booster Draft / Teams / Not Playing:

Lodging and Non-Players
Please only note Non-Player attendees on one pre-registration form, not for each player they will be coming with.
Number of Non-Player Attendees:
Will anyone be staying at the Church?  Yes/No
     If Yes:
          Which nights [Thursday June 7, Friday June 8]?
          How many people will need lodging?
          Will you be requesting use of 'family' space?
Will you be eating at the church for your Lunches and Dinners ($5.00 for each meal ticket)? Yes/No
     If Yes:
          Which meals [Lunch June 7, Dinner June 7, Lunch June 8]?
          Are there any food allergies or special considerations for attendees? (Please provide details)

Any Notes or Questions?
*All hosts, co-hosts, suppliers, and their direct family members are ineligible to win any raffle.

The following people have pre-registered:

Redoubter (I should hope so...that would be embarrassing) + 1 Player on/off the Boards
Korunks + 1 Player off the Boards
DDiceRC + 1 Player off the Boards
Spiritual Warfare
The Marti
jmbeers + 1 Player off the Boards
TechnoEthoist + 1 Player off the Boards
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 11:49:23 AM by Redoubter »

Offline Jmbeers

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Information and Answers!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2013, 07:44:22 AM »
Man I really hope ill be back for this,

If I'm home you guys are my backyard, I'd hate to miss regionals when they are so close to me.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - Information and Answers!
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 10:12:18 PM »
Man I really hope ill be back for this,

If I'm home you guys are my backyard, I'd hate to miss regionals when they are so close to me.

I'm definitely going on Saturday.
xbox live gamertag: CjZeppy
aliases: Zeppy, Chadwick, Chad-a-lac

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 09:53:14 PM »
Please see the new information on Pre-Registration!  And PLEASE Pre-Register so we have a better count!

As stated above, by entering you will receive an Angel Wars pack and an entry into a drawing for a SEALED 2nd Edition Gift Set!

Also, if you have not already, please vote for the Booster style.  I will be closing voting and making a decision Monday, May 6.

Thank you!

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 09:23:29 PM »
Voting for Booster has been closed, and is included above.  Please pre-register now that all information is available for tournament costs :)

Thank you!

Offline Korunks

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 09:39:54 PM »
Pm sent for pre-registration!

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2013, 01:38:56 PM »
Registration sent via email.

I mentioned to Redoubter, but I'll also let everyone else who is going know that I would appreciate any help to and from BWI (Thursday, around 11 PM, and Sunday Morning, around 10 AM) as well as any possible lodging for Saturday night on a couch/futon/concrete floor. I have no problem renting a car and staying at a hotel if that won't work for anyone, but anyway I can save money would be great.

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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2013, 01:49:22 PM »
I'm theoretically going on Saturday. This is the first weekend of the summer program in DC I am doing. I am 100% confident I can't go Friday, but I think Saturday is a free day. I can get the metro as far as it goes - I know Brad mentioned he lives near there, but if it wouldn't work with him, do you think there's anyone who would be able to grab me saturday morning/friday night (not sure on complete details)?


Offline TechnoEthicist

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2013, 02:03:11 PM »
Gretel and I were planning on staying at the church overnight Friday as we are continuing our vacation to Phily Saturday evening. (The church is about 1hr north of our apartment). If you were coming up on Friday (even late), you could take the MARC train from Union Station to (I can't remember what station is near Dayne's church). Otherwise you are stuck with Amtrak, which isn't cheap sadly.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2013, 06:09:30 PM »
Registration sent via email.

I mentioned to Redoubter, but I'll also let everyone else who is going know that I would appreciate any help to and from BWI (Thursday, around 11 PM, and Sunday Morning, around 10 AM) as well as any possible lodging for Saturday night on a couch/futon/concrete floor. I have no problem renting a car and staying at a hotel if that won't work for anyone, but anyway I can save money would be great.

Working on options locally, I'll be in touch :)

If you were coming up on Friday (even late), you could take the MARC train from Union Station to (I can't remember what station is near Dayne's church).

I've done the MARC a lot, and on a weeknight like Friday, you can catch a train from Union Station (or others) up to Aberdeen for around $9.00 (at least last time I rode), with the last train leaving around 8:30pm.  Getting back is a little harder though, because only AMTRAK runs on the weekends, and that is more.  Let me know if you need more info.

Offline DDiceRC

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2013, 06:24:41 PM »
I'm not absolutely certain we'll make it, but I hope to come down for Saturday and Booster. Jon will probably be too tired after the prom the night before, but I might have the other two kids with me if I come.
Redemption Curmudgeon
"If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God..." (2 Cor. 5:13a)


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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2013, 11:34:47 AM »
I will most likely come to see all of the people I love from this great Northeast Region! I plan on being there on Friday morning until sometime Friday afternoon/early evening, for those of you who want to see The Marti ;)

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2013, 12:27:32 PM »
I will most likely come to see all of the people I love from this great Northeast Region! I plan on being there on Friday morning until sometime Friday afternoon/early evening, for those of you who want to see The Marti ;)

Look forward to seeing you there :) Been awhile!

On a side note about Pre-Registration:

We will be playing G/H for the Sealed, as the new set will not be used for this tournament.  Due to the supply available to us of G/H sets, I must announce that if you do not pre-register for Sealed, I cannot guarantee your seat for Sealed.  We will almost certainly have enough supply for anyone who wants to play, but in the extremely unlikely event that a mass of people suddenly want to play Sealed that did not let me know, all pre-registered attendees will be guaranteed seats, and then it will be first-come first-serve after that.

Thank you!

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2013, 01:41:46 PM »
I can bring up to four full G/H decks (used) to lend for Sealed if necessary.
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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2013, 09:18:29 PM »
Wow, did not notice you actually had pre-registered a lot earlier.  An invasion from MN? -- lol

Looking forward to seeing you, Prof. Alstad!
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2013, 10:32:39 AM »
Wow, did not notice you actually had pre-registered a lot earlier.  An invasion from MN? -- lol

Looking forward to seeing you, Prof. Alstad!

Not sure if I'd call it an invasion, as it will just be me. But I guess I can be pretty intimidating... ;)
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2013, 06:06:10 PM »
I think I should be able to come. I know I'm free on Saturday, and it looks like I should be free by noon on Friday. If I were to take the MARC up, what station am I looking for? Would someone be able to get me in the afternoon (potentially during categories)? Is the station close to the church?

EDIT: It looks like I'm pretty sure I can make it by 3 PM based on the metro schedules, etc, so if you would be willing to delay the second grouping starting, I'd love to participate.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 06:30:57 PM by Alex_Olijar »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2013, 09:46:53 PM »
EDIT: It looks like I'm pretty sure I can make it by 3 PM based on the metro schedules, etc, so if you would be willing to delay the second grouping starting, I'd love to participate.

I would prefer to put it off until a little bit later myself, just to allow more school-age children in the area to come if they want (know 1-2 this may affect), but I may have no choice.  If we get a decent turnout, delaying too much will cause it to go rather late, and mess with the dinner plans.

The station would be Aberdeen.  I'm not sure who'd be able to get you (I cannot leave, and I'm usually the gopher ;)), but if it is after lunch, I may have someone.  Please PM me if you don't hear back by Monday.

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2013, 10:01:44 PM »
I can volunteer to pick you up, Alex.  I was planning on heading out Friday morning and arriving around the start of the second session anyway.  Looking at the map, should be pretty easy for me just to swing by that station and get you.

Redoubter, PM'ing you shortly with my registration info.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2013, 10:07:33 PM »
I can volunteer to pick you up, Alex.  I was planning on heading out Friday morning and arriving around the start of the second session anyway.  Looking at the map, should be pretty easy for me just to swing by that station and get you.

Redoubter, PM'ing you shortly with my registration info.

Why don't you PM me your cell number, and I can shoot you a text when I'm on my way so I know my exact arrival time, and give you a call when I arrive?

Offline Redoubter

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2013, 11:13:03 PM »

1. If you have not pre-registered, please do so ASAP!  We are less than a week away, and not only do you get an entry in the raffle (see above for more detains), but I can plan this thing better :)

2. I have added something to the meal section for Saturday morning that I think may become very popular...interested to see reactions on that ;)

3. If you are still in need of help with transport or lodging outside of what the church can provide, you need to post immediately.  I cannot guarantee anything, but I will do my best to help out where I can.

Offline DDiceRC

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Re: 2013 Northeast Regionals - Bel Air, MD - PRE-REGISTER NOW!!!
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2013, 12:02:43 AM »
I don't know if I preregistered or not, but we'll have three coming-myself, my son Robert, and my daughter Stefanie. Saturday only. Depending on what time breakfast is and how early we get on the road, we might be interested. :) (If I didn't pre-reg, let me know and I'll do it ASAP.)
Redemption Curmudgeon
"If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God..." (2 Cor. 5:13a)


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