Which one would you prefer?
- Tin with 7 booster packs (Womens instead of Angel Wars)
5 (12.2%)
- Tin with 7 current booster packs
1 (2.4%)
- All 7 current packs with Womens pack
2 (4.9%)
- 6 booster packs (without Angel Wars), TxP & Disciples
10 (24.4%)
- Tin with 6 booster packs (without Angel Wars) & TxP or Disciple
5 (12.2%)
- Original, Prophets, Kings, Priests, TxP, Disciples & Womens
18 (43.9%)
Total Members Voted: 39
Voting closed: August 08, 2012, 09:40:30 PM
Topic: 2012 Nationals Booster Draft (VOTE NOW!) (AGAIN!) (Read 9311 times)