Author Topic: 2011 NC Regionals Report  (Read 1614 times)


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2011 NC Regionals Report
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:33:10 PM »
Sunday Night: T2 Multi

Like all year, I've been playing a Silver-Tomb and Pharisee deck with some magician splash and orange (don't expect that at nats, I'm stealing Nathan Voight's offense. That was brilliant). On paper, it seems like this thing rocks. I got third at IA State and second at the T2 only with a version of the deck, but it hasn't done as well as I wanted it too. It seems like the ratios are just off: I have Sabbath Breakers, Pretensions, and Proud Pharisees, but it never seems to draw correctly. The offense seems really frail. One Covenant Of Abraham sounds like it'd absolutely destroy it; although I haven't seen it yet so it seems like I shouldn't be that worried. Phillies with GMAN seem like they'd roll over it, but I can't test that until nationals.

Game 1: Gabe Isbell, Ken Lockin, Jonathan W
I drew no heroes for the first ~4 turns, despite having 18 in the deck while using multiple Pretensions and The Bronze Laver. Eventually I got two of my angels, who I don't have enhancement support for, and attacked Ken twice trying to get free souls, beings Gabe was at like 2 or 3 and Jonathan had at least one; so I was hoping that he'd want to save his defense. He unfortunately captured both my heroes. Gabe wrecked us to an extent; he got his characters up early with some great drawing, and you can't do much to stop it. Jonathan got a couple of free souls with TSA, and he also played SOG NJ before gathering TSA. When he got that TSA back he decided not to attack with it, for some reason. That gave me a chance to flip up Holy of Holies. In the end, Gabe- 7, Ken-2, Me-3, Jonathan-4.

Game 2: Craig Fountain, Scott Reuter, Jason Chandler
This game started out strangely. I got out to the early lead but was then got Falling Away played on me (hint: Every Falling Away played was on me ;D). I don't remember much early game, Craig ended up playing 2 ANBs after playing Benedictus. Eventually I felt that I was really far ahead, as in I'd win even if they all teamed up on me provided that someone would have a soul for me to rescue. But then I played Mayhem with RBD up because I'm a terrible player. Then I went into srs mode because I realized that I probably couldn't win the game. I had to give out a few free souls, but eventually I was able to draw a couple Proud Pharisees and a Pharisee. I was able to block with them a couple times, which ended up drawing my Son of God for the victory. Final score: Me-7, Craig-6, Jason-5, Scott-3. (Craig and Jason might be switched around)

Game 3: Jordan Alstad, Bill Voight, Jeremy Volk
I don't remember a lot about this game, so you should ask someone else. I did make one sweet play that didn't work (I don't remember why): The only person I thought I could rescue against was Jordan, and the only soul he had was the first round protect, still the first round, and he had a Prince of the Air sitting in his territory. I Holy Grail'd my Proud Pharisee to white and attacked with it. After drawing, I played He is Risen before the battle to set aside his Prince and band my Angel of Warning into battle. Final Score: I have no idea but Jordan won which won him the tournament.

12AM-3AM Monday Morning: 20+ PERSON PERKINS RUN. Fun times. Thanks to John Nesfederer for the free food.

Monday Morning: T1-2p
I was playing my noobkiller deck. Before this I only played it in 6 games, where it went 4-2, losing to Gabe Isbell (blow-out) and Tim Maly (very very close).

Game 1: Maddy Reuter
This was a really fast game. I got MMoJ band or something that walked in uncontested. Final Score: 5-1

Game 2: Aaron Wsomethingoranother
I knew I had this game won after seeing my opening draw and realizing I get to go first. Gates of Hell, Fishing Boat, Phillip, MMoJ, Wall of Protection, Gomer, James son of A, Mayhem. I did make a mistake of not deactivating my Lampstand and playing Falling Away after he played his SOG, beings I didn't want to get Falling Away'd myself. Too bad I was so tired at the time I wasn't thinking; I could have easily held off his rescue for the extra turn it would have taken me due to being Falling Away'd, assuming he even had it. Oh well. Final Score: 5-1


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Re: 2011 NC Regionals Report
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 05:33:57 PM »
Game 3: Tim Maly
This was the top table. By Tim and I sat Gabe Isbell and John Earley. Scary stuff. I had a fairly good opening draw, topped off by Philip and Matthew, so I was feeling good. I attacked with Philip and banded to Bart, but Tim blocked me with Nebuchadnezzar's Pride. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Tim Mayhem'd when my hand was finally getting set up, including my New Jerusalem. I am glad that I made one clever play: I had to decide whether to attack with Bart or Susana. I knew Tim's defense was almost out and there was no way he could block Bart, but I had no enhancements for Susy. I knew the only way for me to win was to draw my SOG/NJ, so this choice was really tough. Tim had Unholy Writ up and I had Covenant with Palestine, but I didn't have Lampstand yet. I deactivated my Writ and activated Captured Ark. He DON'd it so I did the logical thing and attacked with Susy. It eventually just came down to Tim drawing his SOG. Final Score: 3-5. I was really disappointed by this game beings I think I played well, which is rare. I made one small mistake that wouldn't have affected the outcome of the game, and even after the tournament I don't really want to change my deck, but I still lost. I guess that's how it goes down sometimes :(. Although Tim did say he liked Covenant of Palestine more then Blue Tassels in my deck: first top player that agreed with my choice. ROCK ON TIM!

Game 4: Josh Brinkman
This was an uneventful game. I walked in for some free TGT rescues and then played SOG/NJ. Final Score: 5-2

Game 5: Steven (Stephen?) Nesfederer
Before this, the only game Steven and I played was a a blow-out at 2010 NC Regionals where I won 5-0 in like 4 turns. This one was equally as one sided. He got a first turn Mayhem. I didn't make a rescue for the longest time, I'm not exactly sure why. Either because there were no lost souls, I had no heroes, or dom blocks. At one point the only enhancements I had in my hand were Consider the Lillies and He is Risen, but he had an Amalekites Slave out. I thought I was being really clever when I played Consider the Lillies, grabbed Preaching the Truth, and attacked with Thaddeus (2 disciples out). He was more clever by blocking with Slave and searching for Damsel with Spirit Divination. I forgot to discard Preaching the Truth at the end of my turn, so I didn't attack my next turn either. Final Score: 1-5

Game 6: ??? Carlson
This was a really weird game. My draw wasn't the greatest, but it this game was fairly long (only game that I decked out). My opponent just wasn't aggressive enough, he got a first turn Bart but didn't attack. Had he attacked with Bart for the first 3 turns of the game he would have rescued 3 souls. I kept BC'ing with Matthew or Susana which he didn't accept, so I went through my deck pretty quickly. Final Score: 5-0

I didn't stay for Booster/Teams. Matt and Bill would have beaten me easily though, so it doesn't matter. Big thanks to Gabe and Kevin for putting up with us. And Jordan for the ride to Perkins. And Bill for making the ride to Perkins fun.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 05:37:21 PM by Rawrlolsauce! »

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Re: 2011 NC Regionals Report
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 09:47:30 PM »
That Perkins ride was stuff of legend.
Bill: "Let's drive all the way back to the church because we forgot where to turn."
Bill: "Let's drive around the roundabout over and over!"

Good job on the deck though.

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Re: 2011 NC Regionals Report
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 10:23:50 PM »
Bill: "Let's drive around the roundabout over and over!"

funny, thats exactly what our driver said on the drive to perkins as well.
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad


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