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Topic: 2010 Ohio State Tournament (Read 2443 times)
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2010 Ohio State Tournament
April 26, 2010, 09:18:17 AM »
Here are the official results of
The Ohio State Tournament!
(Moved fromt he Ohio Tournaments Thread)
26 people in attendance over 2 days. (10 that attended their FIRST State Trournament!!)
Person who traveled the Farthest to Play.(3 way tie)
- David Eom
- Hyun Tae
- Jake Lee Jue Wook
(All originally coming from Seoul, South Korea via Oakdale Academy in Jackson, KY courtesy of Prof Underwood.)
I had a great time although it was a bit stressful at times trying to get all the categories completed.
Results are posted below. I will encourage each person to post their winning decks and make game summary reports.
Results for Categories
Closed Deck -
1st - Jonathan Pequinot
2nd - Matt Archibald
3rd - Steven Shyers
Booster Draft
1st -Caleb Clark
2nd -Allen Collins
3rd -Andrew Wills
Type 1 - 2 Player
1st -Jonathan Greeson
2nd -(tie) Mark Underwood/Jonathan Pequinot
3rd -Steven Shyers
Type 1 - Multiplayer
1st -Mark Underwood
2nd -David Eom
3rd -Drew Wills / Shane Rose
Type 1 - Teams
1st -Matthew Archibald & Jonathan Pequinot
2nd -Allen Collins and Rebeccah Collins
3rd - Mark Underwood and Jake Lee Jue Wook
Type 2 - 2 Player
1st -Matthew Archibald
2nd -Jonathan Pequinot
3rd -Jordan Young
Type 2 - Multiplayer
1st -Matthew Archibald
2nd -Andrew Wills
3rd -Jonathan Greeson
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Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #1 on:
April 26, 2010, 09:26:17 AM »
I think it's sooooo cool that we are getting players from Korea! And not just any Korea either -
Korea. (It's like Korea...but
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.
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East Central Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #2 on:
April 26, 2010, 10:03:52 AM »
Hey Matt I'd be interested in how you set up your tournament. As in what time did you play each category, how many rounds, how much time did you allow, I need to figure out how to space categories better considering I just got several new ones!
The Schaef
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Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #3 on:
April 26, 2010, 10:12:17 AM »
He scheduled booster on Friday night. The big meanie.
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Midwest Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #4 on:
April 26, 2010, 11:14:39 AM »
Here is how I laid out the Categories. i did booster on Friday for a couple of reasons, 1 I only had stock for 20 and I didnt want to get caught with too little stock. I figured that If I did it on Friday It might suprress the turnout and leave me in the clear. As it was we had 16 play booster. If I had played it on Saturday I might not have had enough!
I took a page from your playbook and did sealed deck as a round robin. This was a BAD idea. First of all many people were confused as to when to sign up and such and some signed up and then had to leave early (after I told them they had to make sure they could stay) so it caused problems with completeing the games. I enjoyed being able to play in another category (that I ALMOST WON..more on that later) but it was huge headache. For a district it should be fine but not for a state or Regional. I would suggest having a dedicated time and playing swiss for sealed deck.
(real times)
Friday April 23rd
Booster Draft
7:30 Booster Draft (drafting and deck building)
8:30 Round 1
9:30 round 2
10:30 round 3 (if necessary)
Type 2-Multiplayer
12:30 - Round 1
2:00 - Round 2 (if necessary)
I got home about 4:30 that night..UGH!
Sealed Deck Will be held througout the Tournament. We will play "swiss style" rounds equal to one less than the number of participants in the category...AKA "Round Robin" You pick up the games in your down time between categories. This gives people something to do in their down time and also frees up another spot for that elusive 7th category.
***The last chance to register and enter the Sealed Deck Category will be Saturday morning by 9:00.***
First group - Type 1- 2 player
10:00 - Deck Check in
10:15 - Round 1
11:10 - Round 2
12:00 - Round 3
12:50 - Round 4
1:40 - Round 5 (if Necessary) ( it was necessary)
Lunch 12:15-12-45
Second Group - Type 1 multiplayer or Type II-2 player
Type 1 Multiplayer
3:30 - Round 1
4:40 - Round 2
5:45 - Round 3
Type II -2 Player
4:00 - Round 1
5:30 - Round 2
Third Group - TEAMS
7:00 Round 1
8:30 Round 2
9:45 Round 3
Final Awards @ 11:15ish
We finished at 11:00ish that night and I got home about 12:30 after I cleaned up the church.
I was exhaused
Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 12:23:11 PM by crustpope
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soul seeker
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Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #5 on:
April 26, 2010, 12:00:37 PM »
I would highly advise that you also post the real times, and not just the scheduled times because the scheduled times are misleading. You were WAY late on several of the categories. I think that it would be helpful to him to see real times with his time allotment planning.
Plus, I thought you did a great job of hosting states.
*EDIT* Double post warning because of the character limit.
Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 12:09:05 PM by soul seeker
noob with a medal
soul seeker
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Northeast Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #6 on:
April 26, 2010, 12:07:46 PM »
Here are my personal experiences/results for the OH State tournament as Matt requested from another thread.
Because of visiting, I could only sign up for the round robin style for Sealed Deck on Fri.
Sealed Deck:
My 3 packs weren't that great in helping my starter. I was able to trade for a few cards, but I thought my deck was mediocre at best. It turned out mediocre as I went 3 and 3. However, I would like to mention that 2 of my games were lost because of mistakes credited to fatigue. In one game (the same day I was up at 5 AM & traveled all day--the game was played at 3:30 AM), I didn't add my numbers..I just assumed it was enough. Had I held that enhancment, I had a block the next turn. I'm not saying I would have won (it was early in the game), but I felt like an idiot for not correctly adding #s. The 2nd game was even dumber, it was the next day and I only had 3 hours sleep after being up 24 straight hours. The opponent had NO answer for my red dragon or my offense and I didn't block with the red dragon. I was severely disappointed. I wanted that game back: it would have made me 4-2 and in contention for third. Lesson learned: Get plenty of sleep when playing in huge tourneys.
Type 2 Multiplayer:
Though being tired, I didn't want to sit around being bored while waiting on my ride (which was the host). So I asked to borrow a deck. I managed to finish third through the fatigue and an unknown deck. I can't really post the deck because I don't know it intimately; the best I can offer is that it was FBTN with prophet/ANB help. The D was a combo of Mocking soldiers with Emporers D. I probably could have done better without some of my mistakes. Overall, it did alleviate my boredom and keep me awake through the rest of Fri. night.
Type 1, 2 Player
This is the 1 category that I really didn't want to make dumb mistakes in. I planned to play & then hit the road back to NY, so I gave it my best. I brought 3 decks, but I would start with my top deck until it lost. (the other 2 were a fun Abom deck, and a sitelock: which really isn't my style) I was able to concentrate and not make any silly mistakes. The first game was against a new player, but he snuck 2 lost souls on me...I could have waited for my FA because I had about decked, but I didn't want to do that to a new player. Ironically, that kindness in a tournament would almost cost me. The end of the tournament would come down to lost soul differential, and I gave up 1 for the sake of a players feelings. There truly is a delicate balance between fun & fellowship and competition. I think it is a very gray area. To win or not to win.
My next opponent was Prof Underwood. My deck drew out well, and my D held more than I thought it would against his particular offense. In fact, Mark pointed out at the end of the game that his offense didn't snag one lost soul. It seemed unbelievable but the score doesn't lie. He told me afterward that he knew he was in trouble when he saw my O & D. His fears proved true.
My third opponent was galadgawyn (spelling?). This game was close, but he had a little help with the ultimate Defense (not drawing lost souls). However, he played a unique style deck (which Jonathan likes to do) and he played it well. He made a few gambles that didn't pay off. I believe this was my 2nd game that I won without playing SoG. I struggled getting my SoG in a lot of my games or I would get it and I would have to Mayhem it just to get my opponents to draw a lost soul. My D held enough to avoid those lost soul droughts.
My 4th game was against last year's OH state champion, and we were the last 2 undefeated players. Of what I heard about his deck, it was going to come down to the draw. He outdrew me, but if I could get 1 of 3 cards then I would have crippled him. Unfortunately, I never saw 2 of the 3 cards, and the other came very late in the game. I made one potential "hindsight" mistake, but it's hard to tell if it was a mistake so early in the game and he had 12 cards. I think he would have got me that particular battle. Overall, I did what I could but the draw was his and I lost 5-3.
Going into the final game, I needed Jonathan P. to win huge and I had to win huge. I faced someone whose D did not count on my kind of O and I won easily. I had done my part. The OH guys decided to prank me and say Jonathan had lost. Turns out...Jonathan did his part and I got first.
Because the event ran long, I had to quickly give out my hugs, grab my winnings, and leave. I'm thankful for my gracious wife who waited 2 1/2 extra hours and she drove the first 2 hours of our trip. I'm thankful for Matt who allowed my family to crash at his place. I'm thankful for the OH & KY players for the fun and fellowship that I had. I hope to see you guys's always great to see and play against your former region's players.
noob with a medal
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Midwest Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #7 on:
April 27, 2010, 08:51:13 AM »
My tournament Report
As host, much of the tournament is a blur but I will do my best.
Booster draft
…I can’t remember much of anything. We had quite a few participating (16, I believe) I don’t remember getting anything spectacular on offense in my draft. I did get 2 Proud Pharisees and 2 copies of High Priest Caiaphas along with a 1/3 Pharisee so I had a pretty stout defense. My offense was green/gold but if I remember, the player to my right drew only a few LS’s so I ran out of souls to rescue. Caleb won at my table.
Second round I cant remember much about. I didn’t win, place or show in this category and I didn’t get much to celebrate in the draft so it was kind of a fizzle experience for me.
Type II multiplayer.
Me, Andrew Wills, Jonathan Greeson, Jonathan Pequinot, Rebeccah Collins, and Mark Underwood
First Round it was me, Jonathan and Mark Underwood. This game was very entertaining and it was also very close. I let Greeson use my multiplayer deck and I used a deck I had designed for two player…the problem is that it did not contain a Guardian. At least one FA was played on me but the highlight of the game was Mark and Jonathan’s “discussion” about making bad decisions in playing the game. At one point in the game, Mark did something to Jonathan (CM’ed a hero or something) and Jonathan claimed that that was a bad play and proceeded to expound on the reasons why he felt so. He further decided to illustrate the bad play by making Mark the target of his doms and attacks. Then they both started attacking each other. Amazingly Jonathans defense held out really well since I thought it might be to my benefit to attack him as well. I think that this game ended up in a time out win by me. Mark and I tied for 1.5 apiece. 1 ANB was played
The final table was Mark, Me and Andrew Wills. We were all playing crimson defense so my provisions were pretty much useless on their own since I couldn’t just provision a big guy and give them a small guy for me to beat up. Andrew helped me out quite a bit by attacking me with a Nebuchadneezer and swift horses. I got to search for a battle winner, draw 2 and then play next. That helped me draw a few extra cards. I didn’t get to search too often but it was during one of those searches that I found out my guardian was MIA. (that is what you get for playing in a multiplayer game with a deck designed for someone else!)
I ended up with a time out win in this game for a score of 3.5. Andrew tied for second with Mark giving him 3.5 as well but I won due to head to head matchup. Jonathan got third with his win at the “losers” table for 3 points.
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Midwest Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #8 on:
April 27, 2010, 11:11:57 AM »
Sealed Deck
I got jobbed in this category…big time. I only lost one game and that was to Jonathan Pequinot’s AMAZING deck. Seriously, this draft was ridiculous. He got a Kings Captain, Gathering, Angel of might (first strike) Captains sword among many other goodies. H is defense had the gold brigade king that looks in your hand and removes a white enhancement from the game along with besieging the city, Moses kills the Egytian…It was ridiculous..
Well he beat me 5-4 so I almost got him but a timid defense on my part and a lost soul drought on his part helped seal my fate. The other game of note was my game against Greeson. I made an RA with Moses with plenty of #’s and he blocked with someone I cant remember and ran up a bunch of defense only to fall 1 short of the block. I pulled some more gold enhancements a few turns later but by then the juggernaut that was Moses was too much to stop. It was a late game and he chalked it up to being tired…and I let it go at that
Anyway, I ended with one loss, 15 points and +10 LS differential. Pequinot ended with one loss 15 points and a +6 LS differential…..and he WON due to the head to head loss I took to him. AAARRGHH! Oh well, second place…the first loser … woe is me …
Type 1-2 player
This category was awesome. We had 20 people playing and had to go 5 rounds. I won my first two rounds decisively. In the third round I played Steven Shyers who was the defending Ohio State Tournament Champion. He played a defenseless Genesis speed deck with sites for site lockout. I played a speedy version of Abom. His lack of characters proved a bit problematic, but not overly so. As soon as Abom came out I was able to start nuking his sites to gain access, but by then he had a 3-0 lead on me. He was able to squeak out a win with a Benjamin rescue that I could not stop.
My fourth round game I played the loser of Greeson and Pequinot. He was playing a white ladies deck that was defenseless as well. His draw was ridiculous and I couldn’t find Abom in time. If I had gained site access, I would have won pretty easily in both of those games, I guess I really need to add more access. I won my final game for a score of 9 points and a differential of somewhere around +8ish. I would have liked to have had a shot a playing Jonathan and if I had been able to beat Steven, I would have contended for the top spot. Not knowing what his deck is, I am not sure how it would have gone. But I am SURE that jonathan thinks he would have won either way
Type 2-2 player.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Jonathan Pequinot has been terrorizing the type 2 community with his destruct-o deck for the past year. I personally have had my entire deck discarded by him about 10 times this year so I am very familiar with it and have built entire decks just to counter it. I have only beaten him twice in tournaments…both times due to misplays by him. this time I decided to imitate the master.
There were only 4 people playing type 2 (most opting out to play type 1 multi which ran at the same time) so it was me, Jonathan, Rebeccah Collins and one of my students Jordan Young. Jordan has been playing for about 6 months and he was using one of my decks. He got the unfortunate draw of going up against Pequinot first round. He was vaguely familiar with the concept of the deck but he played beautifully against it. He stopped the combo not once, not twice, but Three times and prevented Jonathan from accomplishing the deck discard. Jordan won a time out victory 2-1. I beat Rebecca 7-3 using my copy of the Destruct-O deck which combed off after about 7 rounds.
I used to play with only one type 2 deck. It is a Prophets offense and the defense varies (currently it is crimson). But recently began playing with 2 decks. One deck is a copy of Jonathan Pequinot’s Destruct-O deck. The other is a counter to his destruct-o deck ( I could play his own deck against him but it would be real boring and we would just pass back and forth until we drew the cards we needed to combo off.) Today I would not have to use the counterdeck because I would not have to play Pequinot.
In the second round, I combed off against Jordan after about 8 rounds and eventually won the game. Jonathan beat Rebeccah and got 2nd place while Jordan got third due to his 2 points in the first round. This was very satisfying…since it was Jonathan Pequinot who kept me from winning Sealed deck due to the head to head matchup!
Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 12:23:15 PM by crustpope
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Midwest Region
Re: 2010 Ohio State Tournament
Reply #9 on:
April 27, 2010, 12:29:24 PM »
For Teams I teamed up with my type 2 Nemesis, Jonathan Pequinot. We had 7 teams playing this category and we had to go three rounds to get a winner. First round Jonathan and I had a bye. The second round we played Allen and Rebecca Collins.
I have two pairs of teams decks already sleeved up and ready to go. One is a smashmouth FBTN offense with a brown defense. The other is a teal priest speed deck with a standalone/site lockout defense. We played smashmouth and realized 5 minutes into the game that we should have probably played the speed deck. This game was agonizingly slow and we ended up with at 3-2 time out win.
With 5 points after three rounds, we didn’t think much of our chances. Mark Underwood and his partner Jake Lee Jue Wook had won two straight games. We went into the game and the RA’s began with Jonathan Pequinot and went like this Moses (martyred), Mark RA’ed with TSA, (martyred). I rescued with another Moses (no block but buried? Or FA?) Jake Rescued with ANOTHER Moses and he was blocked. Moses made three of the four RA’s at the first round. AS is turned out, I would need no other heroes. Moses won 3 of our LS’s
Mark and Jake jumped out to a 3-1 lead pretty quick and a few turns later they added the 4th one. After that, the Defense was pretty stout. I ripped a Plot on them and with that combinations of Gib Trick, taking access sites, Threatened Lives and other nasty tricks, we kept them running in circles for the rest of the game. We won 5-4 with moses winning the 4th LS and SoG winning the game.
Allen and Rebeccah ended up winning the game and sneaking into 2nd place with 7 points. Mark and Jake slipped to 3rd with 6 points.
Teams is really growing on me. Especially if you have decks with a lot of synergy. There were defifnite improvements that need to be made to my teams decks, but overall, I really liked they way they worked out.
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