I think the NW group will be dwindling next year. I'll be in San Diego going to school, Scott/TJ stamp are quitting. This leaves Josh Randolph's playgroup, which is good sized but I don't know how active they'll be next year.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, yes it's for the most part true. Basically, I am hanging up my host hat until 1/1/10. At that point I'll re-evaluate the future. I may host a tournament or two, but if I do, it will be at Josh's church, and that's only if he doesn't move. If Josh moves we can safely say that Redemption NW will ride into the sunset. If 777Godspeed ever moves to Medford, we may see the NW rise again.
Reasons are many, but the main one is that I need to use my hobby money for more fishing. The Bassmaster is itching to get out in his new boat more often, and that takes money. To be honest, my wife is very happy I'm quitting. Though I did tell her not to expect me at home watching chick flicks since I'd be out on my boat. She said as long as I was doing some activity fit for a man my age.
(Pfft, I'll never grow up!)
But at least I get to go out in style by attending Nats on the West Coast!
That is, as long as players buy stuff from my soon-to-be sale thread. Keep an eye out!