Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
Quick questions.First, is there an iron man event? If so what is that? Second what's the entry fee for getting into a tournament? Third, what level of tournament is this?
The winners of each category will also win TLG Champion play mat, donated by Travis.
What were the results?
Hey All,As the largest (non-Nationals) gathering of Type-2 players, one of the questions that always comes up following Wild Bill's Type 2 Only is, "What decks were played/what is the current state of the meta?" As part of deck check in this year, I asked the players to give a brief description of what they were playing. Here is what they told me...Angels+Judges/Demons+MagiciansArmor of God/RomansArmor of God/CrimsonArmor of God/MagiciansArmor of God/PhariseesBlack/GoldClay/DemonsClay/PhariseesDisciples/AssyriansGabriel-Luke recursion+TGT NT Ladies/Demons +Magicians with underdeck controlGenesis/EgyptiansGenesis/EgyptiansJudges/AssyriansJudges/BabyloniansJudges/CrimsonJudges/Panic DemonJudges+Elijah/PhilistinesOT Angels/Magicians+NT CrimsonPurple+Teal (Ram's Horn Offense)/Kings of Judah (In the Clouds Combo)Silver+Purple/AssyriansCheers all.