Author Topic: YANKEES RULE!!!!!  (Read 17699 times)

Offline Good Samaritan

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« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2010, 07:12:46 PM »
As an avid Yankees fan, i thought that i should make a post dedicated to them! so post about your feelings for the yankees. (good and bad is accepted) LET"S GO YANKS!!!!
and as of now, this thread is totally 100% grade A Repetitive

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« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2010, 07:16:11 PM »
and i see you can double post as much as anybody else  ;)
Your biggest competition is YOURSELF

Offline Good Samaritan

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« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2010, 07:25:01 PM »
Hmm... maybe
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Offline Sean

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« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2010, 07:36:49 PM »
The Orioles are my favorite team.  Always have been, always will be.  Go O's!
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Offline Good Samaritan

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« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2010, 07:41:30 PM »
The Orioles are my favorite team.  Always have been, always will be.  Go O's!

Nice ;)
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Offline Sean

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« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2010, 07:40:39 AM »
Here is a quote from your payroll list.
Note:Team salaries do not represent full team payroll. Amount listed includes current salary for all players currently on the roster.
I think your list came before opening day, or before final roster. Here is mine, from opening day.

Regardless of which list is correct, the point still stands and you can't deny that the teams that spend the most money win more than half the time.  If you think the Yankees' spending the most money and winning so many WS is a coincidence you are lying to yourself.

Teixiera is a case and point unto himself.  He was MD born and an Orioles fan growing up.  He was quoted as saying he would love to play for his childhood team.  When the opportunity arose he turned it down to play for the Yankees.  Sentimentality must not have been worth as much as the paycheck.  His presence in the lineup greatly increases the quality of that lineup and you'd be hard pressed to find any baseball writer/reporter that would tell you Teixeira's move to the Yankees wasn't an integral part of their winning the WS last year.

Why spend so much money if you don't think it is going to get you wins?  Its clear that the Yankees believe in the principle.  It is laughable that their fans do not.
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Offline hi123

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« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2010, 08:06:12 AM »
Oh goodie! More Yankees fan pages!  Wait...that isn't a good thing

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« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2010, 09:06:39 AM »
The other thread got locked while I was typing this, so I moved it here:

I have been to plenty of Yankees games, in 3 different states, NY, GA, and FL, and I have never heard a chant of the opposite team stinks, or a certain player stinks coming from the Yankee fans. Yet every time I watch a Boston Red Sox game on TV against the Yanks, I hear the same chant- Jeter stinks, or whoever. If anything the Yank fans boo their own team more than the opposite- this season with Javier Vazquez, but that's about it. I would call Boston fans more arrogant than Yankees.

Hmmmm.... try wearing a Red Sox jersey in those states.  ;)

I was walking with my family at The Magic Kingdom, wearing my Red Sox jersey. There was a popcorn vendor in front of Cinderella's castle that I just happened to pass. The Disney worker yelled out across the walkway "Red Sox suck!" My son looked at me and said "Why did she say that?" I walked over to the vendor, not saying a word, looked at her nametag, and went back to my family. I told my son, "Her nametag says she is from New York." He shrugged and said, "Oh, I didn't know Yankees fans worked at Disney World."

As I said in a different thread, I've been a Red Sox fan longer than most have you have been alive. I've gone to games in many states myself - FL, MA, NY, DC, MD, PA and minor league games in NH, ME, CT, FL. Yankees fans do the same thing that you claim Red Sox fans do. And, frankly, Rays fans do the same thing, too. In fact, Ohio State fans do that to Michigan fans (and vice versa), Celtics fans do that to Lakers fans, Duke fans do that to North Carolina fans, Manchester Memorial High School fans do that to Manchester West High School fans, etc. etc. etc.

With that said, there is no doubt that there are arrogant Red Sox fans. I have to sit next to them, remember. I've walked Yawkey Way after a game at Fenway and seen all the vendors selling "Yankee Hater" shirts. But, I've also walked the breezeways of Yankee Stadium, Camden Yards, and Tropicana Field and the vendors there sell the same kinds of shirts except with "Red Sox" instead.

The good news is, that most fans are not arrogant, as long as you aren't either. I sit quietly in my Red Sox jersey and I have no problems. In the other thread I clarified that Yankees fans are much more respectful since 2004. Before that, they had no reason to fear the Red Sox. However, when arrogant Yankees fans clash with arrogant Red Sox fans, the end result is never pretty.

Some of my best friends here in Florida are Yankees fans. We just talk about baseball. No finger pointing, or "ring" flashing. Just baseball. Those are good talks. Last Christmas I went to a sports store to buy one of them a Yankees jersey, since he had been giving me rides to work every morning. My son was with me. "Dad, why are buying a Yankees shirt?" I smiled and said, "This is for the nice gentleman that picks me up every morning." He looked confused and said, "He's a Yankees fan? But I thought they hated us." The store worker then laughed. "Not all Yankees fans are like the ones that say mean things to us. They just take the game too seriously."

As we were walking away, I stopped outside the store and said, "Now I need you to make me a promise." My son said, "OK. What is it?" I looked him sternly in the eyes and said, "You can never tell anyone in New England that I bought a Yankees jersey."
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2010, 09:53:14 AM »
BWHAHAHAHAHA! *sends letters to all the NJ peoples* ;)
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Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2010, 11:53:02 AM »
Why spend so much money if you don't think it is going to get you wins?  Its clear that the Yankees believe in the principle.  It is laughable that their fans do not.
I know it is the biggest factor in their success, I was just saying the Twins have increased payroll significantly, and I am wondering how they will fare in the playoffs.
And YMT great story, and I agree with your points.


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« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2010, 11:05:22 PM »
what? i am surprised there are not more yankees fans! :'(

okay. here are facts.
1. if the yankees aren't supposed to win, then what is the point of playing? at the end would you like the umpire to say, "that's game. its a tie." (this would of course happen after your favorite team just scored 14-15 runs.) if we aren't supposed to win, then we shouldn't play. and what fun is that?

2. Alex Rodrigez took steroids once. he admitted it and he ONLY took the steroids when he was part of the rangers. wheather you guys believe this or not, it is true, the yankees made sure he was clean. brian roberts took steroids more then once, but you don't mention that nearly as much.

3. the yankees have money because of the large fan base of new york/new jersey and northern md. if teams can't spend money, then what is the point of the draft. 2 years ago, the orioles spent more then the yankees. it just didn't work out for them.

4. yankees are hated because of jelousy. (which is why people try to find reasons to hate them. people don't like to admit being jelous.)

5. A-Rod is a Christian. if a former steroid user walked into your church, would you turn them down because they used steroids?

6. people need to stop tearing down the yankees. the truth is, people want yankees players on their team. E.X. Mark tiexera, was part of another team before he came to the yankees. he was born in md. orioles fans didn't mind. eventually he became a free agent and signed with the yankees. all of a sudden he is labeled as a bad guy from o's fans.

7. the yankees don't spend nearly as much money as people think. most of the players came up through the farm system. (for those of you who don't know what this is, this is the process of developing your talent after collage and working your way through the minor league ranks.)

all of the above is true. just depends on what team you like. i like the yankees and always will. i was not born in new york or new jersey, i just like the yankees.
(and no. it is not because they win. they are a part of america's history more then any other team.)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2010, 12:40:35 AM »
You just became my favorite board member.


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« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2010, 10:10:05 AM »
awesome!!!! :)

Offline Sean

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« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2010, 10:42:40 AM »
all of the above is true.
You're a comedian now?  You're bias is so obvious.

1. if the yankees aren't supposed to win, then what is the point of playing? at the end would you like the umpire to say, "that's game. its a tie." (this would of course happen after your favorite team just scored 14-15 runs.) if we aren't supposed to win, then we shouldn't play. and what fun is that?
You misunderstand the argument about money spent.  Nobody is faulting anybody for trying to win.  Nobody is faulting certain teams for spending X amount of money.  The argument is that the teams that spend the most money win more even though the teams that spend less are trying just as hard to win. (except the Pirates)

2. Alex Rodrigez took steroids once. he admitted it and he ONLY took the steroids when he was part of the rangers. wheather you guys believe this or not, it is true, the yankees made sure he was clean. brian roberts took steroids more then once, but you don't mention that nearly as much.
You don't know how much steroids ARod used.  You can believe what he said, but that doesn't mean its the whole truth.  For what its worth, I never mentioned steroids because I don't consider it to be an issue.

3. the yankees have money because of the large fan base of new york/new jersey and northern md. if teams can't spend money, then what is the point of the draft. 2 years ago, the orioles spent more then the yankees. it just didn't work out for them.
Orioles pay roll was more than the Yankees?  You're joking right?

4. yankees are hated because of jelousy. (which is why people try to find reasons to hate them. people don't like to admit being jelous.)
Um, no.

5. A-Rod is a Christian. if a former steroid user walked into your church, would you turn them down because they used steroids?
Certainly not, but I'm not going to give them a high five for their sin.

6. people need to stop tearing down the yankees. the truth is, people want yankees players on their team. E.X. Mark tiexera, was part of another team before he came to the yankees. he was born in md. orioles fans didn't mind. eventually he became a free agent and signed with the yankees. all of a sudden he is labeled as a bad guy from o's fans.
Fact: Teixeira was quoted several times saying that he would love to play for his childhood team. Fact.
Fact: Teixeira was offered a deal that was estimated to be 7years and $150 million.  Fact.
Fact: Teixeira signed with the Yankees for 8 years and $180 million.  Fact.

The difference?  $30,000,000 and one year.  You're telling me it wasn't the money that swayed his decision?  Seems pretty obvious that money was more important to him than playing for his childhood team.  I'll be honest, I never expected to have Teixeira in an Orioles uniform so I wasn't surprised when he signed elsewhere.  People like money.  I never said he was a bad guy, I said he likes money more than he wanted to play for his childhood team, which is pretty obvious given the circumstances.

7. the yankees don't spend nearly as much money as people think. most of the players came up through the farm system. (for those of you who don't know what this is, this is the process of developing your talent after collage and working your way through the minor league ranks.)
The numbers don't lie.  The Yankees spend more money than any other team.  They spend in free agency and they spend it to keep the players like Jeter and Posada, who were brought up through the farm system.  22 of the 30 MLB teams spend less than half what the Yankees spend.

they are a part of america's history more then any other team.
More than the Dodgers?  That would be a fun debate for the talking heads of ESPN.
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Daniel 4:1b

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2010, 01:19:45 PM »
The difference?  $30,000,000 and one year.  You're telling me it wasn't the money that swayed his decision?  Seems pretty obvious that money was more important to him than playing for his childhood team.

I honestly think what swayed his decision was a World Championship ring. All players in every sport want a ring and a win in the big game, I think Tex knew he had a better shot at achieving that at NY. Although money does talk.
More than the Dodgers?  That would be a fun debate for the talking heads of ESPN.
I agree.


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« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2010, 04:10:56 PM »
Sean, i am not high-5 ing arod for his sin. and it is a fact he only took it once. the person who injected him with it said so. what other proof do you want? and no. i said the orioles SPENT more money on other players 2 years ago. i never said they had a higher payroll. and also sean, your bias is also obvious. you come from the masses that hate the yankees because they are good. i know you don't consider mark teixera a bad guy, but lots do. if orioles had more money he would have signed with them. if the red sox of all people offored more he would have signed with them. money does come into decisions. i agree with you here. and just because they don't have a cap doesn't mean they spend it all. and you are right, numbers don't lie. we can bring the money discussion up again and i have the same answer. if we can't spend money then what is the point of the draft. when you quoted this before you failed to see the main point. i said that the draft is meaningless if we can't use it. do you think that the yankees shouldn't spend money?

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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« Reply #41 on: May 13, 2010, 04:13:21 PM »
I only murdered one person! I shouldn't have consequences for that!
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« Reply #42 on: May 13, 2010, 04:15:32 PM »
this is a classic and shining example of taking what i said out of context. i NEVER said that there should be no consequences. and if a murderer came into my church, and he wanted Christ, i would not shun him. (like some people would.)

Offline Prof Underwood

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« Reply #43 on: May 13, 2010, 04:33:54 PM »
if we can't spend money then what is the point of the draft.
The NFL spends money and has a draft.  But each team has the same amount of total money to spend.  That makes it a level playing field with regards to cash.  It also leads to more parity in the NFL than in baseball.  This is probably one reason why way more people watch the Superbowl than watch the World Series.

Also the NFL has a really tough steroids policy.  Which is why they don't seem to have a problem with it despite the fact that their sport would seem to be even more enticing to players to use steroids.  This is probably another reason why "America's Pastime" is now "past it's time".

Also the NFL has a short enough season that all the games actually matter, and a 1-and-done playoff system so that all those games actually matter.  As opposed to baseball with over 100 games a year so that it doesn't matter if a team loses 40 of them, and a "best of ..." playoff system, so that those games don't matter either.  And this doesn't even get into the reasons why the game itself of Baseball is lame.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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« Reply #44 on: May 13, 2010, 04:42:42 PM »
this is a classic and shining example of taking what i said out of context. i NEVER said that there should be no consequences. and if a murderer came into my church, and he wanted Christ, i would not shun him. (like some people would.)
Neither would I, but I would also be "Wise as a snake" and be careful around him.
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« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2010, 05:09:39 PM »
Also the NFL has a really tough steroids policy.  Which is why they don't seem to have a problem with it despite the fact that their sport would seem to be even more enticing to players to use steroids.

I hope that you don't really believe this to be true.

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Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2010, 05:14:33 PM »
This is probably one reason why way more people watch the Superbowl than watch the World Series.
I would like to see how many people watch all 5-7 games of the World Series, compared to how many people watch just the one Superbowl, it might be a close number.
Also the NFL has a really tough steroids policy.
I disagree. Suspension for a game or two is not too tough when compared to baseball. But as you said 1 game is a significant deal in the NFL.

Offline Prof Underwood

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« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2010, 05:32:25 PM »
Also the NFL has a really tough steroids policy.  Which is why they don't seem to have a problem with it despite the fact that their sport would seem to be even more enticing to players to use steroids.
I hope that you don't really believe this to be true.
I'm just looking at the differences between the stories in the NFL and MLB in recent years.  The NFL had long-time greats like Brett Farve who has never been connected with steroids and yet is setting all-time recordes.  The MLB had long-time greats like Roger Clemmons and Barry Bonds who set all-time records only to see them completely tarnished by steroids.  I'm not saying that there aren't players in the NFL who do steroids (ie. the rookie-of-the-year who just got his award revoked).  I'm just saying that it seems like it is punished swiftly and that the marquee players (Mannings, Brady, Farve, A.P., L.T., Emmit Smith, Brian Urlacker, etc.) don't do it.

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« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2010, 06:35:08 PM »
Now you're just picking and choosing names, which is an unfair comparison. I see MLB players like RotY and MVP Dustin Pedroia who is all of 5'7" and 160 pounds (if he's carrying an equipment bag). I see NL Cy Young phenom Tim Lincecum who is 6'2" and all of 170 pounds (if he's carrying Barry Bonds).

These are marquee players, and if they are using steroids, then it's not working.
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Offline Sean

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« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2010, 06:56:09 PM »
i said the orioles SPENT more money on other players 2 years ago.
How is having a smaller payroll spending more money?

it is a fact he only took it once. the person who injected him with it said so.
Prove it.  I've never heard this claim until you brought it up.

your bias is also obvious. you come from the masses that hate the yankees because they are good.
I do?  Prove it.

if we can't spend money then what is the point of the draft.
I never said the Yankees, or anyone else, shouldn't be allowed to spend money. I also don't see a correlation between amount of money spent and the draft.

I'm just saying that it seems like it is punished swiftly and that the marquee players don't do it.
Randy Johnson: All time great.  First in Ks/Innings Pitched all time.  One of 19 pitchers EVER to pitch a perfect game.  Member of 300 win club.  Most commonly named pitcher of hitters asked, "Who do you not want to hit against?" Steroid free.

Cal Ripken Jr.: First ballot Hall of Fame.  Hit a home run on the night he tied Gerig's consecutive games record and on the night he broke Gerig's record.  This event was voted the "Most Memorable Moment" in MLB history.   Steroid free.

Tony Gwynn: First ballot Hall of Fame.  Never batted below .309 for his entire 20 year career.  Gwynn was struck out 434 times while have 9,288 career at bats.  With baseball's 162 game season, that is less that 3 K's per season!  Steroid free.

Greg Maddux: All time great.  Only pitcher ever to have 15 or more wins in 17 consecutive seasons.  Member of 300 win club (8th all time with 355).  Most wins in the 1990s.  Steroid free.

Derek Jeter: All time great.  Rookie of the year.  Only player ever to win All-Star MVP and World Series MVP.  Nicknamed "Mr. November" when the playoffs were postponed and forced to spill over into November rather than ending in October. Five World Series wins.  Steroid Free.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b


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