Author Topic: Which Device?  (Read 1254 times)

Offline hi123

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Which Device?
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:14:46 PM »
Ok, so recently I have been asked if I would want a computer or a portable device for Christmas. I decided on a portable type of device. But which one? My uncle recently got a Samsung Galaxy Player 5, which looks good to have a bible when needed and its good for games, and internet accesability. So I have considered that. And just FYI, Im not interested in an IPhone or anytype of phone!

What I am Looking for the Device to have-
1) Internet Accessability: I like to check email, this website, utube, and my grades.
2) Game Capability
3) Music
4) Able to take photos and videos
5) Good Apps. - Bible/weather/NASCAR.

- Which device out of these should I consider most? : IPAD, IPOD(touch), Samsung GP4/5( I think version 5.0 is bigger).
- What are the costs of these things on these devices?- Music and Games and Apps?

+Thanks, Jeremy
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Offline lp670sv

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Re: Which Device?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 06:38:00 PM »
If you are going to get the Samsung Galaxy Player 5 i would suggest waiting until the OS update for is rolled out. Right now the OS is Android 2.3.5 (Gingerbread) but Samsung has stated to multiple people that they are working on porting 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) to the Galaxy Player 5. If you, on the other hand, have reasonable technical knowledge you could install one of the many ROMs of Android 4.0.4 from the xda developers website to the device and be running 4.0.4 right away. If not, it shouldn't be long before ICS comes to the Player anyway. I would recommend it over the ipod for one big reason. Price per storage (both the Player 5 and Ipod touch 8Gb gave 8 gigs of storage, but the player has an SD card slot that the ipod does not have allowing you to add up to 32 gigs of storage for less than moving up to the 16 gig model or higher of the ipod touch costs). The Player 5 also has a build in FM radio if you listen to radio that the ipod does not have. I have owned an ipod touch 4 64 gb and there was nothing wrong with it and either are fine choices but the player 5 offers a better price for storage capacity.

Note to mods: Before you edit or delete this post for "promoting piracy" please note that Android 4.0.4 has been made open source and that installing it on your device is far from illegal. I myself have installed ICS on my Droid 2 and even gone so far as to receive support from Google themselves for a bug I was having after doing so.


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