Author Topic: Where would we be...  (Read 22077 times)

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2009, 01:16:56 AM »
If you don't top deck a couple ECs, and you think your opponent might be playing TGT, don't rescue yet.  Be patient.   Wait a turn or two to begin your rescues.  Set up your defense.  TGT does nothing to you if you have not rescued yet.  You can block all you want if you have not rescued yet.  If you don't want to be patient, then you just might have to suffer the consequences.

so, you're telling us the answer to teching against tgt is...not rescuing? i see. i've been playing this game completely wrong for 10 years.

It isn't that difficult for a 9-10 EC deck to destroy a TGT deck more often that not, especially if you play it smart.  Really.

i can name 9-10 ways to destroy ec's with reliable, oft-used cards.
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2009, 01:20:47 AM »
If you don't top deck a couple ECs, and you think your opponent might be playing TGT, don't rescue yet.  Be patient.   Wait a turn or two to begin your rescues.  Set up your defense.  TGT does nothing to you if you have not rescued yet.  You can block all you want if you have not rescued yet.  If you don't want to be patient, then you just might have to suffer the consequences.

so, you're telling us the answer to teching against tgt is...not rescuing? i see. i've been playing this game completely wrong for 10 years.

What's wrong with holding off a little bit to completely stall their advantage, until you have enough defense to stop them? If their TGT isnt working, they lose like, 50% of their offense, if not more. By stalling your Rescues, you stall theirs. I see no issue with this. In fact, I love the fact that some decks make you play the game differently.

It isn't that difficult for a 9-10 EC deck to destroy a TGT deck more often that not, especially if you play it smart.  Really.

i can name 9-10 ways to destroy ec's with reliable, oft-used cards.

I wanna see that list.

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #77 on: December 20, 2009, 01:23:32 AM »
Holy Grail, WaS, Jephthah, AoC, SS, Head of Gold, He Is Risen! (better than Discard), IA, and Habbakuk Stands Watch for starters.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2009, 01:25:59 AM »
stalling does not stall a tgt deck, it only delays the inevitable. many decent tgt decks utilize many ways to discard/remove evil characters, many of which make decent battle winners themselves. a simple top 10 list...

1. aocp
2. holy grail
3. holy grail
4. zeal
5. zeal
6. meeting the messiah
7. passover & unleavened bread
8. jepthah
9. women as snares
10. holy unto the lord

to name a few.

Holy Grail, WaS, Jephthah, AoC, SS, Head of Gold, He Is Risen! (better than Discard), IA, and Habbakuk Stands Watch for starters.

completely forgot about he is risen, thats a staple for tgt.
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2009, 01:31:18 AM »
Holy Grail, WaS, Jephthah, AoC, SS, Head of Gold, He Is Risen! (better than Discard), IA, and Habbakuk Stands Watch for starters.

HG - valid, but fails against demons.
WaS - requires you to make a RA, but, i agree this can be legitimate.
Jephthah - valid.
AoC - protect forts
SS - Demons live, and its tricky to play this without me negating it.
Head of Gold - unless you use it in a side battle, this requires me to make a RA.
He is Risen, legitimate, but negatable.
IA - only WC ec's.
HSW, i put a warror class enhancement or a single color site down and this card is ruined.

*Edit to add in MKC's list*

Zeal, only kills two if you use more than two brigades. band two same-brigade ec's in battle, and laugh at zeal.

Meeting the Messiah - good, but fails against demons.
Passover - Darius Decree? If it works, legit.
Holy unto the Lord. yeah, but you ruin your own defense as well, so i get to walk in next turn.

Now, how many of these are usually in one deck? If you fit all of those in, thats gonna be one small defense... I could just walk right in probably.

*EDIT 2*

Also, from that list, seems like Demons are extremely effective against TGT... as quite a few of those only target humans.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 01:35:16 AM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2009, 01:43:36 AM »
Holy Grail, WaS, Jephthah, AoC, SS, Head of Gold, He Is Risen! (better than Discard), IA, and Habbakuk Stands Watch for starters.

HG - valid, but fails against demons. yes, because orange decks are so rampant these days.
WaS - requires you to make a RA, but, i agree this can be legitimate.
Jephthah - valid.
AoC - protect forts jep is valid while aoc isnt? ooook.
SS - Demons live, and its tricky to play this without me negating it.
Head of Gold - unless you use it in a side battle, this requires me to make a RA. right, because it would be silly to make rescue attempts.
He is Risen, legitimate, but negatable. but still a powerful answer.
IA - only WC ec's. pre-block discard? sign me up.
HSW, i put a warror class enhancement or a single color site down and this card is ruined.

*Edit to add in MKC's list*

Zeal, only kills two if you use more than two brigades. band two same-brigade ec's in battle, and laugh at zeal. nonetheless, its an oft-used and guaranteed discard.

Meeting the Messiah - good, but fails against demons. see above.
Passover - Darius Decree? If it works, legit. you'd think more people would use this card, but the fact of the matter is people dont.
Holy unto the Lord. yeah, but you ruin your own defense as well, so i get to walk in next turn. irrelevant towards my point, but what you state is not always the case.

Now, how many of these are usually in one deck? If you fit all of those in, thats gonna be one small defense... I could just walk right in probably. gabes nats deck says hi.
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #81 on: December 20, 2009, 01:50:24 AM »
The current deck im running is largely demons, which is why i brought up the point of how a lot of those are only effective on humans.

Still, theres many ways around many of those methods of EC disrupting that are relatively simple, you just have to plan for them. Also, another thing about my current deck... not only is it largely demons, but it has 34 EC's in it. Have fun killing off every last one.  :)

Offline Master KChief

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #82 on: December 20, 2009, 01:55:42 AM »
a tgt deck doesnt have to kill off 'every last one' only has to kill off X - 1, where X = how many evil characters of one brigade you have in play.

and with 34 evil characters, you must have an exceptionally large deck! good luck pulling all of them before tgt walks in...and with it largely being demons and no protection outside of purple site/colorguard, give my regards to aocp.
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Offline Sean

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #83 on: December 20, 2009, 01:58:37 AM »
I don't see why people focus so much on Garden Tomb as the problem.  Garden Tomb wouldn't have teeth without Holy Grail, AoC, Jepthah, or Women as Snares.  You would be hard pressed to find a Garden Tomb deck without those four cards, and if you did you are not going to have any trouble blocking with your mono-color defense.  It isn't Garden Tomb that makes decks that use it good, its all the territory deconstruction.  Garden Tomb just gets all the glory while the territory decon is doing all the work.

Also, from that list, seems like Demons are extremely effective against TGT... as quite a few of those only target humans.
That might be true if Garden Tomb didn't reside primarily within white, the most anti demon focused brigade.  It also only takes one mid-late game block with Women as Snares to ruin a demon defense. Nobody plays with Spiritual Realm and people who do will find they've wasted a card slot in at least half of their games.

Now, how many of these are usually in one deck? If you fit all of those in, thats gonna be one small defense... I could just walk right in probably.
Actually, considering all the rest of the offense has to be comprised of is GT and then the coinciding Heroes, that's an offense of about 16 cards.  Let's count just for kicks and giggles.  Mary, Mary, Salome, Joanna, John, Peter, ET, two negates plus SoG, NJ, AotL, Grapes, and Guardian.  Oh, and The Garden Tomb and let's toss in a spot for another good fortress.  That's 16 cards plus the ~10 that were mentioned.  That's 26.  You'll need Heroes to match some of that stuff so let's add 5 to bring us to 31.  That leaves 18 card slots left for you to make a defense in a 56 card deck.  Seems pretty doable to me.
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #84 on: December 20, 2009, 02:03:49 AM »
a tgt deck doesnt have to kill off 'every last one' only has to kill off X - 1, where X = how many evil characters of one brigade you have in play.

and with 34 evil characters, you must have an exceptionally large deck! good luck pulling all of them before tgt walks in...and with it largely being demons and no protection outside of purple site/colorguard, give my regards to aocp.

It's 133 cards and the defense is most of the deck. I've done many test draws of it, and I usually get 2-3 ec's on the d8, with the rest drawing quickly.

Also, Demons deal with AoCP surprisingly well. Madness, Gates of Hell, site guard soul, and wandering spirit for example. Also, only way AoCP could take out every EC I have (almost every one of which is duplicated) is if you wait till i've gone through all 133 cards. By that time I'd probably have won.

That might be true if Garden Tomb didn't reside primarily within white, the most anti demon focused brigade.  It also only takes one mid-late game block with Women as Snares to ruin a demon defense. Nobody plays with Spiritual Realm and people who do will find they've wasted a card slot in at least half of their games.

That is true. However, how much of whites anti-demon stuff is commonly used? Also, I do realize WaS can be an issue for demons, but my play style is that of a slowe offense, so their hand will likely end up being crammed with too much defense, and they may end up not being able to keep WaS in their hand. After that, easy pickings.

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #85 on: December 20, 2009, 02:04:04 AM »
I don't see why people focus so much on Garden Tomb as the problem.  Garden Tomb wouldn't have teeth without Holy Grail, AoC, Jepthah, or Women as Snares.  You would be hard pressed to find a Garden Tomb deck without those four cards, and if you did you are not going to have any trouble blocking with your mono-color defense.  It isn't Garden Tomb that makes decks that use it good, its all the territory deconstruction.  Garden Tomb just gets all the glory while the territory decon is doing all the work.

but thats the thing...territory construction is nothing without tgt. the cards you named does absolutely nothing to making a successful rescue...they're only supporter cards towards the strategy. tgt makes the strategy absolutely broken. it used to be we could save a defensive answer or two in hand just in case an opponent uses a territory discarder/remover. that is no longer the case with tgt.
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Offline Sean

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #86 on: December 20, 2009, 02:13:06 AM »
but thats the thing...territory construction is nothing without tgt. the cards you named does absolutely nothing to making a successful rescue...they're only supporter cards towards the strategy. tgt makes the strategy absolutely broken. it used to be we could save a defensive answer or two in hand just in case an opponent uses a territory discarder/remover. that is no longer the case with tgt.
Exactly, Garden Tomb needs all those things to even be a threat.  It is for that reason that it isn't broken.  It makes territory decon effective because it forces ECs into play.  You have to combine all those cards together to have something that is effective.  If I toss GT, Mary Mag, Jo, and John into my white female offense, GT isn't really going to do much for me.  A prefect example of this is a game I played shortly after RoA.  My opponent was using the stuff from the tin with GT for his deck.  He didn't use Jephthah, AoC, Women as Snares or Holy Grail.  I had no worries about blocking for the entire games once I actually read GT and realized I needed to have 2 ECs in play.  My opponent ended up just having a female NT white offense with Mary Mag an Joanna.  The banding was more problematic for me that game than GT was by leaps and bounds.

Also, Demons deal with AoCP surprisingly well. Madness, Gates of Hell, site guard soul, and wandering spirit for example. Also, only way AoCP could take out every EC I have (almost every one of which is duplicated) is if you wait till i've gone through all 133 cards. By that time I'd probably have won.
So I'm going to assume that you have some crimson ECs as well because if you didn't then GT would prevent 7Sons from entering battle to discard 3Nails.  If Lampstand is in the picture then you're really sunk.

they may end up not being able to keep WaS in their hand.
Never, she always, always, always blocks from hand.  Unless she's already blocked once, in which case she's already dealt a blow that would have resulted in a walk in rescue by any of the GT Heroes.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 02:19:06 AM by Sean »
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #87 on: December 20, 2009, 02:20:44 AM »
Exactly, Garden Tomb needs all those things to even be a threat.  It is for that reason that it isn't broken.  It makes territory decon effective because it forces ECs into play.  You have to combine all those cards together to have something that is effective.  If I toss GT, Mary Mag, Jo, and John into my white female offense, GT isn't really going to do much for me.  A prefect example of this is a game I played shortly after RoA.  My opponent was using the stuff from the tin with GT for his deck.  He didn't use Jephthah, AoC, Women as Snares or Holy Grail.  I had no worries about blocking for the entire games once I actually read GT and realized I needed to have 2 ECs in play.  My opponent ended up just having a female NT white offense with Mary Mag an Joanna.  The banding was more problematic for me that game than GT was by leaps and bounds.

I agree, just plan on protecting your territory and maybe holding off a rescue for a turn or two, and TGT looses its bite. Now, in all of my comments, I've never intended to come off sounding like TGT is epic weaksauce, because its not. However, I feel it is nowhere near broken.

So I'm going to assume that you have some crimson ECs as well because if you didn't then GT would prevent 7Sons from entering battle to discard 3Nails.  If Lampstand is in the picture then you're really sunk.

and some other humans; its grey/orange... and the pit... and SSoS because I dont play speed offense, meaning TGT may not even be active... and Destructive Sin to negate TGT to allow SSoS to block... and captured ark to deal with either artifact... I have my ways around 3 nails.

Never, she always, always, always blocks from hand.  Unless she's already blocked once, in which case she's already dealt a blow that would have resulted in a walk in rescue by any of the GT Heroes.

I agree she SHOULD be played that way, but hand pressure kills.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 02:25:04 AM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #88 on: December 20, 2009, 03:44:14 AM »
I'm seeing a lot of territory protection in the next set.  :)

Multiple cards that protect ECs in territory from capture, conversion, and hero abilities.  That takes care of WaS, HG, and Jephthah.  Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)


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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #89 on: December 20, 2009, 10:33:27 AM »
I'm seeing a lot of territory protection in the next set.  :)

Multiple cards that protect ECs in territory from capture, conversion, and hero abilities.  That takes care of WaS, HG, and Jephthah.  Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)


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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #90 on: December 20, 2009, 12:13:19 PM »
Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)
You know, gold is the weakest metal...
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #91 on: December 20, 2009, 01:16:00 PM »

I never thought I'd see a wall of text from Bryon.

1) STOP the use of the "5 stand-alone EC defense", which was used by WAAAAAAY too many players.  Red Dragon, Emperor Nero, King of Tyrus, Prince of This World, Sabbath Breaker.  TGT had to be powerful enough to beat that deck more often than it lost.  Otherwise, 1/3 of the top players would still be using that defense today (perhaps plus PG).  Another third would be using the defense that Tim Maly used: also only 1-2 characters from each brigade, plus the one CBN battle winner from those brigades.

I believe TGT failed almost entirely in achieving this objective, which I believe was the primary objective in mind when TGT was printed.  As intended, TGT does well against stand alone and splash defenses.  What wasn't intended is that TGT does almost as well against two brigade and single brigade defenses.  If a splash/stand alone defense is the best defense against stuff other than TGT and using something other than splash/stand alone doesn't significantly increase my odds against a TGT deck, then I might as well stick with my splash/stand alone defense, which is what I believe is what happened.

I know I stuck with my splash defense last year and in five tournaments it won regionals (beating Gabe's TGT deck that won nationals in the process), won a state, placed third at state, and won a district.  The only tournament it did poorly at was nationals, and I think my only game against a TGT deck at nationals was a 5-4 loss where I didn't draw Son of God.  [And for the record it has 2-3 evil characters of each brigade not 1-2.]

If you don't top deck a couple ECs, and you think your opponent might be playing TGT, don't rescue yet.  Be patient.   Wait a turn or two to begin your rescues.  Set up your defense.

With all due respect, that's some of the worst advice I've ever heard.  Every TGT deck I've ever seen was more than capable of winning souls without TGT being active.  So not rescuing is just going to put you behind, and it's really hard to catch up against a TGT deck.  Patience against a speed deck is suicide, and 90% of TGT decks are speed decks.  I believe the best strategy against TGT (or any other speed deck for that matter) is to get out as fast as possible and hope you get to five before they draw the cards they need to slow you down.

It isn't that difficult for a 9-10 EC deck to destroy a TGT deck more often that not, especially if you play it smart.  Really.

If that's the case, why were none of the eight people that played Gabe at nationals able to destroy his TGT deck?

I don't see why people focus so much on Garden Tomb as the problem.  Garden Tomb wouldn't have teeth without Holy Grail, AoC, Jepthah, or Women as Snares.  You would be hard pressed to find a Garden Tomb deck without those four cards, and if you did you are not going to have any trouble blocking with your mono-color defense.  It isn't Garden Tomb that makes decks that use it good, its all the territory deconstruction.  Garden Tomb just gets all the glory while the territory decon is doing all the work.

You do realize that Gabe's TGT deck that won nationals accumulated 28 of its 36 wins without any of those four cards, right?  The only one that was in his deck at nationals was Holy Grail which he added after regionals.

Territory destruction is worthless if I hold my evil characters in my hand.  Prior to the release of TGT I always held an evil character in my hand.  I'd rather discard one of the weaker dominants than put down my last evil character out of my hand.  TGT forces a player to put their evil characters into their territory so that territory destruction can pick them off.  TGT is what makes territory destruction work, that's why it's the card that gets complained about.  Ultimately, the problem isn't TGT; the problem is the vulnerability of evil characters in a player's territory.

I'm seeing a lot of territory protection in the next set.  :)

Multiple cards that protect ECs in territory from capture, conversion, and hero abilities.  That takes care of WaS, HG, and Jephthah.  Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)

Of course this only helps if you draw your territory protection cards before they draw their territory destruction cards.  Which just encourages them to use speed so that they are more likely to draw what they need before you do.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #92 on: December 20, 2009, 01:21:51 PM »
would tgt and jseat be good cuz bam clear their ec.
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #93 on: December 20, 2009, 01:25:08 PM »
Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)
You know, gold is the weakest metal...
It will bend yes but not break.


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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #94 on: December 20, 2009, 01:33:54 PM »
Activate DD, and you are golden.  :)
You know, gold is the weakest metal...
It will bend yes but not break.
it will melt at the Gates of Hell.

Touche to Ring Wraith! However, did you read the full ability? Maybe this would work:

Name: Banned Card
Type: Good Dominant
SA: Ban one card in play for the remainder of the game. Cannot be repealed or banned.
Verse: 'Now Cactus just needs to print more cards that help out people like us.' ~jtay

Thanks for the pic, Cameron, that would fit nicely!
I just realized, I could still ban it. it's an SA :P
do identifiers work in the draw pile?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 03:06:36 PM by Ring Wraith »

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #95 on: December 20, 2009, 03:09:33 PM »
Quote from: SirNobody
Territory destruction is worthless if I hold my evil characters in my hand.  Prior to the release of TGT I always held an evil character in my hand.  I'd rather discard one of the weaker dominants than put down my last evil character out of my hand.  TGT forces a player to put their evil characters into their territory so that territory destruction can pick them off.  TGT is what makes territory destruction work, that's why it's the card that gets complained about.  Ultimately, the problem isn't TGT; the problem is the vulnerability of evil characters in a player's territory.
I'm pretty sure I said that, just in less words.
Quote from: Sean
It makes territory decon effective because it forces ECs into play.

You do realize that Gabe's TGT deck that won nationals accumulated 28 of its 36 wins without any of those four cards, right?  The only one that was in his deck at nationals was Holy Grail which he added after regionals.
Gabe's deck was primarily ZTemple.  He only added Garden Tomb because of how it easily feeds off of the EC discard and territory destruction that teal has.
Quote from: BrianGabe
Teal works great with TGT because it has so many ways to remove opposing Evil Characters from play, which clears the way for TGT ladies to rescue unblocked.  Teals biggest weakness is lack of access to the NT LS and Female LS, which is also solved by TGT ladies.
His deck also only had 4 "GT cards," in Mary, Joanna, Salome, and GT itself.  The rest is ZTemple with the possible exception of Passover&Unleavened Bread but I've seen people use that in strictly ZTemple decks without GT.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 03:16:59 PM by Sean »
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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #96 on: December 20, 2009, 03:49:04 PM »
how about we refrain from using 'noob', 'n00b', 'nub', 'noobsauce', or any variation thereof altogether? not only is it derogatory, but its also something only little children still say.

FWIW, I'm a noob.
:rollin:  I was going to say the EXACT same thing except that I was going to add:  "who lucked out and got a medal."   :laugh:
noob with a medal

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #97 on: December 20, 2009, 07:50:30 PM »
*Goes back to his heroless happily*
Not quite a ghost...but not quite not.

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #98 on: December 20, 2009, 09:46:15 PM »
*Goes back to his heroless happily*

He said, apparently forgetting that Grapes of Wrath had been printed.

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #99 on: December 20, 2009, 09:49:31 PM »
Dear Cactus,

      To save the most time honored and loved deck strategy of heroless, please make a card to protect a hero from shuffle.



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