Author Topic: Where would we be...  (Read 22075 times)

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #125 on: December 21, 2009, 12:11:30 PM »
I am also extremely unhappy with Grapes.  Heroless is one of the great traditions of Redemption.  If a card that was introduced that protected a hero from shuffle, it would be much appreciated.

I gave up on Heroless soon after Z's Temple came out. The theory behind my deck was to eradicate their offense completely, then use AoC to get rid of their defense after converting a 1/1 King or 1/3 Sadducee. Eradicating offenses became rather difficult when my opponent's offense was all but untouchable. RoA and TexP didn't help much either.

Oh, but it was fun while it lasted. Who knows, I may someday try again, just to see what happens.
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Offline STAMP

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #126 on: December 21, 2009, 12:22:36 PM »
I am also extremely unhappy with Grapes.  Heroless is one of the great traditions of Redemption.  If a card that was introduced that protected a hero from shuffle, it would be much appreciated.

I gave up on Heroless soon after Z's Temple came out. The theory behind my deck was to eradicate their offense completely, then use AoC to get rid of their defense after converting a 1/1 King or 1/3 Sadducee. Eradicating offenses became rather difficult when my opponent's offense was all but untouchable. RoA and TexP didn't help much either.

Oh, but it was fun while it lasted. Who knows, I may someday try again, just to see what happens.

Yes, characters in territory have much more protection than they ever did.  No wonder everyone is going to hand and deck destruction.
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #127 on: December 21, 2009, 12:28:40 PM »
I am also extremely unhappy with Grapes.  Heroless is one of the great traditions of Redemption.  If a card that was introduced that protected a hero from shuffle, it would be much appreciated.

I gave up on Heroless soon after Z's Temple came out. The theory behind my deck was to eradicate their offense completely, then use AoC to get rid of their defense after converting a 1/1 King or 1/3 Sadducee. Eradicating offenses became rather difficult when my opponent's offense was all but untouchable. RoA and TexP didn't help much either.

Oh, but it was fun while it lasted. Who knows, I may someday try again, just to see what happens.

Yes, characters in territory have much more protection than they ever did.  No wonder everyone is going to hand and deck destruction.
Going back? ;)
Idk, with each brigade having a fort killer it seems easy to me but maybe thats just me.
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Offline STAMP

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #128 on: December 21, 2009, 12:33:57 PM »
I am also extremely unhappy with Grapes.  Heroless is one of the great traditions of Redemption.  If a card that was introduced that protected a hero from shuffle, it would be much appreciated.

I gave up on Heroless soon after Z's Temple came out. The theory behind my deck was to eradicate their offense completely, then use AoC to get rid of their defense after converting a 1/1 King or 1/3 Sadducee. Eradicating offenses became rather difficult when my opponent's offense was all but untouchable. RoA and TexP didn't help much either.

Oh, but it was fun while it lasted. Who knows, I may someday try again, just to see what happens.

Yes, characters in territory have much more protection than they ever did.  No wonder everyone is going to hand and deck destruction.
Going back? ;)
Idk, with each brigade having a fort killer it seems easy to me but maybe thats just me.

Shhh!   ;)
Final ANB errata: Return player to game.

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #129 on: December 21, 2009, 02:10:31 PM »
The way to do Heroless now is use Crimson and Brown. Use High Places+Gibeonite Treaty to make a Green Hero out of Prophets of Baal or another Prophet in Crimson or Brown. Then use Hidden Treasures to start a side battle of Gomer+Ashpenaz or Astrologers against a huge EC. Proceed to play Great Image and whatever you need to clear Protection. Their offense is gone. Now it wou;it would be a lot easier and better to play hero-lite and just use some Prohets, utsome people like to be pure rather than viable.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #130 on: December 21, 2009, 02:18:21 PM »
The way to do Heroless now is use Crimson and Brown. Use High Places+Gibeonite Treaty to make a Green Hero out of Prophets of Baal or another Prophet in Crimson or Brown. Then use Hidden Treasures to start a side battle of Gomer+Ashpenaz or Astrologers against a huge EC. Proceed to play Great Image and whatever you need to clear Protection. Their offense is gone. Now it wou;it would be a lot easier and better to play hero-lite and just use some Prohets, utsome people like to be pure rather than viable.

I tried a Hero-lite once, just by adding a couple of purple Heroes to my Heroless, and it was a disaster. Both games I used it I got cocky and made bad moves with my actual heroes before I should have. I'm certain that if I had played it right I would have been fine, but I stuck with nor Heroes for the remainder of my Heroless' life.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #131 on: December 21, 2009, 02:41:01 PM »
The way to do Heroless now is use Crimson and Brown. Use High Places+Gibeonite Treaty to make a Green Hero out of Prophets of Baal or another Prophet in Crimson or Brown. Then use Hidden Treasures to start a side battle of Gomer+Ashpenaz or Astrologers against a huge EC. Proceed to play Great Image and whatever you need to clear Protection. Their offense is gone. Now it wou;it would be a lot easier and better to play hero-lite and just use some Prohets, utsome people like to be pure rather than viable.
Note: original heroless was Crimson/Brown/Green
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Where would we be...
« Reply #132 on: December 21, 2009, 04:29:20 PM »
I think Saul/Paul, Healing of Namaan, and now Proud Pharisee have made Grey the best heroless option. Combine Pharisees with Emperors and you get hand destruction also, which is rather useful for heroless. High Priest's Palace is awesome not only as a protect fort for when you play AoCP, but also as a holder for two artifacts which go well with heroless. Namaan is a pretty good option also, especially if you have a spare Gold Shield. So with all that, who cares if someone plays a Grapes on you? You have potentially three ways to convert EC's, and an EC that will convert himself. Maybe putting in brown is good, because you have Gibeonite Trickery for conversion, and stuff like Crucify Him to do some awesomeness.

Bottom line, heroless is not (or at least should not be) dead.
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.


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