I was looking at your website and the Ten Commandments of Redemption. I think that #8 might be a little wrong because of the new rule change. I also think #6 might be wrong But somebody else might want to weigh in on it because I'm just learning.
Here is the 10 Commandments of Redemption off your website
Here is what the REG says about dominant cards.
The active player has the first opportunity to play dominant cards during each phase of their turn. Then the opportunity to play dominant cards is given to inactive players in turn order. The opportunity to play dominants can be passed multiple times if n eeded. When all players have declined to play a dominant card the game may m ove to the next phase or turn.
During the battle phase, the active player has the first opportunity to play dominants, regardless of initiative. The next opportunity is given to the inactive player who is being attacked, then passed to all other inactive players in turn order. Repeat this process to determine who is allowed to play dominants each after any special ability (or batch of special abilities) is complete.