Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 2190 times)


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What to do?
« on: July 31, 2011, 09:45:59 PM »
My delima:

I am really the only adult who plays Redemprion here (though I do have a few youth who enjoys playing).  I have tried a few times to get a steady time for us to meet and it usually last a few months before something comes up that dissolves it.  Now I have three kids that we are adopting so I really don't like to leave my wife at home with them (it would be unfair for her).  Neither of my kids like the game itself (my oldest two just wants to play cause I do) and the next closes play group is four hours away.  Lately I haven't been wanting to continue paying 100 each year to get my decks updated and 100 each time I go down south.  I am thinking about selling all my cards (except my T2 deck and two T1 decks).  The dalima is if I do that and only focuses on just getting my one deck ready if I want to go down for regionals, it would be hard to start the playgroup back with no extras but then right now they are just taking space and will probably not be used.

What say you?  Should I keep them or shall they go?

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 10:02:38 PM »
Personally I would keep them in case your kids change their minds down the road. Of course, I'm a sentimental pack rat, so I would keep them regardless, haha.
What goes down, but is up when it is over?

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 12:19:02 PM »
About a year ago, I considered leaving the game as well.  I and the other 2 people in leadership of ROOT had been running that for a couple of years and were really burned out.  My local playgroup was in shambles as all the good players had graduated or moved away, and there were only a couple of people left who even wanted to play.  My kids hadn't started playing yet either, and I had just discovered Dominion and was REALLY enjoying that.

However, I decided to stick with it, and this last year has been the best year EVER for Redemption in my experience.  I was privileged to join the elders and contribute some ideas to the new set as well as rulings.  My playgroup took off again and now is larger and more skilled from top to bottom than it ever has been before.  And best of all, my daughter started playing the game and really loves it.  We have had so much fun playing together.

Naturally you can't expect all these things to happen in your next year, but my point is that you never know what will happen.  I would hang onto the cards for a while and see how things develop.


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 02:04:56 PM »
It's simple. You must kill the Batman.


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 03:52:15 PM »
About a year ago, I considered leaving the game as well.  I and the other 2 people in leadership of ROOT had been running that for a couple of years and were really burned out.  My local playgroup was in shambles as all the good players had graduated or moved away, and there were only a couple of people left who even wanted to play.  My kids hadn't started playing yet either, and I had just discovered Dominion and was REALLY enjoying that.

However, I decided to stick with it, and this last year has been the best year EVER for Redemption in my experience.  I was privileged to join the elders and contribute some ideas to the new set as well as rulings.  My playgroup took off again and now is larger and more skilled from top to bottom than it ever has been before.  And best of all, my daughter started playing the game and really loves it.  We have had so much fun playing together.

Naturally you can't expect all these things to happen in your next year, but my point is that you never know what will happen.  I would hang onto the cards for a while and see how things develop.

I was really tired when I posted this so hopefully I can be more specific now (my phone was at 3% when I posted it so I was also trying to rush it).

I wouldn't actually be leaving the game, per say, but more like dropping the potential of starting a large playgroup and having the cards to make decks for all of them.  There are quite a few other people who have decks so if by some chance the playgroup starts up again, most of the people will have decks.  It is hard, however, to keep buying extra cards to help them out while at the same time leaving my wife and kids at home to start another meeting.  The last time I tried, it was perfect because there were other bible studies going on so the parents didn't have to make two trips to church for their kids.  However, my church just moved "Sunday School" to Wednesday nights so that we can have two services on Sunday (he didn't want to squeeze SS in between the services due to the long day the worship team would have and how he usually goes over every Sunday) so my history/Redemption class was cancelled (though even if my pastor asked if I wanted to keep it, I would decline due to it being more of a history class and not something that trains you spiritually).  For me right now, there is no time to start the playgroup up again without sacrificing the precious little family time that we have.

I do not want to leave the game completely (which is why I'm now planning on keeping all five of my decks (1 T2 and 4 T1)).  I would just like to get rid of all my extra.  They truly are just sitting there in my closet.  I would then just focus on getting the cards that I need instead of trying to collect them so others can use them.  It would save me lots of money but would mean that I wouldn't have extra to jump start a "new" playgroup ( middle ground for me).


Pro - Earn some money, only buy cards to help my deck (and only if I plan to go down south), a playgroup that is growing will be able to get a ton of cards for their playgroup (and put them to better use).
Con - Couldn't make new players and decks, almost impossible to make another type of deck then what I have.

Basically, the opposite of Sell.

Hope that clears things up. 

So...what say you?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 04:00:45 PM by Ironica »


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2011, 03:59:56 PM »
Sorry for double posts but I didn't want to reach the length limit.

I know some of you will say that I should have them buy their own cards.  However, most do not come from families that can afford paying lots of money on a card game.  This is also why I always provide free tournaments.  If I do find the time to start one up again, I might try encouraging them to buy the tins themselves (not really the boosters as much since with the tins, you know what you will get).  Also, I would probably have a "pay as much as you can" type fee for any future tournaments that I host.  My wife is perfectly fine with me hosting every now and then if I take one or two of my kids with me (at my district, I had movies playing in the next room to entertain our youngest while mommy and daughter had a ladies day out (the oldest was part of the tournament and that is where I really realized that he just likes playing with me and not really the game itself)).

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2011, 05:02:41 PM »
I know some of you will say that I should have them buy their own cards.  However, most do not come from families that can afford paying lots of money on a card game.
I also have a playgroup filled with people who don't have much money to spend.  But I've found ways to make things work on the money end so that I basically break even (actually I'm a little in the hole right now, but that's just because I just purchased a bunch of supplies for this next year).  If you need ideas on the financial side of things I can make some suggestions.

As for the time side of things, I agree with you that family has to come before Redemption.  Perhaps you could host the Redemption gatherings at your house once a week.  That way if no one showed up, you'd be around for the evening, and wouldn't have wasted your time driving anywhere.  And if people do show up, then you'll have some cards for them to play with :)

Realistically, if you sell all your extra cards, you're probably not going to get more than about $150 for them anyway.  Then if your kids get more interested you'll have to turn around and spend the same amount to buy back someone else's collection down the road.  Is it really worth the hassle?

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2011, 10:29:36 PM »
I kinda agree with the prof. But I also agree with you. The closest play group to me is on the other side of Dallas. That is 1+1/2 hrs away,plus the LBJ to boot. I decided to basically build some decks out of some brigades. Toss/Sell the extras. In going this route, I will be a) getting rid of extras I don't use. and b) really decideing on what type of deck really works.
We will be going home to Jesus soon!


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2011, 10:33:07 PM »
Buying big lots of commons/uncommons isn't that expensive if you sell and decide to start a group in the future. You don't need to have a bunch of high end cards if you're starting a play group, they won't care to be competitive anyway. So as long as you make usable decks that aren't just my 4/4 vs your 6/6/.

It'll also probably be a pretty small group to begin with if you do decide to start one, so you'll have time to build your collection up.

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2011, 11:24:25 PM »
The card market, like everything else, is a buyer's market. You won't get much for your cards, so unless you value them very low, you'll have more real value in keeping them than you would acquire in selling them.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2011, 12:27:27 AM »
You all do have a point.  I still would like to get rid of a ton of cards.  I have two binders with all the individual cards divided by set and a big box of all my other extras (I have all my foof and up extras in a tin for trading).  I would like to at least get rid of the box (so I can clear some space, help playgroups that are growing (especially since storehouse (as far as I know) isnt running anymore), and I could get a little cash to help with a hobby that I would love to get more inved in (cycling). Would that be an actual happy medium?

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2011, 09:11:27 AM »
I would like to at least get rid of the box (so I can clear some space, help playgroups that are growing, and I could get a little cash to help with a hobby (cycling).
This sounds like a decent idea.  As long as your motivation is to clear space, help others, and get a few buck to help another hobby, you are likely to find success in all those areas.  And its a lot of work to build/maintain a playgroup.  You'll find it a lot easier to just go bike around :)


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2011, 02:17:23 PM »
I don't know if you play online, but I would encourage you into looking at joining ROOT or playing casually online. I haven't been to a "live" tourney in about 2 years, but playing online occasionally helps me keep updated on rulings and gives me new ideas. Keeps the interest alive in the game.  Also helps when you actually do get a chance to play "live" and you can quickly purchase/update to a deck you like. :)


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2011, 06:21:30 PM »
I don't know if you play online, but I would encourage you into looking at joining ROOT or playing casually online. I haven't been to a "live" tourney in about 2 years, but playing online occasionally helps me keep updated on rulings and gives me new ideas. Keeps the interest alive in the game.  Also helps when you actually do get a chance to play "live" and you can quickly purchase/update to a deck you like. :)

Two big issues with that.

1) I don't have much time at night to play a game.

2) I'm on the west coast so most people are asleep when I can play.

I have played online before plenty of times and I know how hard it is for me to get a game in when there are barely any people on (and the once I do face usually have the FOTM deck).

Thanks for the offer but ROOT has never fit my schedule.


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