Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
About a year ago, I considered leaving the game as well. I and the other 2 people in leadership of ROOT had been running that for a couple of years and were really burned out. My local playgroup was in shambles as all the good players had graduated or moved away, and there were only a couple of people left who even wanted to play. My kids hadn't started playing yet either, and I had just discovered Dominion and was REALLY enjoying that.However, I decided to stick with it, and this last year has been the best year EVER for Redemption in my experience. I was privileged to join the elders and contribute some ideas to the new set as well as rulings. My playgroup took off again and now is larger and more skilled from top to bottom than it ever has been before. And best of all, my daughter started playing the game and really loves it. We have had so much fun playing together.Naturally you can't expect all these things to happen in your next year, but my point is that you never know what will happen. I would hang onto the cards for a while and see how things develop.
I know some of you will say that I should have them buy their own cards. However, most do not come from families that can afford paying lots of money on a card game.
I would like to at least get rid of the box (so I can clear some space, help playgroups that are growing, and I could get a little cash to help with a hobby (cycling).
I don't know if you play online, but I would encourage you into looking at joining ROOT or playing casually online. I haven't been to a "live" tourney in about 2 years, but playing online occasionally helps me keep updated on rulings and gives me new ideas. Keeps the interest alive in the game. Also helps when you actually do get a chance to play "live" and you can quickly purchase/update to a deck you like.