Author Topic: What frustrates you?  (Read 14998 times)

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2010, 08:08:51 PM »

people who believe in "The Big Bang Theory"

The Big Bang Theory is actually plausible and aligns with God's Word.

My thoughts exactly. Thats a debate for another thread, but The Bible does say God created everything out of nothing, which is the idea behind the big bang. God just made everything erupt from nothing.
God actually designed everything to perfection, and then put it into place. He didn't throw a nuclear bomb and have everything be created from that. And the bible does NOT say he created everything out of nothing. Not sure where you got that from.
Well in my Opinion (this is my opinion) drb1200 isCorrect Genesis 1:2 states

And the Earth was with out form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. NKJV

It states right there that the earth was there. It was not just blown up and put there. That was before God said "let there be light".
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 08:12:20 PM by mjwaree5 »


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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2010, 08:09:20 PM »
You're 11 (this isn't an attack on you *gasp* so don't take this one personally) you might consider going and reading up and looking up what some of the old earth people have to say. A professor who has studied and been around for awhile may just be smarter than you  ;) Also don't take all you're fathers belief (especially since he's a preacher of whom happen to be an extremely opinionated breed) and think that they MUST become you're own. Do the research look at both sides and then make you're decision on whose better. AND! DO NOT! go looking to something like Abeka history/science etc. go to unbiased research papers that give both sides. They're hard to find but they're worth taking a look at. I suggest a nearbye college library (I got lucky living 20 minutes out of Athens, Ga thus being 20 minutes away from the massive UGA library)
So basically don't read christian textbooks because they're biased. Should we not read the bible as well?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 08:12:47 PM by drb1200 »

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2010, 08:12:24 PM »
You're 11 (this isn't an attack on you *gasp* so don't take this one personally) you might consider going and reading up and looking up what some of the old earth people have to say. A professor who has studied and been around for awhile may just be smarter than you  ;) Also don't take all you're fathers belief (especially since he's a preacher of whom happen to be an extremely opinionated breed) and think that they MUST become you're own. Do the research look at both sides and then make you're decision on whose better. AND! DO NOT! go looking to something like Abeka history/science etc. go to unbiased research papers that give both sides. They're hard to find but they're worth taking a look at. I suggest a nearbye college library (I got lucky living 20 minutes out of Athens, Ga thus being 20 minutes away from the massive UGA library)
Yeah, don't be Christian. Read evolutionist textbooks. Don't follow your parents. Plus he's 12.
A: WHAT? where in all of that did you see one thing that could REMOTELY be taken as anti-christian?
B: To look at both sides you can either read a book explaining both or go find a christian text book and a evolutionist text book and read them....or if you're lucky you may stumble upon a christian evolutionist (I'm sure theres a word for it but I don't know it) view on the whole thing
 text book
C: parent's do not always have the right beliefs/view on the world. Christians ESPECIALLY can be very hard on new ideas.
D: my bad  :P
"Someone died in the bathroom, didn't they." -Dwight

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2010, 08:15:38 PM »
I get frustrated when people take a thread completely off topic just to express their personal views and tear down everyone elses', especially since none of the people involved in the "debate" would ever change their mind anyway.
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2010, 08:17:04 PM »
*ting* that was me grinning innocently  ;D

I'mma go now then, tschow  :-X
"Someone died in the bathroom, didn't they." -Dwight


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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2010, 08:17:44 PM »
You're 11 (this isn't an attack on you *gasp* so don't take this one personally) you might consider going and reading up and looking up what some of the old earth people have to say. A professor who has studied and been around for awhile may just be smarter than you  ;) Also don't take all you're fathers belief (especially since he's a preacher of whom happen to be an extremely opinionated breed) and think that they MUST become you're own. Do the research look at both sides and then make you're decision on whose better. AND! DO NOT! go looking to something like Abeka history/science etc. go to unbiased research papers that give both sides. They're hard to find but they're worth taking a look at. I suggest a nearbye college library (I got lucky living 20 minutes out of Athens, Ga thus being 20 minutes away from the massive UGA library)
Yeah, don't be Christian. Read evolutionist textbooks. Don't follow your parents. Plus he's 12.
A: WHAT? where in all of that did you see one thing that could REMOTELY be taken as anti-christian?
The bible says to "train up a child in the way he SHOULD go"
B: To look at both sides you can either read a book explaining both or go find a christian text book and a evolutionist text book and read them....or if you're lucky you may stumble upon a christian evolutionist (I'm sure theres a word for it but I don't know it) view on the whole thing
 text book
No such thing as an unbiased textbook.
C: parent's do not always have the right beliefs/view on the world. Christians ESPECIALLY can be very hard on new ideas.
Deal with it. They're not as stupid as you think.
D: my bad  :P

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2010, 08:21:07 PM »
You're 11 (this isn't an attack on you *gasp* so don't take this one personally) you might consider going and reading up and looking up what some of the old earth people have to say. A professor who has studied and been around for awhile may just be smarter than you  ;) Also don't take all you're fathers belief (especially since he's a preacher of whom happen to be an extremely opinionated breed) and think that they MUST become you're own. Do the research look at both sides and then make you're decision on whose better. AND! DO NOT! go looking to something like Abeka history/science etc. go to unbiased research papers that give both sides. They're hard to find but they're worth taking a look at. I suggest a nearbye college library (I got lucky living 20 minutes out of Athens, Ga thus being 20 minutes away from the massive UGA library)
The bible gives Desendant record So i can get all i need from the bible.
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Offline xCaLeBx

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2010, 08:22:15 PM »
You're 11 (this isn't an attack on you *gasp* so don't take this one personally) you might consider going and reading up and looking up what some of the old earth people have to say. A professor who has studied and been around for awhile may just be smarter than you  ;) Also don't take all you're fathers belief (especially since he's a preacher of whom happen to be an extremely opinionated breed) and think that they MUST become you're own. Do the research look at both sides and then make you're decision on whose better. AND! DO NOT! go looking to something like Abeka history/science etc. go to unbiased research papers that give both sides. They're hard to find but they're worth taking a look at. I suggest a nearbye college library (I got lucky living 20 minutes out of Athens, Ga thus being 20 minutes away from the massive UGA library)
Yeah, don't be Christian. Read evolutionist textbooks. Don't follow your parents. Plus he's 12.
A: WHAT? where in all of that did you see one thing that could REMOTELY be taken as anti-christian?
The bible says to "train up a child in the way he SHOULD go"
B: To look at both sides you can either read a book explaining both or go find a christian text book and a evolutionist text book and read them....or if you're lucky you may stumble upon a christian evolutionist (I'm sure theres a word for it but I don't know it) view on the whole thing
 text book
No such thing as an unbiased textbook.
C: parent's do not always have the right beliefs/view on the world. Christians ESPECIALLY can be very hard on new ideas.
Deal with it. They're not as stupid as you think.
D: my bad  :P
*in the distance you hear a person trying to speak through his duct-taped mouth but sadly....nothing can be understood*
 :-X  :'(

"Someone died in the bathroom, didn't they." -Dwight

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2010, 08:22:47 PM »
Order of least to greatest:

When people assume things. It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter how I act most of the time, do NOT assume things about me, or I WILL mind crush you.

People who ask your opinion but only want to be told they are right and if you disagree then they will tune you out.

People who won't answer questions in an argument. Just because the question seems off topic doesn't mean I'm not about to make it on topic.

Pompous people. Period.

People who rage on me for no given reason.
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2010, 08:23:46 PM »
Order of least to greatest:

When people assume things. It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter how I act most of the time, do NOT assume things about me, or I WILL mind crush you.

People who ask your opinion but only want to be told they are right and if you disagree then they will tune you out.

People who won't answer questions in an argument. Just because the question seems off topic doesn't mean I'm not about to make it on topic.

Pompous people. Period.

People who rage on me for no given reason.
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2010, 08:27:00 PM »
I get frustrated at multiple things...
    Some are petty but I can't control the feelings that rise within me when they happen:
       1) Most revolve around people's driving habits (some already mentioned above) that are different then mine
       2) Peoples' imperfections when I see they're great potential or if I rely on them
       3) Little things out of place especially when I need them urgently.
       4) Inevitable children-induced accidents
       5) Being unable to successfully communicate with a child under 2 (I wonder if God feels that way with me?)
       6) my dog and his many habits I don't like
            ->related: being unable to successfully communicate with my dog  (Eden must have been awesome in this regard)
Most importantly:
    My own sin especially because I know better and I know it's consequences.   :(
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2010, 10:10:53 PM »

people who believe in "The Big Bang Theory"

The Big Bang Theory is actually plausible and aligns with God's Word.

My thoughts exactly. Thats a debate for another thread, but The Bible does say God created everything out of nothing, which is the idea behind the big bang. God just made everything erupt from nothing.
God actually designed everything to perfection, and then put it into place. He didn't throw a nuclear bomb and have everything be created from that. And the bible does NOT say he created everything out of nothing. Not sure where you got that from.

This is all I'm going to say about this because it's now completely off-topic and irrelevant:

 The Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with a random large explosion.  That term was coined, when the theory was first brought forth, by a Christian scoffing at the idea.  Relating it to a nuclear explosion is a sign of ignorance.  The theory actually entails that the UNIVERSE, when it was created, began as a singular point that rapidly expanded into the parts of the universe that we have today.  Does this mean that there is no God? No!   Those who prefer the Big Bang Theory will/should tell you that they have no clue where the initial singular point came from or how it occurred.  They may even say that God created it.  When you think about God's creation of the universe, He basically created everything out of nothing; i.e. basically a huge, rapid expansion of matter.

 The Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with whether or not God exists; only when it is coupled with Darwin's theory on the origin of species, is there a true problem.  The word "evolution" and the true concept of it simply means "change," and yes, everything "changes" each and every day.  The evolution tied with the Origin of Species is that of one species "changing" into another which is Biblically incorrect.  Don't reject a concept or idea because it is typically coupled with an incorrect theory.  Instead, find out exactly what each theory entails and then make a decision.  I'm not promoting the BBT, but I don't see anything in the Bible that says God couldn't have created the universe from the rapid expansion of a singular point (Which, I might add, aligns quite well with God speaking the universe into existence, because it follows the laws of nature that God Himself put into place).

No more debate from me.  If you want to reject and completely ignore the BBT, that's solely up to you, but don't use misinformation in your arguments about it because it will only make you sound ignorant in the face of non-believers.

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2010, 11:54:39 PM »
why do you feel this way about sorry?  Do you want them to say "I feel badly for you" or just not say anything at all?  Wondering cause of something bad that happened today to someone else and I want to comfort them
Actually I do really want them to say, "I feel badly for you".  In fact, sometimes I say, "I'm hurting for you."  I know that sounds cheesy to read, but when someone has just told me that their Gramma died, I think that they actually really appreciate hearing me say, "I'm hurting for you" with sincerity, much more than they would if I just said, "I'm sorry."  If nothing else, saying it in a way that is different than normal shows that you've actually put thought into what your saying.  I mean, how many people think that someone is actually praying for them when they are told "God bless you" after a sneeze?

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2010, 12:04:42 AM »
What frustrates me the most is when I know I shouldn't do something both before and after doing it.
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2010, 12:27:12 AM »
why do you feel this way about sorry?  Do you want them to say "I feel badly for you" or just not say anything at all?  Wondering cause of something bad that happened today to someone else and I want to comfort them
Actually I do really want them to say, "I feel badly for you".  In fact, sometimes I say, "I'm hurting for you."  I know that sounds cheesy to read, but when someone has just told me that their Gramma died, I think that they actually really appreciate hearing me say, "I'm hurting for you" with sincerity, much more than they would if I just said, "I'm sorry."  If nothing else, saying it in a way that is different than normal shows that you've actually put thought into what your saying.  I mean, how many people think that someone is actually praying for them when they are told "God bless you" after a sneeze?

You don't know how much that helps.  I really appreciate your time for you to explain this to me.  The situation that you used is exactly the one that I have to deal with.  This should make it a lot easier for me to talk to them.  Thank you. 
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2010, 12:57:28 AM »
- Traffic.
- Emails with typos or obvious grammar errors.  I get distracted trying to rewrite the sentence in my head.
- Power & Internet outages.
- Cell phones.  Everything about them makes my life more difficult, from low battery to no bars to bad audio quality to dropped calls to the expense... how have we not gotten good phone tech by now?
- Finding a solution someone's problem, then waiting several minutes while they work to find a different way to solve it, even though I just told them it wouldn't work the other way, having them realize that for themselves, say "Oh, I should've listened to you"... then do the exact same thing for their next question.
- The sheer volume of blasphemy I hear throughout my day.

Flashing website ads, or ads that make ANY type of sound. (there are similar plugins for other browsers)
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2010, 01:18:29 AM »
The fact no one can shut up and watch my three minute presentation I spent four hours working on
My computer locking up
Idiots online
My brother
people who think religion has a place in science
people who think religion has a place in politics
Pople who don't use spellcheck
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2010, 01:24:51 AM »
When people take shortcuts without consequence.
Batteries: Don't Last Long Enough, Expensive to replace
Paying for every song and album that I want to have.
Moving to a new city/state and not knowing what laws are different.
When the carpool lane moves at the same speed as the rest of the lanes.
"Sharing" the road with bicycles.
Small parking spaces.
Walking ALL THE WAY ACROSS CAMPUS to class only to find out it was canceled. Come on professors you have our email addresses.
Constant rain (Pacific Northwest).
The cost of an education.

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2010, 01:49:11 AM »
I get frustrated when whole families go through the drive thru for an insanely huge order.
I get frustrated when co-workers complain about other co-workers.
I hate drama.
I get frustrated when people talk down to others.
I get frustrated at ignorant people.

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2010, 10:24:33 AM »
You don't know how much that helps.
Always glad to help out, and me randomly picking the same situation that you are in, makes me think that perhaps my message is less from my brain and more from God using me :)

how have we not gotten good phone tech by now?
Learn to Appreciate Technology

people who think religion has a place in science
people who think religion has a place in politics
Do you think that as a Christian we should compartmentalize our relationship with God or should it saturate everything that is a part of our life (including science and politics)?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 10:27:19 AM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2010, 11:02:08 AM »
people who think religion has a place in science
people who think religion has a place in politics
Do you think that as a Christian we should compartmentalize our relationship with God or should it saturate everything that is a part of our life (including science and politics)?

If I'm reading JSB correctly then:

people who think religion has a place in science
people who think religion has a place in politics

can both be frustrating, but...

people who think faith in God has a place in science
people who think faith in God has a place in politics

are righteous and cool dudes.  ;)
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2010, 11:35:56 AM »
STAMP is da man!
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2010, 11:39:28 AM »
people who think religion has a place in science
people who think religion has a place in politics
Do you think that as a Christian we should compartmentalize our relationship with God or should it saturate everything that is a part of our life (including science and politics)?
people who think faith in God has a place in science
people who think faith in God has a place in politics

are righteous and cool dudes.  ;)
STAMP is da man!
+1 :2cents:
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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2010, 12:19:49 PM »
I get frustrated with people not knowing how to do their jobs
I get frustrated when I hear TAPS
I get frustrated when the ROE changes every other day...

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Re: What frustrates you?
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2010, 01:19:21 PM »
how have we not gotten good phone tech by now?
["Learn to Appreciate Technology" Video]

I understand that it is amazing that it works, cell phone tech just lags behind general tech quite a bit.  I have a COMPUTER that I can CARRY with me that has a 10-hour battery... and my phone gets maybe 3 hours, and all it is doing is being a fancy walkie-talkie, if that.  I'm not even frustrated that connecting can take a minute -- I'm pretty patient, but it bugs me that it won't even connect unless I'm standing in a certain corner of the quad or leaning a certain way.  And those speakers are horrid... there are GREETING CARDS with better audio quality than my cell phone.

But fair enough.  I will be amazed the next time it works.  But don't hold your breath... it might be awhile. :)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 02:07:20 PM by sk »
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