Author Topic: What book/devotion should I tackle?  (Read 1676 times)


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What book/devotion should I tackle?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:21:36 PM »
(A lot of this I've said in other threads. This is a copy/paste from another forum I frequent.)

A little background about me: I was raised in a Christian home and developed a deep interest in theology, so I developed a pretty large understanding of the Bible and Biblical stories. Despite this, I only really became a Christian in the last month, and it's been a month of ups and downs. For me, the choice to become a Christian was one of logic: I've believed in the Bible for as long as I can remember, but never wanted to apply it to my own life, due to questions of ethics (the concept of eternal damnation for some people is one I struggle with, and for the moment I'm simply trusting God and not letting it bother me until I have a chance to develop faith) and generally feeling "held back". I understand everything on a logical, mental level, but I really understand very little (as a friend of mine put it, I have the head knowledge but not the heart knowledge). There are two major things I want to grasp on a more personal level. First, the concept that I am a sinner and need Christ because of it. Second, how to really love God. A passage in Romans talks about obedience to God being love, and while I take comfort in that, I really want to develop a personal relationship as well, and I simply don't know how to begin developing that.

I picked up the ESV Study Bible so I'm not sure I need an external book or devotion, though if anyone can suggest a good one that would be great. I've read through Romans and Jonah so far. Are there any specific Biblical books that might help shed light on the "relationship with God and Christ" issue I'm having?

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Re: What book/devotion should I tackle?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 07:58:06 AM »
I only really became a Christian in the last month
Chris, this is AWESOME news!  I know I haven't been around much in the last few months due to working on my Master's Degree, but I'm so glad that I checked by today and found this post.  Welcome to the family, I'm glad to have you as a brother!

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Re: What book/devotion should I tackle?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 08:59:19 AM »
Praise God Chris! Very excited to have you join the family of God. I would recommend God is the Gospel by John Piper. It addresses both areas you expressed an interest to learn more about. I would be happy to mail you a copy if would like one. Just PM me your address. Alternately you can download a free PDF of it from John Piper's website (

I would love to help more as you have need and/or desire!

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Re: What book/devotion should I tackle?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2014, 01:20:43 PM »
I want you to know I have been thinking about this Chris. I don't know if I have any great suggestions since our personalities are pretty similar so I would imagine we have already read similar books and that they did not help you much. I will say John Piper is pretty awesome, although I haven't read that particular book Kirk suggested.

I might suggest reading Radical by David Platt. I'm not sure it's the perfect book to address your concerns, but it was incredible in helping me shift some my thinking into heart change and action. Like you, I know all the right stuff, but it took some work and time to figure out what that meant for me. If you want a copy, I can arrange it. It's definitely the best book I've ever read because of how simply he takes the Bible and what it means for our lives.

I am always open on Facebook, and I keep you in prayer in this time of your life.

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Re: What book/devotion should I tackle?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2014, 07:33:41 PM »
Crazy Love by Francis Chan would be one I recommend. It addresses the love relationship between Jesus and his followers along with how we can apply it to others. Otherwise, Mere Christianity is just way to good not to pass up when it comes to Christian Theology. It's not exactly what you are looking for but it's one of the only studies that I've done and stayed totally attentive throughout the entirety of the book. So that's saying something. 
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