Author Topic: Well look what caleb did now  (Read 12476 times)


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Well look what caleb did now
« on: May 26, 2009, 09:09:27 AM »
I peirced my own lip no painkillers or ice just a needle and a ball

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 09:14:44 AM »
That is VERY dangerous. You should be very careful to keep it clean and prevent infection, and you're lucky you didn't hurt yourself.

Offline Colin Michael

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2009, 09:19:12 AM »
That is VERY dangerous. You should be very careful to keep it clean and prevent infection, and you're lucky you didn't hurt yourself.
I got away with it when I was fifteen.

Saline solution, not hydrogen peroxide.

Also, it's a very good thing you didn't use painkillers or ice. That messes it up, I forget how though. You can put in a clear piece if you want to get away with it at school/with parents until it heals. I recommend a 14G.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 09:22:57 AM by Colin Michael »
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2009, 09:21:10 AM »
I peirced my own lip no painkillers or ice just a needle and a ball


That is VERY dangerous. You should be very careful to keep it clean and prevent infection, and you're lucky you didn't hurt yourself.
Also, it's a very good thing you didn't use painkillers or ice. That messes it up, I forget how though. You can put in a clear piece if you want to get away with it at school/with parents until it heals. I recommend a 14G.
It looks kind of swollen in the second picture.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 09:25:31 AM by Rrulez »

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2009, 09:25:05 AM »
coulda hit a vein or a nerve. Jeeze!
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2009, 09:37:33 AM »
I peirced my own lip no painkillers or ice just a needle and a ball


That is VERY dangerous. You should be very careful to keep it clean and prevent infection, and you're lucky you didn't hurt yourself.
Also, it's a very good thing you didn't use painkillers or ice. That messes it up, I forget how though. You can put in a clear piece if you want to get away with it at school/with parents until it heals. I recommend a 14G.
It looks kind of swollen in the second picture.

I wanted to do something crazy and of course it does you go peirce your lip and see howyour nerves react (I hit a vein Bythe wasn't that bad)


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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2009, 09:38:21 AM »
I peirced my own lip no painkillers or ice just a needle and a ball


That is VERY dangerous. You should be very careful to keep it clean and prevent infection, and you're lucky you didn't hurt yourself.
Also, it's a very good thing you didn't use painkillers or ice. That messes it up, I forget how though. You can put in a clear piece if you want to get away with it at school/with parents until it heals. I recommend a 14G.
It looks kind of swollen in the second picture.

I wanted to do something crazy and of course it does you go peirce your lip and see howyour nerves react (I hit a vein Bythe wasn't that bad)
I'd rather not.  ;)

Offline Colin Michael

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2009, 09:41:35 AM »
I don't think you hit a vein or a nerve. You'd be in the hospital.

Just be careful with the whole slippery slope that comes from the whole stoicism thing. I had a friend who ended up playing Russian roulette after an escalating series of dares.
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2009, 09:55:35 AM »
As far as a scientific response, I echo the advice of others that you should watch out for infection and use saline solution to keep it clean.

As far as a moral response, I'd check out this link:

As far as a third response, I'd point out that doing something crazy because it's the right thing to do is admirable.  Doing something crazy simply because it's crazy is immature.  And a pattern of doing that will lead to pain for yourself and the people who care about you.

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2009, 10:12:30 AM »
As far as a moral response, I'd check out this link:
I take personal offense to that.

Genesis 24:47 "I asked her, 'Whose daughter are you?'
      "She said, 'The daughter of Bethuel son of Nahor, whom Milcah bore to him.'
      "Then I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms, 48 and I bowed down and worshiped the LORD. I praised the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me on the right road to get the granddaughter of my master's brother for his son.

Also, there is a big difference between the meaning of tattoos in Hebrew culture and in modern American culture. The verse in Leviticus is non-applicable to the present. The site doesn't even seem to make an argument either. It also says "these things were done to worship non-existent gods" which fails to take into account a pre-exhilic Hebrew understanding of YHVH.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 10:21:44 AM by Colin Michael »
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2009, 10:20:37 AM »
idk if he's brave or just plain stupid for that
the bible says something against peircing your body
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2009, 10:22:22 AM »
idk if he's brave or just plain stupid for that
the bible says something against peircing your body
No it doesn't. Try actually reading it for yourself sometime.
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2009, 10:36:02 AM »
The bible says not to Pierce/Mutilate/Mar/burn/tattoo your body in mourning. That's all.

I still stand by what I said before though. If you'r gonna have it make sure to take care of the ring, the lip, and your teeth and gums as well. Having a ring like that can ruin your teeth if you're not careful.

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2009, 11:00:08 AM »
The bible says not to Pierce/Mutilate/Mar/burn/tattoo your body in mourning. That's all.

and what it doesnt mention is that these were accepted cannanite religious practices.  In many ways these were forms of promitive ancestor worship connected to various cananite cults.

Since most of the people who get "John R.I.P." tattoed in honor of someone who died are not Worshiping, only remmebering them, I dont even have a problem with that.

I do have a problem with people gettign stupid cartoon characters tatooed to their shoulder or legs or feet or any other visible area because gettign cartoons tatooed on you is stupid

seriously, you want to be the person who is 80 years old with a smurf tattoed to your shoulder?  Really?  you wanna be that person?
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2009, 03:11:11 PM »
I echo the sentiments of everyone else about the saline, etc. Infections on facial piercings hurt like CRAZY. I got my nose professionally done both times I got it pierced... the first time it got infected, but the second time (I got it re-pierced) it hasn't given me any problems since.

And to throw my hat in to the debate on whether or not piercings are okay, I believe it's the heart behind it. If you're just doing it to be cool, you may want to rethink it. My nose ring has deep spiritual meaning to me, and i know people who have gotten piercings/tattoos with a similar heart.



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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2009, 03:30:17 PM »
The only tattoo I would consider getting is...

1. A cross or something Christian. My brother has an awesome one of a half cross, half sword. It used to have a crown of thorns wrapped around the hilt, but the tattoo artist couldnt keep it when he got it recolored. Still, I love the design of it.

2. The logo of my favorite band, Dream Theater. I don't like, worship them or anything crazy, but they are definately my favorite band. As far as me not liking them in the future... they're put out 10 albums to date, and I love them all, chances of me not liking them are slim.  ;) Also... the logo itself looks awesome:

3. Some sort of saying that means a lot to me. At the moment I don't quite have any, but something like "Carpe Diem."

For me... no piercings... I don't see the appeal of putting metal through me unless I need to to fix a broken bone or something. Tattoos are at least more of an art form...

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2009, 03:43:15 PM »
The verse in Leviticus is non-applicable to the present.
OK, it doesn't surprise me that a person who doesn't believe the Bible is absolutely true, accurate, or applicable anyway, also finds this specific verse to not apply to his life.  But most people on this forum do think the Bible is authoritative.  So how about if you back up your statement based on what WE believe.

Show me someplace in the Bible where it says that Christians SHOULD get their bodies pierced, or even that it is OK for Christians to get their bodies pierced.  We're not Old Testament slaves, and Caleb is not a bride (at least in a human sense).  So show me somewhere in the Bible that demonstrates the we can throw the Leviticus passage away.

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2009, 03:51:19 PM »
Leviticus 19:28
Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.  I am the LORD.

Caleb, did you pierce your lip for the dead?
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2009, 03:52:15 PM »
Professionals will recommend that you use a hoop for your new piercing because it's much easier to keep the wound clean than with a stud.

I wanted to pierce my own lip when I was younger but I'm a big baby when it comes to needles.  Now I just think it's dumb.  I guess that means I'm getting old huh? ::)  I do still understand the coolness and appeal when you're young. ;)

Even though I never pierced my lip, I had both ears and my tongue pierced.  I only kept the tongue piercing for a few years but I still have both ears.  I wasn't a follower of Jesus when I had these done (that's not to say that Christians should/shouldn't which is another conversation all together).  I wouldn't choose to do it today if it wasn't already done, but since the ears are already pierced I've chosen to leave them so far.
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2009, 04:06:22 PM »
The verse in Leviticus is non-applicable to the present.
OK, it doesn't surprise me that a person who doesn't believe the Bible is absolutely true, accurate, or applicable anyway, also finds this specific verse to not apply to his life.  But most people on this forum do think the Bible is authoritative.  So how about if you back up your statement based on what WE believe.

Show me someplace in the Bible where it says that Christians SHOULD get their bodies pierced, or even that it is OK for Christians to get their bodies pierced.  We're not Old Testament slaves, and Caleb is not a bride (at least in a human sense).  So show me somewhere in the Bible that demonstrates the we can throw the Leviticus passage away.
The passage in Leviticus wasn't deontological law, it was a law for a reason. That reason is no longer existent.
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2009, 04:08:44 PM »
I have very high level of respect for Prof Underwood and his understanding of the Bible.  I also agree 100% that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God which should guide our choices and beliefs.  I don't claim to have a perfect understanding of scripture, but by the Holy Spirit, God's Grace and the insight of other well studied believers I do my best to understand the Bible and it's implications for our life.

That being said, I believe that the verse quoted from Leviticus is being taken out of context and used legalistically.  

Are we also to believe that women should not braid their hair (1 Timothy 2:9) and Christians should never consume alcohol (Ephesians 5:18)?

Most importantly, is Caleb not able to be a follower of Christ and have a piercing?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 04:14:55 PM by BrianGabe »
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2009, 04:26:50 PM »
I believe that the verse quoted from Leviticus is being taken out of context and used legalistically.
This is not a verse that I am 100% sure on.  It is possible that it's meaning is limited to doing these things for false religious practices.  But it is also possible that it's meaning is more broad.  And since I don't know of any place in scripture where this is clarified or negated...when in doubt, don't :)  No one HAS to get a piercing or tattoo.

Are we also to believe that women should not braid their hair (1 Timothy 2:9) and Christians should never consume alcohol (Ephesians 5:18)?
Speaking of context... the verse in 1 Tim clearly starts by saying that women should dress modestly, and then includes the clarifying examples.  In our society, braided hair is not immodest in any way, so it would not apply.  Contrast this with tattoos and piercings which are still looked upon negatively to some extent in our society.  And as for the Eph 5 passage, it says to not get "drunk" with wine.  And I do think that Christians should not get drunk.  One of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control, and one would lack that if they were drunk.

Most importantly, is Caleb not able to be a follower of Christ and have a piercing?
I am not judging Caleb's salvation here at all.  He could surely be a follower of Christ and have a piercing.  I am just pointing out some alternative views to his own for him to think about.  If he is a follower of Christ, then he will test these ideas (like the Bereans), and will follow the convictions that the Holy Spirit gives him.  He may or may not end up agreeing with me, but I hope that he will at least consider these things.

P.S.  Ooooooh, Colin used the word "deontological".  Suddenly, I'm completely convinced of his point.  OK, maybe not :)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 04:29:24 PM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2009, 04:43:13 PM »
What is modest differs from society to society. For example, a woman wearing pants in Africa is consider immodest because prostitutes wear pants. A California beach would be a completely different matter.

What is ethically permissible varies from society to society.
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2009, 05:13:07 PM »
And a pattern of doing that will lead to pain for yourself and the people who care about you.
Who now? ;)
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Re: Well look what caleb did now
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2009, 05:52:11 PM »
I am not judging Caleb's salvation here at all.  He could surely be a follower of Christ and have a piercing.

This is the main point and the only one worth fighting for.  I already knew your stance on this Prof, but I brought it up so that it's clear to others, especially the younger people on the boards.  Piercings and tattoos are secondary issues that make for a good discussion.  They can be an indication of a deeper issue of the heart, but of themselves have no bearing on our standing with God.  For that we rely only on the complete sufficiency of Jesus Christ. :thumbup:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 06:03:00 PM by BrianGabe »
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