Author Topic: Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July  (Read 1100 times)

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Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July
« on: May 17, 2010, 12:48:05 AM »
My family is planning to be in Columbus on Sunday, June 27th.  Since there are players in the area, we're hoping that someone of you might be willing to point us to your church for service & then play a couple of games afterwards.

My family plans to be in the Arlington, VA/Washington D.C. area from July 1st - 9th.  If there are players somewhat nearby that would be willing to play a few games some afternoon, as well as give us some leads on a church, that'd be awesome.

Also, if anyone has recommendations of stuff to see in D.C., that'd be great.  I know the obvious stuff, but I'm sure somebody's stumbled across some hidden gems.
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Offline TechnoEthicist

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Re: Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 12:54:31 AM »
It go to DC when we head to we'll be back by the 6th though...

Online Sean

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Re: Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 01:21:02 AM »
National Museum of the Native American Indian is my favorite.  Make sure to see the WWII memorial, its the newest so people tend to forget about it.  National Zoo is free.  Make sure to get tickets ahead of time if you want to go to the Holocaust museum.  Spy museum is great.

Make sure you don't miss the White House.  Its a lot smaller in real life and I've heard lots of people talk about how they walked by it without even realizing. 

I like the Old Ebbit Grill.  Its an upscale restaurant but not over the top and is within walking distance from the mall.  You don't have to wear a suit but I wouldn't recommend jeans either.  Pershing Square is nice for a picnic style lunch, its near the federal plaza metro stop if memory serves me right.

I recommend going up to Baltimore for a day.  Its only a 45 minute drive from DC and you can see the aquarium and inner harbor.  There's an awesome interactive learning center near the inner harbor as well that kids would absolutely love, I'm forgetting the name if it though.  If you like baseball at all, Camden Yards is a beautiful place even if they are playing a game.  The Nationals park is great too I hear, haven't been to the new stadium yet though.

If you want to go to Georgetown, you could see the staircase where they filmed the Exorcist.

There are a huge amount of churches in the area, I couldn't begin to try and point you towards any of them without knowing what you're looking for in a church.
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Re: Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 09:59:32 AM »
It go to DC when we head to we'll be back by the 6th though...

I don't think I need to say what I'm gonna say for you to hear what I'm saying.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Visiting Ohio & Washington DC in June/July
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 10:07:37 AM »
I'll be down working at a Microsoft Conference (long story, I still firmly support Open Source), and I've got the 9th off.
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