Author Topic: Trying to get a playgroup started  (Read 2175 times)

Offline 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips

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Trying to get a playgroup started
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:06:30 PM »
I am trying to get a playgroup started along with my friend. I was wondering what were any problems that were encountered when other people tried to start a playgroup? Also I only have a 3 group playgroup, me and my 2 friends, and hopefully another one in a week and I wanted to know what are some ways that I could introduce it to them without them being forceful?
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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2010, 02:15:14 PM »
bring up the game in conversation. one problem i have had with me and korunks trying to start a playgroup is that it is so hard to get people to come. uusually it is just me, korunks, and korunk's brother.

Offline ACe

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 02:47:48 PM »
Well i teach a jr high sunday school class and the boys all got cards from their sunday school teacher before me and they didnt know how to play.So i taught them also waht 12tipton3 said just bring it up in a convo. also if you have a local hobby shop(gamestore) see if any one that plays other games might want to try Redemption. I have a flyer up in the hobby store here and i have one up at the closest christian book store. I am getting ready to but something up on the college campus i work at
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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2010, 02:49:18 PM »
Make sure you have a deck to give them for free. People are usually willing to try something if you offer it to them for free.
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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2010, 02:58:14 PM »
I was fortunate to wander into a church with two people collecting the cards, but neither knew how to play the game.  So I had a group of three easy, then I taught my little brother so we had 4.  I have had up to 8 people at once though.  The hardest part is gauging some one's interest.  Some people genuinely want to play the game and love it, others some times come to see the people at the club and could take or leave the game.  I have had club members bring friends so they are a good way to grow.  We are not so far apart, when you get your group going we should get together sometimes just to play.  Good Luck Man!! :)

Offline ACe

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2010, 03:22:13 PM »
Make sure you have a deck to give them for free. People are usually willing to try something if you offer it to them for free.

This is very true i had two people who cant afford the cards but i have them a deck and the can take cards from my extra box also people on here are really helpful to send you cards to help your group out
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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2010, 12:12:24 AM »
i like the playgroup and i think that when you get it started you will really enjoy it. can't wait to play you at the tournament.

Offline 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2010, 10:10:31 AM »
See my problem is that i am a bad teacher. Brandon is a great teacher. So hopefull if I can get some people andthe supplies, he can help with that. I know he won't mind
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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2010, 11:40:51 AM »
if you need extra help, i 'm always here!

Offline Ken4Christ4ever

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2010, 11:56:04 AM »
I started hosting tournaments once a month (always the 3rd Saturday of the month) when my wife and I moved back to WI. Since there is consistency and people could see them on the Cactus tournaments page, we have had about a dozen people show up that I had never met before. The biggest group we've had on a given day so far is 10 players (my wife and I were hosting/judging, not playing), and we now have 4 players that come every month. It's just the others that vary. We'll probably have 12-15 at our June district tournament. It started small, but it's been growing, which is exciting! :)

(We also give away a free Thesaurus pack to anyone who brings a friend and provide free pizza and soda to anyone who's playing all day!)

Offline 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2010, 12:43:07 PM »
I started hosting tournaments once a month (always the 3rd Saturday of the month) when my wife and I moved back to WI. Since there is consistency and people could see them on the Cactus tournaments page, we have had about a dozen people show up that I had never met before. The biggest group we've had on a given day so far is 10 players (my wife and I were hosting/judging, not playing), and we now have 4 players that come every month. It's just the others that vary. We'll probably have 12-15 at our June district tournament. It started small, but it's been growing, which is exciting! :)

(We also give away a free Thesaurus pack to anyone who brings a friend and provide free pizza and soda to anyone who's playing all day!)

That is awesome. I just want some local stuff...i know we have a pretty good base in the state but none where I hopefully it'll turn out cool.
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Offline ACe

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Re: Trying to get a playgroup started
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2010, 12:49:46 PM »
you said your not a good teacher, we not the best either so we made a board with cards on it (made the cards bigger) and we typed out what each card does and glued it under the card on the board. we put a chart for deck buliding on there, and some common things that they need to know. We started out with 2 kids in January and we have 5-8 that come ever practice. I hosted my first tourney on April 10 and we had 16 people play (not including my wife and I we hosted and judged) 7 were from my group. I even made a web page for my group on facebook that they can trade to people in our group i posted what packs i have and the prices to them.
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