Author Topic: To copy MehMan....  (Read 6189 times)


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To copy MehMan....
« on: January 15, 2009, 12:01:10 PM »
who would participate in a only top players tourney? It'd be great fun for all the people who can beat almost anyone:
We would start the tourney where everyone could play but after the first week only the top 7 players after that first weekwould be able to continue: It would last for two months and I couldcome up with some small prizes(JiP Harvest Time New Jerusalem(dom) Abram/Abraham and some FooF/RoA) for the winner and 2 runner up's. And I wouldn't stay in if I was below 7th just if you we're wondering if I was fair  ;)

The point system would be the same as Jacobs Ladder


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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 12:12:58 PM »
bad idea for one reason.

Who defines "Top Player", and what about those who "arent allowed"?

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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 12:16:03 PM »
i'm intrested if it'll help me improve.
and i could also act as a warm up match before games
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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2009, 12:18:58 PM »
bad idea for one reason.

Who defines "Top Player", and what about those who "arent allowed"?
From his wording, it seems like everyone can play the first week. Then, the second week those not in the top 7 aren't allowed to play.

I think he wants points to choose who is a top player.

Quick question though, do we have to play everyone? Lets say I play (insert new player here) and get tons of points, then someone else who is much better than me plays (insert awesome player here) and doesn't win all of them.

Even though he is the better player, I would be ahead.

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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2009, 12:20:39 PM »
 +1  with Lambo, and I make my statement in every thread like this.

It is all subjective to define who the "top" and/or "greatest" players are.  It leaves people out and I feel it is a back handed insult.  I know competition and sports highlight that some are more gifted/skilled than others.  I even have an idea of who I think are talented in Redemption by my set criteria.  I don't think it should be "put out there" because someone(s) (without all doubt) will become offended or have their feelings hurt.

For Example:  Caleb how would you feel if you were the one who was told that you're "not good enough."
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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2009, 12:28:13 PM »
bad idea for one reason.

Who defines "Top Player", and what about those who "arent allowed"?
From his wording, it seems like everyone can play the first week. Then, the second week those not in the top 7 aren't allowed to play.

I think he wants points to choose who is a top player.

Quick question though, do we have to play everyone? Lets say I play (insert new player here) and get tons of points, then someone else who is much better than me plays (insert awesome player here) and doesn't win all of them.

Even though he is the better player, I would be ahead.

It would work this way exactly:you put down how many yrs youve played then I put the names in that order you cant challenge anyone 3 downbut you can challenge anyone above you (no pwning kids who aren't that good) then after the first week the top 7 players who have the most points stay everyone else drops : you can play as many games as you want the first week then after 4 a week


@Lambo and SS noone defines them its who has the most points equaling most wins

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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2009, 12:34:10 PM »
Personally, I thought you were talking about something different because there has been past mentionings (a new word!) of an exclusive tournament at Nats.  Only they could eat with Rob Anderson or play, and stuff like that.  I didn't know you were starting another online tournament.
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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 12:36:03 PM »
Personally, I thought you were talking about something different because there has been past mentionings (a new word!) of an exclusive tournament at Nats.  Only they could eat with Rob Anderson or play, and stuff like that.  I didn't know you were starting another online tournament.
no I'm talking about a little tourney fro some of the best players(by points not pick)

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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2009, 01:27:19 PM »
I don't think this is a good idea ... YET.

Right now there are only 17 people competing in the online tourney.  That is a great number, but not enough to split into skill divisions.  My hope is that the online tourney will continue to grow, and at some point I think that will be a good idea.

I think that it should be organized somewhat like the divisions of soccer in Europe.  For instance when there are 30 people competing in the online tournament, then split into 2 divisions with 15 people each (based on the previous months rankings).  Then at the end of that month, the bottom 3 people from the "upper" division would switch places with the top 3 people from the "lower" division.

That would give the 15 people in the "lover" division more of a chance to win more games, and something to shoot for (getting to the upper division).  It would also give the "upper" division more of a hard time winning games, and something to shoot for (prize of the month).  But I wouldn't want to split like this until there were about 30 people playing regularly overall.


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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2009, 02:21:13 PM »
I was thinking also maybe after this semester of the SOT we could have a 5 top player all star match

also also:
who would be intrested in a t1 multi tournament?

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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2009, 02:55:09 PM »
No one ;) friends don't let friends play t1 multi :-p and I'm not one for all star matches cuz one person could lose the max of games while one person didn't play all his games and be lower.
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Re: To copy MehMan....
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2009, 06:27:16 PM »
I know Justin would be  ;)


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