Author Topic: To All The Scientific Minds Out There  (Read 2415 times)


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To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« on: October 06, 2011, 06:26:46 PM »
My mom is in the middle of her occult unit and one of the selections that the kids selected is UFO's.  She has a list of items that shows scientifically that the UFO's that have been "scene" are not physical beings.  However, the list originated in 2004.  I'm not quite up to date on quantum physics so here's the list that she has.  Let me know if anything has changed and have actually become possible:

1.   There's never a sonic boom from a UFO; never one heard or recorded by instrument.  Whenever any physical object exceeds the speed of sound and breaks the sound barrier, there's always a sonic boom.  Since there is never one with UFOs, they are apparently not physical.

2.   A physical object must encounter air resistance when it exceeds certain velocities (as does a spacecraft which heats up as it reenters the earth's atmosphere).  UFOs do not manifest any evidence of air resistance in spite of their incredible speeds; therefore they cannot be physical.

3.   UFOs often project light beams which stop suddenly at a particular point.  A physical beam of light cannot behave in this fashion, but rather must dissipate gradually.

4.   UFOs frequently violate the laws of physics.  They make incredible right-angle turns and sudden starts or stops at thousands of miles per hour.  A solid ball of steel could not survive the G-forces these maneuvers would create; their molecules would fly apart.  Any physical craft or being subjected to such stress forces would be utterly destroyed.

5.   They change shape, size and color at random, appear, disappear, disintegrate and reassemble.  Physical objects cannot do any of these things.

6.   UFOs fly in tight formation at incredible speeds without any evidence of electromagnetic communication or contact.  It's physically impossible to do such things without communication.

7.   No physical artifact or crash debris has ever been recovered, in spite of the Roswell Crash stories.

Chronic Apathy

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 07:14:55 PM »
Not having any specific examples to give regarding physics, let me just note that, realistically, physics doesn't necessarily have any laws. Assuming of course that UFOs are aliens and aliens exist (which I certainly don't believe they do), there's really nothing to suggest that such beings haven't been able to completely snap our so-called "laws" in half. I mean, even gravity is "just a theory."

Offline Soundman2

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 07:44:26 PM »
Most of the stuff it clams is impassible can be written off as the aliens our more advanced then us.  Specifically 1, 2 part of 4 (the right angle turn part), 5 
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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 08:15:04 PM »
First of all I think UFO should be defined: A UFO is an unidentified flying object, it could be anything from an unrecognized aircraft or missile, to something we can't even explain (like what you are probably talking about)

Secondly quantum mechanics should have almost no impact on anything larger than a few dozen atoms (since it approximates to classical mechanics at high energy (such as room temperature)

Finally most of those UFO sightings are probably no more trustworthy than Bigfoot sightings or the Loch Ness Monster.

Not having any specific examples to give regarding physics, let me just note that, realistically, physics doesn't necessarily have any laws. Assuming of course that UFOs are aliens and aliens exist (which I certainly don't believe they do), there's really nothing to suggest that such beings haven't been able to completely snap our so-called "laws" in half. I mean, even gravity is "just a theory."

It doesn't have to have laws, but there's also no reason to suggest that it doesn't, but a lot to say that they do follow rules (entire fields of study are dedicated to show that the laws of physics are consistent throughout the universe (Astronomy has shown that even though we don't understand everything about gravity, it does still work throughout the entire universe (as far as we can tell).
If you are reading this signature, thank a physicist.

Offline Bobbert

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 08:35:59 PM »
Inb4 Roswell Conspiracy theorists.

Seriously, though, I think the aliens are all just people trying to get their name in the National Enquirer. I actually once saw a History Channel "Documentary" about how the KGB was doing huge alien research. Highlights: some KGB officers looking at a big metal disc in Siberia and some doctors dissecting a cardboard body.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline JSB23

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2011, 10:25:39 PM »
I'm just going to leave this here...

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
   - Arthur C. Clarke
An unanswered question is infinitely better than an unquestioned answer.

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2011, 11:14:48 PM »
I'm just going to leave this here...

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
   - Arthur C. Clarke
Gah, beat me to it by one post.
Mind not the ignorant fool on the other side of the screen!-BubbleBoy
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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2011, 12:13:31 AM »
The point of the lesson is to show that there has been no aliens visitors (she also mentions that there hasn't been any telescope recordings of UFOs ever). She then explains that some could be explained (like lights in the sky being our own aircrafts). After that, she goes into the ones that does all the special stuff listed above. She then, using the evidence above, shows that they can't be physical beings. This leads into how demons work and how Satan is called the Prince Of The Air and how he rules it. It also ties in with hypnosis (which is another link in the long chain of the occult). Since she is not scientifically minded and I only had high school physics over ten years ago, we just wanted to make sure that there hasnt been any new discoveries that would explain any of the above.

The Schaef

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2011, 04:11:37 PM »
Most of the stuff it clams is impassible can be written off as the aliens our more advanced then us.  Specifically 1, 2 part of 4 (the right angle turn part), 5  6.

I would agree with some of the arguments about maneuverability or changing states, as most attempts in sci-fi to describe similar effects refer to the development of various ablative materials.  But I don't think there's a way around the sonic boom problem in No. 1.  The other effects refer to things that could be accomplished within the function of the craft itself, but the sonic boom is produced by external pressure building up around the object in flight.  When the craft breaks the speed of sound, the release of that built-up pressure is what creates the boom.  While there have been efforts to lessen the pressure and therefore reduce the impact of the boom, there is no working design that can completely dissipate the buildup pressures created in flight, and the only working models of a surface that CAN do this are incapable of producing lift, since it is the reaction to air pressure against a surface - equal to or greater than the force of gravity on the craft - that produces lift in the first place.

In short, the sonic boom problem is in the air, not the craft, and whatever talk of reducing pressure buildup I mentioned above, the design of UFOs that have been reported certainly do NOT conform to these aerodynamic principles.  If the UFO is real and tangible and in motion, it is doing so in a way that completely bypasses the traversal of physical space yet still reflects/projects light along a line of traversal; that would seem to be an unsolvable paradox.

Chronic Apathy

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2011, 04:48:07 PM »

That last one didn't have to do with this. It just made me chuckle when I saw it.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2011, 05:00:37 PM »
I've watched that show a couple times. Pretty much sums it up.
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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2011, 01:42:00 PM »
You need to define UFO really well. I'm assuming you're referring to it as the archetypal alien craft. If this is the case, you have to recognize you're not arguing against UFOs as a whole, but against the idea of a specific type of UFO. UFOs aren't always glowing silver circles, sometimes they're blue police boxes that are larger on the inside.

The Schaef

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2011, 02:41:42 PM »
Keep in mind, though, that the composition and behavioral details of the craft are defined already by the witnesses themselves.  There's not a concern with arguing against a predisposition on what kind of craft it is, since he's not the originator of the specifics.

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2011, 05:59:31 PM »
Given that hypnoses is considered "occult" in this study, I wouldn't give too much credence to it. That kind of hypnosis doesn't exist.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2011, 11:59:39 PM »
Given that hypnoses is considered "occult" in this study, I wouldn't give too much credence to it. That kind of hypnosis doesn't exist.

A lot of decades of research have been put into these lessons. It has been shown that the people being hypnotized actually knows what's going on during the whole thing. The process actually gets you into a very calming state where you really want to please the person who is hypnotizing you.  It is connected to the occult in more ways then just about UFO/aliens. All Past life memories are from hypnosis as well.

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Re: To All The Scientific Minds Out There
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2011, 11:40:19 AM »
My very personal opinion is that the information discussed in the link and in this thread are merely interpretations of individuals who get glimpses of the spiritual world.  Read Flatliners to understand how interpretations can be skewed from reality.

On a side note, I am an alien visitor according to God's Word.  ;)
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