Author Topic: Theories of Education?  (Read 26534 times)

Offline Colin Michael

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Re: Theories of Education?
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2009, 07:30:24 PM »
Thus, the plan for this educational facility is to create the environment best suited for creating intellectual elites.

No, your plan as outlined to us was to take those you DEEMED intellectual elites and give them distinct and separate training in order to produce an oligarchy in which they run the show.  The separation as described takes place before the educational process, which was specifically promoted as different from the current system in which a baseline education is available to all, and people are free to pursue high-caliber interests of their own accord.
Your mixing up two concepts.
The practical senario has two schools, academic and vocational, one is at the liberty of chosing ethier (but if you fail out of the academic, you're pretty much set on vocational).
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