Author Topic: The YouTube Effect  (Read 4445 times)


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The YouTube Effect
« on: January 04, 2009, 11:14:59 PM »
We all know it you look something up on youtube and then 15-20 min later your on something that has nothing to do with the thing you search for!

So I ask what was you YouTube Effect Moments?

Mine (fill this form out)

Start: Corn starch

In the middle:strange chairs and sofas,underwater animals,liquid metal art

End:underwater hotels

here are the rules (yes a few rules) 1) this has to be in one search and on the little side bar thing you click on something else to get to the end.

2) you can't just have looked at 2 things for 15-20 min it has to be atleast 4+ things (fill at the In the middle with atleast 3 things you saw befor your end)

and 3) No telling anyone else what they looked at was stupid,dumb,useless, or fails. Please don't try to misquote to much (it's fun but it gets annoying). last if I see has much as a small flame/spam war I will lock the thread (I'm sorry but it people need time to chill and not yell at each other I will only lock it for 5 min maybe more so ever one can chill out(if said flamers/spamers still need to yell then take it to messages) )

Now don't look at me as a guy who with make a big deal over some fun going on but I don't need to see ANOTHER thread going into the locking hammer...


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