Prof. I'd love to see the new rule book and starter decks. I thought they were slated to be out at Natz. this past fall? I agree the metagame is a top of the pyramid issue to deal with but at the same time you look at the 1st meta game BTN Cactus response only included a few cards HoH and AP along with really specific cannot be negated. The next large meta they attacked was speed which was a much larger response in card volume (these sets where much smaller than the sets released where BTN was addressed) So now if I'm not a part of top of the pyramid then the number of cards I really need to buy greatly decreases. Sets main goal use to be adding new strategy. I'll speak to the expansion sets while I was playing (Womens- site lock out Warriors- text based abilities, Apostles- Artifact and Conversion based, Pats- Banding and capture got to playable boosts and the new interesting dynamic of Covenant Cards and the start of the Cultural based strategy, Kings- Warriors II with weapon class enhancements, Angel Wars- Fort based strategies emerge, Priests- Curse Cards and teal brigade, FooF- Cultural based strats if fully viable on many redemption cultures, ROA- Fortress and culture based strategies merge, TXP- I only saw a bit of this set but mostly this set was made to have shiny cards and fight meta games Taunting was a nice plus from the promo sheet Also place cards which I don't like how many of then there are they have become sudo DOMs in a sense cause the game mechanic does not have a great way to counter them.)