Author Topic: SWINE FLU!!!  (Read 29515 times)


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« Reply #75 on: May 03, 2009, 11:49:15 AM »
Quote from: Da Muzik Maker
if you guys havnt noticed. (scheaf this goes for you to.) talking this way is being racist even if you dont mean to be.

No it isn't.

so talking about mexicans this way isnt being racist?

ok but we are still blaming the mexicans.
We aren't blaming the Mexicans. But its common knowledge that the medicine/vaccination rate is extremely low in Mexico and they are more vulnerable.

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« Reply #76 on: May 03, 2009, 01:52:27 PM »
if you guys havnt noticed. (scheaf this goes for you to.) talking this way is being racist even if you dont mean to be.

Get real.  It's not racist to say that Mexicans (in general) are not white.  If not being white was somehow construed as a BAD thing, that would be racist.

it isnt the mexicans fault anyhow that the swine flu came here.

No one is blaming Mexicans for anything.  All anyone said is that people are getting sick and dying in Mexico.  Because that's where it's happening.  Here in the US, people are getting sick and NOT dying, and the one thing that is NOT a factor is race; Americans are black, white, red, green, purple, and striped, so the reason they're not dying has to be something else.  Probably quality of medical care.

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« Reply #77 on: May 03, 2009, 02:23:00 PM »
You know, before I got sick, one of my friends who is 1/4th Mexican was over here...

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« Reply #78 on: May 03, 2009, 02:55:46 PM »
You know, before I got sick, one of my friends who is 1/4th Mexican was over here...

Most likely.

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« Reply #79 on: May 03, 2009, 04:24:08 PM »
You know, before I got sick, one of my friends who is 1/4th Mexican was over here...


The only determining factor would be whether they were in Mexico recently or were exposed to someone who was in Mexico recently.
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« Reply #80 on: May 03, 2009, 08:30:26 PM »
I'm not getting a vaccine, that's all I know. A lot of people get very sick from vaccines... I don't know, my mom was a nurse for many years and she's not sure getting vaccines is EVER a good idea, unless a disease is like 100% fatality rating or something like that. A lot of times it doesn't even work, and you either get sick from the vaccine or you don't let yourself get sick, and the disease comes back much worse and your body doesn't have the immunity to it. Just my :2cents:
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« Reply #81 on: May 03, 2009, 08:36:30 PM »
Herbal remedies are the way to go, they build up your immune system.
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« Reply #82 on: May 03, 2009, 08:39:21 PM »
I heard that was the catch phrase in the 60s.

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« Reply #83 on: May 03, 2009, 09:13:28 PM »
but how do you know mexicans  are the only ones dying? you know, some people may have died here and we didnt know yet. they may have thought that they just had the regular flu and didnt think it was serious. and they died in ther homes.  :-\

The CDC currently has 241 confirmed cases in 34 states.  The only death in the United States was a child who traveled here from Mexico for treatment.

So yes, we do know.

And it doesn't change the simple fact, that stating a fact about who has died from the virus IS NOT RACIST.  I even dedicated a whole paragraph in my last post to the fact that there are people in America from all over the world, which PROVES that race is not a factor in who does/does not die from the virus.

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« Reply #84 on: May 03, 2009, 09:18:50 PM »
Who's to imply that political prejudice is equated with racism?

For example, I have an extreme dislike for French political practices.
Girls of French heritage, on the other hand, I do not have such a dislike for.

I also have a supreme dislike for the German government circa WWII.
German girls, on the other hand, I am quite fond of.

As for Switzerland, I'd have to say that it just all around wins everywhere: girls and government.

I see no problem being overcautious about people coming from a certain country which isn't known for its mastery in matters of medicinal and sanitary practices in time of flu.
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« Reply #85 on: May 04, 2009, 10:43:52 AM »
Who's to imply that political prejudice is equated with racism?

For example, I have an extreme dislike for French political practices.
Girls of French heritage, on the other hand, I do not have such a dislike for.

I also have a supreme dislike for the German government circa WWII.
German girls, on the other hand, I am quite fond of.

As for Switzerland, I'd have to say that it just all around wins everywhere: girls and government.

I see no problem being overcautious about people coming from a certain country which isn't known for its mastery in matters of medicinal and sanitary practices in time of flu.

I think this means you win the thread.

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« Reply #86 on: August 30, 2009, 12:14:48 AM »
First, it would be ironic to call this a necro-post. In fact, it isn't a necro-post because this is still an issue and has since triggered many deaths. While the rest of you have been joking around about how this virus is racist, we have since neglected to follow up on where H1N1 has come since its introduction into the U.S.

Before I go too far, I want you all to understand that I am not the sort of person who likes to excite fears in others, but I have been talking this issue over with a molecular biologist who has been closely following this virus and its progress. Thus, I am only passing along the sort of caution which I have come to adopt from his warnings.

While I admit that the ratio of reported cases to deaths is not yet intimidating, the fact that is has spread so quickly, affected so many, and killed 556 Americans and Canadians in the span of a few months is worthy of caution. Maybe you are all right, a virus with such a funny name can't be so dangerous! However, I want you to at least take this issue more seriously and attentively. Even if this virus does not kill a large fraction of its victims, this virus is very painful and debilitating. At least look to the data and facts for your own conclusions:
Now, many of you have ignored the threat of the H1N1, claiming that the normal flu kills significantly more people per year. However, this is a fallacy since the H1N1 is a subcategory of all Flu's and should thus be taken with much more than a grain of salt. (The term Flu applies to a large number of influenza viruses, of which the H1N1 is emerging as one of the most threatening.) All the virus needs is a quick recombination in a host and a mutation before it turns into the H1N3 virus and renders all current vaccine research useless. In addition to the H1N1 here in the U.S., a second wave is swelling in other countries. A very virulent strain of H1N1 is forming which we should keep our eyes on as well. With international trade and commerce, it will not take long before this particular outbreak reaches our country. For more information on this virus, look at the following article:,2933,544262,00.html
This article wisely puts this virus into the perspective of time; These reports, these outbreaks, only set the stage for a long and horrible sweep of H1N1.
Maybe you are all right when you pass this issue along without much comment, and I hope you are right. However, in the event that you are wrong, it would be wise to educate yourself and be prepared for the worst. Like you, I hope for the best, but it amazes me how readily people ignore these sort of threats. They are very realistic, they are contagious, and they are full of potential.
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« Reply #87 on: August 30, 2009, 12:40:15 AM »
When the Bird Flu or the Killer Bees arrive, I will become concerned.  As far as I can tell, 'pandemic' basically means 'WHO needs money'.  An N3H2 'pandemic' has been going on for 20 years, but the CDC doesn't freak about it.

FWIW, H1N3 cannot be caught by humans, only birds.
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« Reply #88 on: August 30, 2009, 01:16:09 AM »
When the Bird Flu or the Killer Bees arrive, I will become concerned.  As far as I can tell, 'pandemic' basically means 'WHO needs money'.  An N3H2 'pandemic' has been going on for 20 years, but the CDC doesn't freak about it.

FWIW, H1N3 cannot be caught by humans, only birds.
I suppose I don't understand your arguments since you are arguing about strains which I am not talking about. With regards to the H1N3, I simply meant that a simple mutation can render all pending vaccines useless. The name H1N3 was just a reference to what new name the virus could adopt through its transformation, so the argument still holds.

The bit about the WHO is a valid concern, albeit without any backing to your claim. Your argument suggests that the WHO is making up the facts about how the virus is spreading, and is dishonest about a worldwide threat which can be cross-referenced to other sources.

The bit about the N3H2 does not seem to fit this conversation. I would need more info about why you think this argument is significant.

Finally, I want to point out that the Bird Flu strain is closely related to the one in question and that Killer Bees have been arriving for some time now! ;)
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« Reply #89 on: August 30, 2009, 01:46:23 AM »
My points being:
- Both the Bird Flu and the Killer Bees were promoted as the next Spanish Flu, and neither were.
- I'm not saying WHO is lying about the virus, but they are over-hyping their worst-case-senarios (which are often misrepresented as likely predictions of what it will do by the media -- I'm actually more frustrated with how serious everyone takes the news channels, which, I remind everyone, is solely entertainment programming...)
- N3H2 is a strain that has been labeled 'pandemic' by WHO for 20+ years, but never amounted to anything even as serious as the normal flu.  They use 'pandemic' way too liberally.
- Fair enough on H1N3, I thought you had a specific strain in mind.  However, note than any form of the flu can mutate and make all pending vaccines useless.
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« Reply #90 on: August 30, 2009, 02:49:03 AM »

I take your points as valid to a certain extent:
You are right in that the term "pandemic" is too frequently used to sell stories to readers, but that does not detract from this case, it only makes the media look bad. Because of this, I cited a Federal source which is not really subject to the same publicity stunts.

What makes this particular virus so unique is that the octapartite RNA genome of the Influenza virus easily recombines and mutates. Furthermore, this strain is known to attack the strong and healthy young people rather than weeding out and attacking the weak victims in the masses. The impact of this is obvious: The H1N1 is going to harm a much larger population than most influenza viruses are even capable of. I am not claiming that this virus is going to be 1918 Flu Pandemic all over again, but I think this issue must be handled warily. This virus alone can easily wipe out millions of people within the first wave when it hits.
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« Reply #91 on: August 30, 2009, 11:31:16 AM »
I cited a Federal source which is not really subject to the same publicity stunts.

I hope that was a joke.   ;)

This virus alone can easily wipe out millions of people within the first wave when it hits.

I was under the impression that the first wave had hit.

I certainly think that caution should be taken. As a teacher exposed to hundreds of kids every day (many from families of immediate Mexican or other Central American descent), I would probably be considered in a high risk setting, but the school system's current response (in accordance with CDC recommendations) is to provide tissues and hand sanitizer for every classroom. Students are told to cover their coughs and sanitize after every class. Only a handful (no pun intended) actually use the sanitizer, but we have not had any problems so far.

I would agree with the general synopsis that the immediate threat is overblown for dramatic purpose. People have died and continue to die, so it is no joking matter. But if the question is what I am going to do differently in my everyday life because of Swine Flu, the answer will be nearly nothing. I already take certain precautions because I am public school teacher. At the beginning of last school year I had Walking Pneumonia. That was the most sick I can ever remember being. Precautions can protect or prevent some illnesses. But sometimes you just get sick.
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« Reply #92 on: August 30, 2009, 12:54:07 PM »
I cited a Federal source which is not really subject to the same publicity stunts.

I hope that was a joke.   ;)
Well, I am aware that government agencies must try to pull numbers and results etc. to keep their funding, but their stunts are not the same ones, or at least, they are not for the same reasons. Since it seems that I need another source, I will use my personal example. A friend of mine just went to the hospital, and upon questioning, we discovered that this one hospital has been handling 40 cases a day of this Swine Flu! According to the chart with the various states and alert levels, I discovered that mine is one of the states that has been labeled for "regional" cases.

This virus alone can easily wipe out millions of people within the first wave when it hits.

I was under the impression that the first wave had hit.

I certainly think that caution should be taken. As a teacher exposed to hundreds of kids every day (many from families of immediate Mexican or other Central American descent), I would probably be considered in a high risk setting, but the school system's current response (in accordance with CDC recommendations) is to provide tissues and hand sanitizer for every classroom. Students are told to cover their coughs and sanitize after every class. Only a handful (no pun intended) actually use the sanitizer, but we have not had any problems so far.

I would agree with the general synopsis that the immediate threat is overblown for dramatic purpose. People have died and continue to die, so it is no joking matter. But if the question is what I am going to do differently in my everyday life because of Swine Flu, the answer will be nearly nothing. I already take certain precautions because I am public school teacher. At the beginning of last school year I had Walking Pneumonia. That was the most sick I can ever remember being. Precautions can protect or prevent some illnesses. But sometimes you just get sick.
Most illnesses come in two diffeent waves. The one that is currently running loose in America is not nearly as bad as the one coming from the eastern part of the world. The first wave I was cautioning about was the one from Asia.

I am glad to hear that your school has not yet been hit so hard by the Swine Flu, and I hope it stays that way. Also, the fact that it is working to stay sanitized is a good idea anyways! I, too, will not be taking special changes in my everyday life until I have the immediate cause to, but I will be watching this virus closely. That is all I am really asking people to do! Stay informed, and stay aware! I am not telling people to run into caves and hide, but I want people to just be cautious about the matter.

Remember, Under the Influenza, Over the Limit! ;)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 12:56:22 PM by The Spy »
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« Reply #93 on: August 30, 2009, 04:29:48 PM »
but the school system's current response (in accordance with CDC recommendations) is to provide tissues and hand sanitizer for every classroom. Students are told to cover their coughs and sanitize after every class. Only a handful (no pun intended) actually use the sanitizer, but we have not had any problems so far.
Thats probably a good thing. If everyone used hand sanitizer, the virus would build up an immunity to it, allowing it to kill even more people.

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« Reply #94 on: August 30, 2009, 04:52:19 PM »
but the school system's current response (in accordance with CDC recommendations) is to provide tissues and hand sanitizer for every classroom. Students are told to cover their coughs and sanitize after every class. Only a handful (no pun intended) actually use the sanitizer, but we have not had any problems so far.
Thats probably a good thing. If everyone used hand sanitizer, the virus would build up an immunity to it, allowing it to kill even more people.
I am not sure if this is a joke or not. In the event that it is not, I have to point out a couple of facts about the Swine Flu:
1. The Flu is easily destroyed by sanitation because of how the proteins built inside a layer of fat. Sanitation easily destroys this bug by destroying the fat. Thus, even a mutation cannot protect this virus against sanitation.
2. This virus is transmitted via the respiratory system and contamination. Thus, even in the most optimistic cases, all that you are accomplishing by applying good sanitation is by limiting the carriers. Even that is not true. However, it is still a good idea to keep yourself clean for many reasons.
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« Reply #95 on: August 31, 2009, 01:12:12 AM »
Y2k and 2012, all over again.
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« Reply #96 on: August 31, 2009, 01:36:06 PM »
Y2k and 2012, all over again.
Actually, the Mayans thought that in 2012, demons would pour forth from the center of our galaxy to chew everything up. I recently read "Maya Cosmogenesis 2012" and smirked a lot. :)
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« Reply #97 on: August 31, 2009, 01:46:07 PM »
well if Obama is re-elected......anything could happen
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« Reply #98 on: August 31, 2009, 01:47:11 PM »
be nice....don't blame everything on one person...

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« Reply #99 on: August 31, 2009, 01:47:55 PM »
If Obama AND his liberals get re-elected*
"Someone died in the bathroom, didn't they." -Dwight


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