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My question is - Have you ever won a game of 2 player spoons, when your opponent reached the set first? - I did once, and it was awesome.
How do you play this?
Does the glove actually help the bald-ish guy that much?
I have got to get the rules for this game. can you pm me them?
You set spoons in the center of people (one less spoon than people playing--like musical chairs). Deal everyone 4 cards--> the goal is to ultimately get 4 of a kind and then to grab a spoon. After everyone has 4 cards, the dealer begins looking at each card and decides to keep it to help his 4 of a kind or to pass the card to the left. Once someone makes a grab for a spoon (when they have their 4 of a kind) then everyone is free to grab for a spoon. The person without a spoon is eliminated or gains a letter in Tim's version.
The way that Mr. Eker described it is pretty much the way we do it, except with a junkload of decks and getting 5 of a kind.