Author Topic: New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability  (Read 1144 times)

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New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:47:35 PM »
I saw the new card preview "Patience" on the Facebook page special ability reads

" Place on your clay or green Hero: At the end of each turn , if you did not use a draw or search ability , search a deck for a Lost Soul or Hero and put it in play."   

 In my opinion the special ability is great and well thought out , however to me it seems like it could be a little overpowered with the way it is worded right now.

I am sure the play testers , elders etc will make changes if necessary but I was thinking there are players out there that will not or do not  include any search or draw ability cards in their decks and with that card in their deck it could become a little too much searching of nearly all of their opponent's Lost Souls out etc.

I think the special ability could be worded like this"

Place on your clay or green Hero: After 2 turns , if you did not use a draw , search , exchange or play ability , search a deck for a Lost Soul or Hero and put it in play."

or maybe that is the point of the this card is to give newer players that do not have the all the FooF . Roa  or search , draw etc cards an advantage??

Any thoughts on this??

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Re: New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2014, 11:23:11 PM »
I think that search has been countered enough that it will not impact the meta too much.  Green is already a search heavy brigade and that brigade is not running away with the "Most Dominant Deck" award.
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Re: New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2014, 11:25:29 PM »
Easily countered by Hezekiah's Signet Ring and Nazareth. Also, only works on clay or green, and since it will take a while for clay to be truly useful, really only green. So. Not OP.
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Re: New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2014, 11:26:59 PM »
The point of this card was not necessarily to give something to those who did not have the powerful speed cards, but to give an option to play something other than speed.  It is definitely not enough on its own, but it is an important piece of the puzzle.  If you do not take actions associated with speed, then you get a reward.  Also, it is very easily countered by common cards like Nazareth, so that combined with the inability to use speed strategies really limits the card in terms of power.  I don't expect we'll see an issue with it.

On your other points, this card already turns off if exchanges are done.  Exchanges include a search of the location they go to, if they are hand, deck, or discard.  If Nazareth is in play, it only protects from search, but that still shuts down exchange.  Same with Hezekiah's Signet Ring.  Both shut down exchange to the locations, even though they say search.

If you exchange to those locations, you also search them, and thus are not 'patient' enough to get this reward.

Lastly, I see your point on play, and like that idea, but you do already have that card you are playing, so it isn't 'true speed'.  However, I truly doubt any changes will be made at this point, especially if the card does not break the game.

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Re: New redemption preview card "Patience" special ability
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2014, 11:50:15 PM »
Especially considering that Nats is in 2 weeks and the cards are likely bring printed already.


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