Author Topic: Samsung Galaxy S IV into Best Budget HDTV's 2013  (Read 8408 times)

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Samsung Galaxy S IV into Best Budget HDTV's 2013
« on: March 12, 2013, 03:41:46 AM »
Samsung is announcing its next phone on Thursday the 14th.


- 5 inch screen
- Plastic with aluminum sides
- 'Boxier' than S III
- LCD screen, not AMOLED
- May have eye-tracking or head-tracking software
- 13 Megapixel camera
- US quad-core processor; international 8 cores.

So...who's getting one? :)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 11:50:56 AM by Master KChief »
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2013, 09:46:41 AM »
With a plastic case I have to ask, how durable is that phone and how long can I use it before my hands feel like they are on fire...when I don't have my Droid Pro in its Otter case I get maybe 20 minutes of use before it's hot to the touch...but with that case its nigh indestructible...

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 12:26:09 PM »
With a plastic case I have to ask, how durable is that phone and how long can I use it before my hands feel like they are on fire...when I don't have my Droid Pro in its Otter case I get maybe 20 minutes of use before it's hot to the touch...but with that case its nigh indestructible...

For comparison, the SIII which the best selling smartphone in the world, was completely plastic so that's actually a step up.

I'm a little disappointed in it not being an AMOLED screen but hopefully this is for price reasons.


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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 01:10:16 PM »
My S3 still does everything I need it to. No reason for me to upgrade yet.

Besides, Verizon would make me pay full price for the phone if I want to keep my unlimited data.  >:(

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 01:39:46 PM »
For comparison, the SIII which the best selling smartphone in the world, was completely plastic so that's actually a step up.

You'd think that since the SIII was the 'best selling smartphone in the world', Samsung would splurge and use better materials for its new phone. ::) It will still feel cheap compared to the iPhone and HTC One. And cheap always appeals to the most common denominator.

Detail added: US gets quad-core processor, international gets eight cores!
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 01:56:27 PM »
I am planning to get a smartphone in the next couple of weeks. I had been planning on getting the S3, but I will probably take a look at the S4. I'm still currently using a non-smartphone so either one is going to be a huge step up for me.  8)
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 02:17:22 PM »
I just hope they improve the mobile assistant. Siri is way ahead of the S-Voice, mostly because she is more entertaining (if anyone has an iPhone 4S or 5, you should ask Siri how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood), she sounds less robotic, and she can understand common vernacular a little better. To be fair, I haven't looked into the features of the S3 as much as the iPhone, but even though I have never been an Apple guy, but I do like the iPhone 5 a lot more than I thought I would, and maybe even a bit better than the S3.

My S3 still does everything I need it to. No reason for me to upgrade yet.

Besides, Verizon would make me pay full price for the phone if I want to keep my unlimited data.  >:(

Eventually all of the other (read: inferior) companies will make you do that too, and then Verizon will be ahead of the curve in both coverage AND pricing. And then my job security and annual bonuses go up... 8).
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2013, 03:02:22 PM »
If the new phone includes Google Now that's an improvement in the "sounds like a robot" category, the voice assistant on google now is the most "real person" sounding voice simulation I've ever experienced. I don't know about the quality of the assistant itself as I don't have a data plan on my tablet and generally don't use voice assistants at all.

You'd think that since the SIII was the 'best selling smartphone in the world', Samsung would splurge and use better materials for its new phone. ::) It will still feel cheap compared to the iPhone and HTC One. And cheap always appeals to the most common denominator.

Detail added: US gets quad-core processor, international gets eight cores!

You can take that out of quotes since it is the best selling smart phone in the world and yeah they could use heavier materials, but given the size of the phone an all metal and glass SIV would also be a brick to carry around and it keeps costs down.

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2013, 03:10:04 PM »
Not necessary, since it's blatantly false:
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2013, 03:21:02 PM »
*sigh* math is wonderful, yes in Quarter 4 of 2012 the Iphone 5 outsold the SIII, however when you take in to account the total sales of the SIII compared to the total sales of the iphone 5 since their respective launch dates, the iphone is behind. They sold more in quarter 4, this was not enough however to overcome their quarter 3 sales deficit of 15 million. The Galaxy has sold 40 million units since it's introduction last may, compared to the so far 33.4 million reported for the iphone 5

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2013, 03:29:39 PM »
Oh so now we're creating new stipulations and framing it as you choose. -_-

Unfortunately that does not deviate from the fact every market research firm recognizes that the SIII is not the best selling smartphone at the present moment. Even the 4S had a greater market share than the S3 last quarter. ::)
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2013, 03:32:50 PM »
The stipulation is total sales of each phone, not total sales within this 3 month time frame, total sales. The Galaxy SIII has moved more units that the Iphone 5 since their respective launches. This isn't changing any stipulations at all, I said the SIII is the best selling smartphone in the world and it is. It has sold more units than the iphone 5.

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2013, 03:55:31 PM »
The stipulation is total sales of each phone, not total sales within this 3 month time frame, total sales.

Apparently your interpretation of 'best selling smartphone' is vastly different from market research analysts. Goodbye SIII, hello iPhone 5. Hail to the king!

The Galaxy SIII has moved more units that the Iphone 5 since their respective launches.

Yup, lets try to tout a self-imposed title for a device that had 4 more extra months of sales over the iPhone 5. Brave move there. ::)

This isn't changing any stipulations at all, I said the SIII is the best selling smartphone in the world and it is.

You're a) changing the stipulations from what is widely recognized by research firms and b) adding an addendum and framing it as you choose after being shown hard facts the SIII isn't the best selling smartphone.

It has sold more units than the iphone 5.

Come see me when you have anything comparable to 4S sales, which is still in Apples current device portfolio.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2013, 04:25:47 PM »
I am planning to get a smartphone in the next couple of weeks. I had been planning on getting the S3, but I will probably take a look at the S4. I'm still currently using a non-smartphone so either one is going to be a huge step up for me.  8)

Little birdy told me the HTC One is the "new" best thing...comes out in a few weeks i believe.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2013, 04:29:08 PM »
I am planning to get a smartphone in the next couple of weeks. I had been planning on getting the S3, but I will probably take a look at the S4. I'm still currently using a non-smartphone so either one is going to be a huge step up for me.  8)

Little birdy told me the HTC One is the "new" best thing...comes out in a few weeks i believe.

I had too many issues with my HTC Thunderbolt to give HTC another chance...I'd suggest sticking to Samsung or Motorola for Android phones.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2013, 08:42:24 PM »
Aaaaand the Samsung event is a wrap. Here's what we have on the S4:

-5.3 inches long, 2.7 inches wide. 5 inch screen, full HD, super AMOLED screen
-4G network, 100 Mbps down 50 Mbps up
-Main camera 13 megapixel, front 2 megapixel
-Built in 16 GB storage, option for 32 and 64
-Micro-SD slot for extra 64 GB
-Dual camera can take photos/shoot video with both cameras simultaneously
-Can add audio to images
-Drama Shot: Camera can take up to 100 shots in 4 seconds and creates a collage in one frame
-S translator
-S Voice Drive: S4's answer to Apples Siri
-Group Play: Share songs and play them on as many as 8 other S4 phones
-ChatOn: Adds video chat for up to 3 people by using both cameras
-Built-in health software that tracks heart rate and body fat
-No details on launch date, compatible carriers, or price
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2013, 09:16:05 PM »

I think this is it?

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2013, 12:50:06 PM »
Not exactly surprising since it's the "next gen" but the US version of the SF was recently benchmarked and it nearly doubled the iPhone 5's score on geekbench

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2013, 04:04:04 PM »
Amazing. Now I want to see the benchmark score for the international version with its delicious 8 cores.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2013, 04:16:31 PM »
It probably wont be any high, the architecture is pretty unique, you only ever use 4 cores at a time because it has 4 high power cores that you would use for games and other such apps and then 4 low power, battery saving cores that get used when you're texting or using the web or something.

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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2013, 04:24:32 PM »
I'm a little late to this party, as usual.

I had too many issues with my HTC Thunderbolt to give HTC another chance...I'd suggest sticking to Samsung or Motorola for Android phones.

QFT. My wife's HTC was a nightmare, so she insisted on something different. She ended up getting the Galaxy Note II, which she loves.

Due to my financial state, I am always a tech (or two) behind. I just picked up the Galaxy SIII, which I find very useful and efficient. I thought I would hate touch screens, because my wife's HTC touch screen was annoying problematic. I had been using a flip BlackBerry all along. However, the Galaxy's (and likely iPhone's too, FWIW) touch screen responds in a way that works for an old man with fat fingers.

My son uses the Motorola Droid Razr M, which he enjoys, if for no other reason than to have the volume jacked high so that we all hear the "DRRROOOOIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDD" sound for notifications.

On a side note, related to my tech antiquity, I have enjoyed my new PS3. There are a surprisingly large number of great family/kids games on PSN. Also note that I am about to buy my first flat-panel TV and move up to HD. Woo-hoo!  ;D
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2013, 04:34:19 PM »
Also note that I am about to buy my first flat-panel TV and move up to HD. Woo-hoo!  ;D

 :o This is more than a tech or two behind. I think you just officially joined the Craig and Stamp club. ;D

What models have you been looking at? I'd be interested to take a look at any prospective candidates you have.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2013, 10:50:42 PM »
What models have you been looking at? I'd be interested to take a look at any prospective candidates you have.

I could start another topic on that if you prefer. This is your thread, so you can choose.

I actually wanted feedback for a TV. You know me.... I don't buy things on a whim (other than Shamrock Shakes and Cadbury Cream Eggs).  ;)

I don't want a cheap TV that has lots of HDMI outputs, but will only last a couple of subpar years. I was thinking Samsung, since they seem to have good reviews. I like Sony, but I can get a bigger TV for the same price with Samsung. LG has mixed reviews, so I don't know what to think.

I am looking to stay under $400, and the further the better. I think 42" would be just about right size-wise. I would like a "smart" TV that has Wi-Fi, or some way to access Netflix without a computer. If I can get one that has computer connections, like a monitor port or Ethernet, that would be nice too. I would like at least two HDMI ports, but preferably more.

I do NOT want 3D. They give me a headache. And I don't want a plasma TV because of the awkward lighting in my living room.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2013, 10:55:57 PM »
I would like a "smart" TV that has Wi-Fi, or some way to access Netflix without a computer. If I can get one that has computer connections, like a monitor port or Ethernet, that would be nice too. I would like at least two HDMI ports, but preferably more.
No need to get a "smart" TV when your PS3 already does all the internet related things you would like to do.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S IV
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2013, 11:00:25 PM »
I am looking to stay under $400, and the further the better. I think 42" would be just about right size-wise. I would like a "smart" TV that has Wi-Fi, or some way to access Netflix without a computer. If I can get one that has computer connections, like a monitor port or Ethernet, that would be nice too. I would like at least two HDMI ports, but preferably more.

You're going to be hard pressed to find a quality smart TV for under $400. If you have a way to access the internet (a PS3 would be perfect), you'll cut down on price significantly.


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