This list was supposed to be 30 quotes long and I was going to do a blogpost about each one, but grad school and life got in the way (like taking two weeks to complete the qualification exam). Nonetheless here's what I've came up with in the order of events they occurred:
1. “You are going to be somebody”
2. “You never know unless you try”
3. “You are a positive person, the world is very negative. Don’t let it change you”
4. “As smart as you are, there is always someone out there smarter”
5. “Friends will always be there to support you. Real friends kidnap you for a weekend”
6. “Plans don’t always work out like you plan. Make the best of it”
7. “Save your money wisely, but don’t be afraid to enjoy life once in a while”
8. “As quirky as you are, there is someone who will love you for every one of those quirks (okay, most of them)”
9. “There’s always room for improvement but don’t forget to recognize your past success”
10. “You found success, good. Now help others get there”
11. “You will make mistakes in life. But it’s okay, you’ll get through it”
12. “You never know how what you do can help inspire others”
13. “No one can make you change, only you can”
14. “The letters in your title mean nothing if you are not contributing to help others”
15. “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil. 4: 11b-13