Author Topic: Rule breakers  (Read 21028 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Rule breakers
« Reply #125 on: August 15, 2011, 09:00:25 PM »
Alex and others, I am a mod and I am a human being. Here is my approach to what I have been asked to do here in this section of the boards:

1) I watch active threads from a distance, not usually getting involved in the conversations.
2) When I do get involved, very rarely is it from a mod perspective but as a board member.
3) When I do get involved as a mod, I handle the situation through PMs 90% of the time (this being in the rare 10% handled in posts).
4) The result is that it may appear that no moderating is actually happening.

In relation to the exclusive groups being formed, I actually don't see them as breaking the spirit of the "rules" since they are in good humor and anyone can be a part of it (like the Redemption community as a whole). When things are discussed that are against the "rules" they are watched and shepherded through PMs. My role is not the Tyranical Overlord...that has already been filled very successfully by another. You probably noticed how I keep putting quotes around rules. The reason being is that I do see them as guidelines rather than hard and fast limits. Feel free to PM me with any further concerns you may have in relation to this topic.


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