Author Topic: Redemption is AWESOME!!  (Read 8203 times)

Offline The Warrior

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2009, 03:59:55 PM »
I think Joybell has been very long suffering so I suggest you guys don't ruin ANOTHER one of her threads. Its getting old.
i'm not trying to ruin another thread.
i just read that she's been receiving pressure with cards and combos and so i decided to take action and told in away to lay off
I wasn't necessarily talking about you, though, you seem to take offense quite easily in the case of Joybell.
I wonder bread  ;D
wha dah Burnt ribs on a spear while failing??! o_O
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2009, 04:00:41 PM »

Offline The Warrior

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2009, 04:02:41 PM »
Cactus Game Design Message Boards > Open Forum > Off-Topic > Post reply ( Re: Redemption is AWESOME!! )
Wanderer of the Web.


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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2009, 04:03:36 PM »
You remind me of Gandalf the White.

Offline Joybell

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2009, 04:03:54 PM »
Yeah,..Soul Seeker...I'd like to play against ya...Just don't go too hard, cuz I'm still workin out the kinks lol...I can go onto Hamachi whever I want to...just say the word and I'll be on Ham.(Hamachi) Btw,..warrior...How'd you come up with such a username like that? I mean,..true warriors wouldn't criticize a young lady. They'd be nice and well-mannered to them:)

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2009, 04:07:05 PM »
You remind me of Gandalf the White.
thats where i got the spamming actually
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2009, 04:07:21 PM »
well joybell doesn't have a dek made cause i don't think she's ready to build her own deck.
i mean she still has to get used to other things on rts also.
at the moment we're using the G/H starter decks so if ya wanna help teach her with the starters then it's fine by me. just send me a pm for the network and password

teaching with starters is good, but I want to encourage you to let Joybell decide what's she's ready for.  Maybe she is making a deck now.   :)  RTS gives her all the cards at her fingertips to give it a try...all she needs is the rules.

@ Joybell, I want to encourage you to try your hand at building a deck (you have all the cards available to pick from on RTS).  There is an upside to this:  you get a deck that you like and are personally connected too.  Also, I have a lot to catch up on, so that will give you some time to put a deck together.  Maybe we can play tomorrow.   :)  If you need the deck build rules just ask and I will let you know them.
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2009, 04:33:33 PM »
You remind me of Gandalf the White.
I think Gandalf was worse...

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2009, 04:36:25 PM »
well joybell doesn't have a dek made cause i don't think she's ready to build her own deck.
i mean she still has to get used to other things on rts also.
at the moment we're using the G/H starter decks so if ya wanna help teach her with the starters then it's fine by me. just send me a pm for the network and password

teaching with starters is good, but I want to encourage you to let Joybell decide what's she's ready for.  Maybe she is making a deck now.   :)  RTS gives her all the cards at her fingertips to give it a try...all she needs is the rules.

well i think it's too soon for her to build a deck. i mean she just got started and already she's being told to build a deck
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2009, 04:38:09 PM »
Yeah,..It'd be good practice for me..Yeah tomorrow sounds good! Just uhhh let me know when exactly you wanna play tm, and I'll be ready:)


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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2009, 04:39:30 PM »
well joybell doesn't have a dek made cause i don't think she's ready to build her own deck.
i mean she still has to get used to other things on rts also.
at the moment we're using the G/H starter decks so if ya wanna help teach her with the starters then it's fine by me. just send me a pm for the network and password

teaching with starters is good, but I want to encourage you to let Joybell decide what's she's ready for.  Maybe she is making a deck now.   :)  RTS gives her all the cards at her fingertips to give it a try...all she needs is the rules.

well i think it's too soon for her to build a deck. i mean she just got started and already she's being told to build a deck
Raven, don't hold her back if she wants to build a deck. If she doesn't want to, thats fine. But don't talk for her.

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2009, 05:07:58 PM »
If she doesn't want to, thats fine. But don't talk for her.

That's what I've been trying to say...I guess I didn't put it as succinctly.

Plus, deck building is a part of the learning process in a lot of different ways.   :)

I should be on and free to play around 2 pm EST.  I hope to see you then and help you learn the game even more.   :)
noob with a medal

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2009, 08:55:48 PM »
don't say what she hasn't seen.
she's a beginner and last night was her very first game so it's only fair that everyone else goes easy on her with this thread as i have during the game.
she doesn't know all those combos an in time i'll tell her about em and i'v sent her the holdersheroes site with the articles.
so cut her some slack okay?
Ok Joy goon to the RTS resource guide and get all the new stuff then play this awesome deck and demolish everything you touch!
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Offline xCaLeBx

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2009, 08:57:33 PM »
you only THINK i'm failing when i'm not.
i was only standing up for joybell cause quite frankly she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment cause she's just starting the game and everyone else here is rushing her and putting her down with the card playing that's been around for a long time and i'm sick of everyone putting those on her shoulders when she doesn't know what those cards are and what they do. she knows reach but everything else she doesn't.

the only real person failing here, warrior, is you cause all your doing is being influenced by Colin which is not at all a good thing and your acting like him and Caleb in which i should also add caleb to the bad influences on this forum and i have to say to you warrior that if you wanna come in all these forums and insult everyone til you get warned,moderated or banned like colin got moderated then that's fine by me but i suggest you watch what you say
Record wise I'm worse than Colin I still (I think) have been moderated the most ;D
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2009, 09:04:25 PM »
you only THINK i'm failing when i'm not.
i was only standing up for joybell cause quite frankly she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment cause she's just starting the game and everyone else here is rushing her and putting her down with the card playing that's been around for a long time and i'm sick of everyone putting those on her shoulders when she doesn't know what those cards are and what they do. she knows reach but everything else she doesn't.

the only real person failing here, warrior, is you cause all your doing is being influenced by Colin which is not at all a good thing and your acting like him and Caleb in which i should also add caleb to the bad influences on this forum and i have to say to you warrior that if you wanna come in all these forums and insult everyone til you get warned,moderated or banned like colin got moderated then that's fine by me but i suggest you watch what you say
Record wise I'm worse than Colin I still (I think) have been moderated the most ;D

I think this guy needs some kind of an award.

Offline New Raven BR

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2009, 09:06:01 PM »
doesn't anybody use the "modify" button anymore?
there's a reason why it's there
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2009, 09:06:18 PM »
it could have a little skull with the o with the / through it and say Permenantley moderated!
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2009, 10:45:35 PM »
you only THINK i'm failing when i'm not.
i was only standing up for joybell cause quite frankly she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment cause she's just starting the game and everyone else here is rushing her and putting her down with the card playing that's been around for a long time and i'm sick of everyone putting those on her shoulders when she doesn't know what those cards are and what they do. she knows reach but everything else she doesn't.

the only real person failing here, warrior, is you cause all your doing is being influenced by Colin which is not at all a good thing and your acting like him and Caleb in which i should also add caleb to the bad influences on this forum and i have to say to you warrior that if you wanna come in all these forums and insult everyone til you get warned,moderated or banned like colin got moderated then that's fine by me but i suggest you watch what you say

I have to agree with this sentiment here. Personally, I believe that starting simple is the best. Let her get the rules under her belt, and learned well before she starts learning about the more complicated aspects, and the nastier cards in Redemption. Once she learns the cards a bit better, then she should build a deck. After all, if she doesn't know the cards then she's going to spend hours or even days reading all the cards before choosing 50 or 56 of those cards to build a deck with.

Offline Joybell

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2009, 08:00:41 PM »
Lol Fresno, wouldn't take me like hours or days to look at all the cards,..It'd take me weeks! hahaha!!! But,..I do agree. I don't know all of the cards and wht their abilities are, but I know some and it'll take sometime before I'll know a lot about it. I'll just stick with the diff decks until I feel ready to make my own:)

Offline lightningninja

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2009, 11:14:07 PM »
Okay... I've got a few things to say.

1. Joybell, don't brag about your future self, lol. Bryon's a moderator and a playtester and a tournament host and he still isn't any good.

2. Raven... I'm not even sure what to say any more. To say you're a hypocrit when it comes to your talks about "spamming" and "influences" is an understatement. You really have to stop. No one appreciates it, Colin hasn't posted in like a week and you're still going on? Unless Colin killed someone close to you, there's no reason for this to continue. To be honest, he does MUCH less spam than you. Anyone would agree.

3. Going to Joybell's defense whenever anyone makes a simple joke on every thread is not fun for anyone, especially when you make the jokers out to be the antagonists, when we're all just having fun. You make every thread you enter a blame fest and a flame war, and it makes all the threads tense, and not fun to be a part of. We know why you're defending her. Please stop. If someone is really insulting her... then that's okay. But for someone to say that she doesn't know what Buckler is (buckler is a forum-wide joke)... that's just unnecessary.

4. Joybell... being new is not a reason to not make a deck. Here's what I suggest, since it will take you a VERY long time to know all the cards. Pick one good brigade and one bad brigade (I'd suggest pale green and purple). Then look at cards of ONLY those brigades and make a deck. I'd love to help you with deck building, and so would most people on this forum. Do make a deck. NO HARM can come from it... so why not?

5. Raven, just because we all know that you don't like taking advice or trying out ideas doesn't mean you should speak for joybell. Please encourage her to make a deck.

Okay... I'm done.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2009, 11:33:30 PM »
i don't appritiate you calling me a hippocrite
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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2009, 11:41:04 PM »
In b4 da lock.


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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2009, 11:50:15 PM »
1. Joybell, don't brag about your future self, lol. Bryon's a moderator and a playtester and a tournament host and he still isn't any good.

If this was supposed to be sarcasm, you forgot a smiley. If not, I didn't see anything to warrant this comment.

2. Raven... I'm not even sure what to say any more. To say you're a hypocrit when it comes to your talks about "spamming" and "influences" is an understatement. You really have to stop. No one appreciates it, Colin hasn't posted in like a week and you're still going on? Unless Colin killed someone close to you, there's no reason for this to continue. To be honest, he does MUCH less spam than you. Anyone would agree.

While I wouldn't go as far as you did, I do agree his comments about Colin and such are getting very old very quickly. I'm fine with andy not liking him, but constantly calling him out even if hes not in the thread is getting rediculous.

3. Going to Joybell's defense whenever anyone makes a simple joke on every thread is not fun for anyone, especially when you make the jokers out to be the antagonists, when we're all just having fun. You make every thread you enter a blame fest and a flame war, and it makes all the threads tense, and not fun to be a part of. We know why you're defending her. Please stop. If someone is really insulting her... then that's okay. But for someone to say that she doesn't know what Buckler is (buckler is a forum-wide joke)... that's just unnecessary.

I will also agree with some of this. Defending her is fine, but he's like... over protecting her when theres honestly nothing to "protect" her from. A few jokes here and there but he turns it all overly serious and flame-ish.

4. Joybell... being new is not a reason to not make a deck. Here's what I suggest, since it will take you a VERY long time to know all the cards. Pick one good brigade and one bad brigade (I'd suggest pale green and purple). Then look at cards of ONLY those brigades and make a deck. I'd love to help you with deck building, and so would most people on this forum. Do make a deck. NO HARM can come from it... so why not?

I already gave her the bany spreadsheet so she can quickly look at just one brigade or w/e. That list helps me a ton when I build decks.

doesn't mean you should speak for joybell.

I have noticed this too...

Please note, I'm not "taking sides," I'm just speaking my mind.

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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2009, 11:50:57 PM »
Btw LN,...I can talk about my future if I want too! As long as I don't boast and ge proudful...There should be NO reason why I have to keep my mouth shut and not say anything, LN. Also,..I don't like how you called New Raven a "Hypocrit." Hypocrites are people who says one thing and does the opposite OR a person who does NOT believe in God. Plus,..please don't post comments on here again, ok? I know there's a moderator watchin all this, but he shouldn't allow people tht like to cause trouble post threads. I only started this thread cause I wanted everyone to know tht I started playin RTS and that it was awesome! I was NOT bragging and makin a moron out of myself. Please forgive if you think I'm being mean, but I don't like when people tlk about my friends or myself badly. And,..about making my own deck. I'll get help from Lamb and New Raven. I'll make one when I feel like I'm ready too, and not that New Raven is holding me want to wait, and understand the whole game.


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Re: Redemption is AWESOME!!
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2009, 12:47:19 AM »
Hypocrites are people ... who does NOT believe in God.

Actually, that an atheist, not a hypocrite.

Anyways, I'm glad you are having a great time on RTS :).  It's always fun to play with others around the country (especially when you win ;)).

I'm with you on the deck.  When you're ready, build one.  When you do, instead of using the excel workbook, you could use RTS to organize the cards for you.  To do this, go to File-Deck Editor (where you would go to make a deck).  Then on the popup screen, click on the Sort menu and select Sort by brigade.  It will take a minute or two but then it's done, all cards will be sorted by brigade (so you can just look at the ones you want and skip the others).

I hope you have a plethora more good experiences playing on RTS.

God Bless


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