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Quote from: KoalaKingoFA on January 06, 2011, 05:54:44 PMHe should be 0/0 instead of 1/1.Oholibamah is a woman. She was Esau's wife...
He should be 0/0 instead of 1/1.
Caring for the poor and homeless(Wellfare which is a socialist policy) That job is for the Church not the goverment. Also if you wish to debate via pms I would be happy to change to that.
Another reason people poor and on welfare is also because they don't work
(Before you bring up the ecomy it was that way before the ecomey took a dive)
Welfare at it's best is the Goverment wasting money on lazy people. They can find work even if it's only five bucks a day which is MUCH better than sitting around not doing anything. So if more people tried working even for small amounts of money the church could suport more poor seeing as some of them would have SOME money that the Goverment didn't give them.
Also if you look at the Roman REPUBLIC(Read not empire) it failed AFTER they started providing Welfare.
In point of fact I do not, but I'm not sure what Doug supposedly wrote that's supposedly related to "badmouthing the president" has anything to do with claiming I would say (and thus, suggesting I have previously said) something as vague and nonsensical as that.
Sowing the seeds of anti-Americanism by discrediting the American president was one of the main tasks of the Soviet-bloc intelligence community during the years I worked at its top levels. This same strategy is at work today, but it is regarded as bad manners to point out the Soviet parallels. For communists, only the leader counted, no matter the country, friend or foe. At home, they deified their own ruler–as to a certain extent still holds true in Russia. Abroad, they asserted that a fish starts smelling from the head, and they did everything in their power to make the head of the Free World stink.
I guess my question to all the folks on these boards--such as yourself--who slammed me for slamming Doug's original post approving of this tripe believe that those who are now criticizing President Obama are "sowing the seeds of anti-Americanism?" Or is it only anti-American to disagree with presidents who happen to be Republicans?
When I noted that the basic claim that dissent is unpatriotic is essentially unamerican, you disagreed vehemently and argued strongly for the point of view that Pacepa espoused.
We then got sidetracked when you decided to make the ludicrous claim that conservatives had never called honest dissent against President Bush and his policies treasonous.
Or is it only anti-American to disagree with presidents who happen to be Republicans?
Random lightningrod of the day: Heaven seems kinda like socialism.
there is no visible reason to think he is bringing direct harm to the United States.
My turn. I personally am not happy with either the Republicans or the Democrats or even the entire American political system the way it has become. However, the American political system reminds me of the United Nations in the fact that we ARE the United States, which, like individual nations, have differing opinions on just about every issue. Combine that with the fact that each state is then represented by multiple individuals, who also have their own opinions, yet often times are controlled more by their own agenda (themselves) rather than what they honestly think is best for our country... That basically leads to all these arguments and debates which rarely seem productive because one minute there are enough yeses and the next minute their screaming bloody murder for the repealing of something that was voted on 8 months prior because a few more people are now in positions of majority. It's all entertaining really, but that's just how I see it: A zoo full of primates fighting over who has control of the most feces-covered banana peels. <-- that is my personal opinion of politics.