Author Topic: Re: Boards  (Read 16068 times)

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Boards
« on: May 13, 2009, 10:41:41 AM »
i dont want to see anyone leave. I love this board and everytime i see you monkeys it just brings a smile to my heart. When i signed up for face book i didnt have any friends on thier yet and it asked me if i wanted to see some people i might know. And guess who it showed me...
all you redemption guys.
you guys might not know me so well but ive been to 4 national tournaments and a bunch of others and when i saw all those faces on facebook that ive seen over the years it almost brought tears to my eyes. I love you guys and i DO consider all of you dear to my heart. If anyone of you needed some place to go you would be welcome here in dalton ga. Im sorry for the way ive been acting lately and i hope anyone ive offended could forgive me.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 01:34:17 PM by The Schaef »
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 01:59:25 PM »
I'm with Cliff on this one. I understand that this is a Christian forum, but the rules are a little strict and if some were to be changed, it would probably appeal to more of the community.

This will probably sound like I'm making suggestions against the rules and that would "contradict" Christianity, but I can assure you that is not my reasoning. I am a Christian and believe that by His grace I am saved, and am a Christian. Now, please take the time to read the next comment:

These boards are treated as if it was a church. I see no problem in that, but I believe in order to attract newcomers (people from the average community) we need to lighten up a little. I'll be honest, if I was looking for a game, and saw this boards where everytime someone makes a clever or witty comment that is meant to be a joke, it gets deleted. I would rather be able to talk to people freely about whatever I enjoy doing or talking about. Now, don't get me wrong, there definitely needs to be guidelines. Such as no posting links to inappropriate sites that contain language or other explicit material, no use of language on the boards, no personal attacks and insults, and a few other small details.

I understand that some are stricter than others about what they allow their children to see and talk about, in fear of them being influenced in the wrong way. But in my own opinion, I think we should be able to talk about whatever we want. Whether it be Christian, or of the secular side of the world. You can pretend all you want that it's not there, but the secular will always be there no matter what. I think we should be able to talk about whatever music we want, because if music is someone's passion and they are not able to speak about it without being reprimanded for it, than I would not think that they enjoy being on here. I think we should be able to talk about whatever games we play, rather it be rated M, or have magical aspects to it. Face it, the majority of us on the boards DO listen to secular music, DO play M rated games, and do everything else that is prohibited on the boards. Giving us the freedom to speak about it has no downside, it would allow us to relate to other members and discuss about whatever is our passion.

And I think appealing to the non-Christian community in some aspects would not only add more players and increase the game's popularity, but I believe it has the potential to change their lives by showing them how nice and friendly people on the boards are, and possibly convert them to Christianity.

That's just my opinion, I have simply stated it. Report me all you want, I could care less if I get banned and can't post anymore, the boards are not as fun and appealing as they used to be.
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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 02:05:03 PM »
I was looking for a game, and saw this boards where everytime someone makes a clever or witty comment that is meant to be a joke, it gets deleted.

Every time?  Really?

But in my own opinion, I think we should be able to talk about whatever we want.

There are a lot of things that I want to talk about, that do not fall within the guidelines for these boards.  Therefore, I am deferential both to the authorities who put those guidelines in place, and to the young posters whom they are meant to guard.

Offline Lawfuldog

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 03:06:59 PM »
I was looking for a game, and saw this boards where everytime someone makes a clever or witty comment that is meant to be a joke, it gets deleted.

Every time?  Really?

Clever and witty weren't the words I should've used to make my point, sorry about that. The just of what I was trying to point out, is that the board's strict rules about staying on topic is preventing the freedom of speech to an extent where it limits conversation. When someone starts a thread asking a farily simple question, it gets answered in the first two or three posts. It's not the end of the world if someone makes a comment that cause a thread (that is now pointless, since the question was answered) go off topic and starts a side conversation with another member.

And don't take any of this personally, I'm just stating my opinion.
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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 03:13:23 PM »
It's not the end of the world if someone makes a comment that cause a thread (that is now pointless, since the question was answered) go off topic and starts a side conversation with another member.

So it's your observation that every thread which strays off the original topic for any reason gets closed?

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2009, 03:36:58 PM »
I'm going to come out and say that these boards have been really flexible.  A few months ago, this was to the extreme with a lot of the younger members.  Now, I think we are at a really good balance.  Not a ton of moderation, but enough to stop the spam.


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Re: Boards
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2009, 03:37:58 PM »
I'm sad to say I feel differently than Cliff. Cliff you did nothing wrong on these boards, if anything what you said is constructive criticism that the mods should take into full account. The sad thing is mods like Sheaf are running these boards, and anything that goes contrare to his view is ousted and the user warned or put on probation. This and the fact that younger more immature people are constantly getting other people upset or getting upset themselves makes this board a not cool place to be. Also I'm not going to say who, but there are a few people who just don't sit right with me when I attend tournaments.  Because of these problems and more I regretfully announce my decision to never pick up a Redemption card or visit here again. Don't get me wrong the mechanics of this card game are outstanding, but this game lacks in my opinion where it really counts.

God bless,

Daniel Whitten (Formerly known as SoulSaver)

The Schaef

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2009, 03:46:04 PM »
We would hate to see you go, especially for these reasons.  I have to say that, while I appreciate your perspective, it just doesn't line up with the facts, and there is plenty of evidence available right here on the boards.

Hopefully when you've had a chance to think it through, you'll give some of these unnamed people a chance to reconcile, perhaps by speaking to them in private.

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Re: Boards
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2009, 03:52:49 PM »
Uhm... Wow. One of the best redemption players just left...  :-\

I was a new member about 6 months ago. I found this place too lenient when I first joined and that almost turned me away. Yes... secular stuff is out there. So is pre-marital sex. Does that mean I can talk about that on the boards? Absolutely not. Drugs are out there... but I'm not making drug-dealing posts. The Bible tells us to be above reproach, and the mods simply try to help us be that way.

I see no problem... I've found posts that ABSOLUTELY needed modding... but they never got modded or even warned. I think what we need is consistency, not less "strictness." For example, one member said, "I will go over there and personally straighten you out." He was modded. Then someone else says, "next time I see you, I'm gonna shoot you." He was fine... his post was deleted but he never got warned. That's the only problem I see on these boards... but I do not think they are too strict.

Are they more strict than other boards... yep. That's good. We are Christians and yes, we are different and should be more strict on ourselves. If we aren't... the mods try to keep us in check.
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The Schaef

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2009, 03:56:50 PM »
Let's bear in mind that not all mods are watching all posts at all times, and most certainly, all rumors to the contrary, no one mod is on all the time nor monitors every single post.  I have faith in the competence of the people I asked to help but despite our best efforts stuff gets missed sometimes.

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Re: Boards
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2009, 04:01:39 PM »
And if you do come across a post that merits moderation, there is a "Report to moderator" link that sends emails immediately to any local and global moderators.
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Re: Boards
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2009, 04:06:47 PM »
Accountability is the name of the game here... and that's what we're trying to do. It's hard to get everything at every point. I moderate a board, and feel that, at times, I am "too" flexible.... but that's because my part of the boards is a whole different ball game.

Being a Christian is a lifestyle.

And also, if this is "like a church..." did you ever think, maybe it is a church? The Church is not a building, it is the body of believers, and we are a part of that body. Therefore, we are called to be examples, loving, but calling each other out when things are made of fail. We need to guard younger players and appeal to older players. We have a unique mix here because the board is SOOO expansive with ages.

I work in youth ministry as a volunteer, and one of the most important things with that is the fact that we need to protect without sheltering, and I feel that we do that here. I appreciate all of my fellow mods and the hard work they put into making this a family-friendly and safe website.


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Re: Boards
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2009, 04:12:57 PM »
SOOO expansive with ages.

I resemble that remark.

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Offline Cameron the Conqueror

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2009, 04:14:18 PM »
We would hate to see you go, especially for these reasons.  I have to say that, while I appreciate your perspective, it just doesn't line up with the facts, and there is plenty of evidence available right here on the boards.

Hopefully when you've had a chance to think it through, you'll give some of these unnamed people a chance to reconcile, perhaps by speaking to them in private.
Well, don't worry about it, he was talking about some person called Sheaf.  =0

The sad thing is mods like Sheaf are running these boards, and anything that goes contrare to his view is ousted and the user warned or put on probation.
I don't see this as a problem.  He has shown that he can moderate.  Unless you do community self moderation (ie Wikipedia etc...), there really is no other solution.  While I have felt inthe last moderation was not enough, I side with Schaef.  He has put a lot of time and work into the forum, so I think you are being perfectionist.  While I like the idea of a few more mods that are on a lot already, I think the mods are doing a good job, especially lately. 

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Re: Boards
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2009, 04:26:48 PM »
I don't think SoulSaver was serious.

In addition to that, I would like to offer my services for the position of tyrannical moderator.  I can easily increase the amount of time that I stalk the message boards in order to use my iron fist of judgment upon people who don't really deserve it.
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Re: Boards
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2009, 04:29:01 PM »
He was serious enough to delete his account.
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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2009, 04:31:06 PM »
I like Schaef. He hasn't warned me yet.
 Because I just couldn't pass up the chance.


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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2009, 04:44:34 PM »
I like Schaef. He hasn't warned me yet.
 Because I just couldn't pass up the chance.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 04:48:54 PM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: Boards
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2009, 05:01:27 PM »
Every time?  Really?
The fact that you said that shows something about yourself.

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Re: Boards
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2009, 05:07:14 PM »
 :D And they say witty comments are deleted...

I don't know what caused this blow-up, but Schaef has generally done a good job in keeping the boards in check.  I'd rather a mod that occasionally gets a bit over aggressive in cleaning the boards than one that lets stuff fly that could hurt Cactus' name. Besides, the boards are free to use.  You are free to go elsewhere if you don't like the way they work.

I understand that some are stricter than others about what they allow their children to see and talk about, in fear of them being influenced in the wrong way. But in my own opinion, I think we should be able to talk about whatever we want. Whether it be Christian, or of the secular side of the world.
But that's not the purpose of these boards.  If you want to be free to discuss anything, there are plenty of places you can go that I personally avoid because they're just spam centers with stuff I work hard to not see.  A moderated system stays safe and above reproach.  Besides, Redemption itself follows the idea of a seperate alternative to the secular culture, so it makes sense that a forum associated with it would do the same.

You can pretend all you want that it's not there, but the secular will always be there no matter what. I think we should be able to talk about whatever music we want, because if music is someone's passion and they are not able to speak about it without being reprimanded for it, than I would not think that they enjoy being on here. I think we should be able to talk about whatever games we play, rather it be rated M, or have magical aspects to it. Face it, the majority of us on the boards DO listen to secular music, DO play M rated games, and do everything else that is prohibited on the boards. Giving us the freedom to speak about it has no downside, it would allow us to relate to other members and discuss about whatever is our passion.
But again, this is not the place for it.  Rob, Doug, Schaef, et al, have been nice enough to give us the freedom to discuss things not related to Redemption (cheese, sneezing, Mac v PC, etc).  If they have a limit on what is "free speech" in this area, it is their decision.  You are free to make a community that is completely open elsewhere if you feel it is needed. Also, threads have previously hinted/stated that a member of this board partakes in questionable activity.  I'm sure you don't mean that kind of stuff should be acceptable because it is something people do.

On a side note, I just reread through the board's list of rules:

Please do not post active links to gaming sites for recruitment purposes

Oops.  MyBrute thread, look out...
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2009, 05:08:33 PM »
I'm tempted to throw a fit and leave. But then I laughed too hard. Thanks for the warn Schaef!!

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Re: Boards
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2009, 05:13:51 PM »
Rob, Doug, Schaef, et al, have been nice enough to give us the freedom to discuss things not related to Redemption
I don't think Doug is involved on the boards anymore.
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Re: Boards
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2009, 05:14:52 PM »
The fact that you said that shows something about yourself.

Would you care to share what you think it shows?  What fault do you find in examining the reasonableness of a claim instead of jumping every time someone says boo?

Offline Colin Michael

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Re: Boards
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2009, 05:17:36 PM »
I mean, thinking back to why I started Redemption, it was because I wasn't allowed to play Magic and wanted to find an alternative. Those same parents who don't want there kids playing Magic are sending them here.
We all grew up playing this game and continue to play it because we like it, not because of some kind of moral decision.
I personally don't think I'll be very over-protective of my kids (though I'm sure my wife will be and it will balance it out). Kids mature as fast as you'll let them (from my perspective as an older brother).
Regardless, there are young kids on these boards who are playing Redemption because their parents don't want them exposed to lifestyles and ideas they disagree with, and although I may disagree with their parenting, it is their right to protect their kid's innocence.

Something like the occult, for instance, if investigated in a young age, could lead to a very addictive, mystic lifestyle, one I believe to be built on lies. I was nineteen when I studied the occult (for educational purposes); if I was much younger the lure to power probably would have allowed me to deceive myself into entering into an addiction.

The occult is like World of Warcraft: if you're a high level, you can smack around noobs and feel better about yourself; thus, your ego becomes addicted.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 05:24:40 PM by Colin Michael »
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Re: Re: Boards
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2009, 05:24:45 PM »
And it is not our right to thwart those parenting decisions because of the freedoms enjoyed by others.  We are only facilitators and it is our responsibility to defer to "the least of these", and not to cause a stumblingblock.


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