Author Topic: Prov. 27:17  (Read 4270 times)

Offline Claude

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Prov. 27:17
« on: January 05, 2009, 01:37:33 AM »
Hey, WOW. I jsut have to share this with ya'll.  Tonight I was talking to my friend... he used to be my best friend frosh to soph year then we kind of went separate ways third year... I guess people change. But yea, we are gettin closer again. he's one of my religious Christians friends, as not a lot of people in NY are religious.

Anyway, to make the story short, tonight I sent him a verse. Prov. 27:17  It was just a random verse I picked up becoz it related to the situation at hand.

And hour later.. I was carrying a conversation with one of our fellow members on the board. And he sent me the same EXACT verse! I was like, holy smokes.... It was pretty awesome the way things workout. it might be just concidence, but I think not.
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Re: Prov. 27:17
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 11:15:53 AM »
I think there is something to be said here. My buddy at work and I were talking about our Monday Night Men's Group and how good it is for men to just be around each other and how this verse applies as we gather to strenghten ourselves in God's Word and build eachother up and sharpen our minds, hearts and souls for the battle that is waged each and everyday against the enemy.

Prov. 27
[17] Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

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