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Sigh,People are just completely out of ideas aren't they?First there were the AVP movies which where meh to put it nicely now they're coming out with a spin off starring only the Predator?I mean seriously would it kill them come up with an original idea instead of just ripping off an already crappy series.Next thing you're gonna tell is They're making an Alien movie ; )
And actually, I believe they ARE working on a prequel to the first Alien movie as well.
There were two Aliens movie. However, aren't R rated movies not suppost to be talked about?
AlienAliensAliens 3Aliens resurection (believe that's the right title).
Two was the best, good thing they ended it there
I heard that the humans get trapped in a predetor hunting ground, it will be amazing.Quote from: JSB23 on June 24, 2010, 10:16:43 PMSigh,People are just completely out of ideas aren't they?First there were the AVP movies which where meh to put it nicely now they're coming out with a spin off starring only the Predator?I mean seriously would it kill them come up with an original idea instead of just ripping off an already crappy series.Next thing you're gonna tell is They're making an Alien movie ; ) I only saw one predetor movie, but I really liked it. Why do you think it is crappy..he has like two sick claws, a cannon on his shoulder, and he can go invisible.. amazing.