Author Topic: Poetry  (Read 7488 times)

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Re: Poetry
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2009, 12:53:53 PM »
King David/David- smooth catching stone?

Fortress Alstad

~Jake of the Wolves~

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Re: Poetry
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2009, 02:25:41 PM »
Fine fine, Jake will get the Wolf's Call in here.

The Wolf’s Call

In the land I call my dreams
There is much I have seen
Hills and plains, mountains and valleys
But most of all, I have seen visions

I have seen a pack of wolves
In the distance, the mournful cry of a lone wolf
The pack lifts its eyes to the hills
In unison, they lift a call to the moon in reply

Into their midst strides a tall and strong wolf
The pack parts like the sea, and the alpha strides before the loner
The young wolf straightens, bearing himself regally
The Golden Alpha circles the Loner, and finally sits before him

“You pass the test of physique, young wolf
But this is My pack.
You do not enter by strength of jaw and leg
If you wish to join, you must fight Me in a battle
Beyond that of the flesh.”

“I am ready, Gold One.
I have lived on my own since I was weaned
I have passed every test the wild has given me
I am confident I can pass your final test”

The Golden Wolf, who glows in the moonlight
Leaps at the loner, and with a flash of light, is gone
They are in a dark and barren land
The Alpha shines like the sun, and the Loner like the black of night

Again the Alpha speaks,
“Here, the strength of leg and jaw has no power
Your heart and soul will be tried
In a battle unlike you have ever known”

The Gold One sits and stares at the Dark One
The Dark One leaps for him, but finds himself trapped by vines
The Loner cuts his binds and leaps again
Only to find there is a wall between him and the Alpha

“You have cheated, Gold One
You use abilities I do not have
And you know it
Face me, Gold One, and we will see who wins”

“I have done nothing yet, Loner.
You still spell your own demise.
I will accept you into my pack if you can but reach me
But to do that, you must conquer yourself.”

This serves to confuse the Dark Wolf
He strains against the many binds and walls to reach the Alpha.
He finally reaches where he thought the Alpha to be
Only to discover he is back where he began.

He begins to try again, but notices words carved in a rock
“He will help you, if you ask”
The Loner ignores this, and again strains to reach the Gold One
And again finds himself where he began.

“Do not presume to make it to Me on your own strength”
The Gold One is again speaking, and the Loner howls to the moon.
“I am strong and swift, Gold One. I will beat your challenge.”
“You simply serve to erect more barriers as you inflate your pride”

The Loner continues trying, and time and again he fails
The Gold One watches, patiently
Finally, the Dark Loner howls pitifully
“I cannot beat your challenge, Gold One. Help me!”

The Alpha rises to his feet. “Come to Me!”
The Dark Loner strives again, and this time the Gold Alpha runs toward him
As the Loner becomes again entangled, the Alpha slashes the vines.
Every dark vine shrivels and all the walls crash

“You have finally passed, Loner.
This test cannot be passed with the blight of pride
Nor the scourge of doubt
This test is to strip you of pride”

The Loner, who is no longer as dark,
Says to the Alpha
“But now we must fight, and I must win
And I am too weak to fight”

“I surrender. The fight is yours
Welcome to the pack”
The Loner, who was no longer alone
Howled to the bright sun of the once-dark realm

The Golden Alpha joined him,
In another flash of light, they returned
The Pack happily accepts him
And he grows and prospers in their care.

In the hills, the mournful cry of a lone wolf
Rises to the sky
The pack lifts its eyes to the hills
In unison, they lift a call to the moon in reply

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Re: Poetry
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2009, 03:53:19 PM »
Nope, The refference is in this part:

Just as in ancient days, as the Israelites carried the Ark of the Covenant,
sometimes they were reminded of the fear that should grace their hearts.
On occasion, while walking along in laughter, a smooth catching stone
would fell them, and imminent death of divine magnitude would ride
downward bearing the presence of that Almighty upon them.
In that significant second, when the Holy of Holies met
the Hellion of Hells in fury and righteous rage, they knew the fear of God.
           -in spite of the ignorance their heart had previously entertained-

So if I say who it is, would I get a "hUzzah"?

Anyway, I shall say nice job to all of the poets. I for one am not a poet, nor do I aspire to be a poet, but I applaud those who put forth the effort.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 03:55:53 PM by Professoralstad »
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Re: Poetry
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2009, 04:53:19 PM »
So if I say who it is, would I get a "hUzzah"?

Yes you would.  ;)

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« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 11:11:14 AM by crustpope »
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Re: Poetry
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2009, 11:12:24 AM »
No one has posted on this for awhile.  I thought maybe my cookie was too big and it scared you all off so I made it smaller.
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Re: Poetry
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2009, 12:56:56 PM »

I absolutely loved your poem!  I loved the varied sentence length, it added so much to the work.  Much like crustpope, I definitely felt as if I was the one standing on the dock.  The duplication of the lines "I dream I’m sailing Away to where you are" caused my mind to start to drift off as I read them, much like the beginning of a dream-like state.

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Re: Poetry
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2009, 01:03:00 PM »
Love Immortal

Love's power has no limits, no space,only immortal embrace.
It's the most precious gift that God and mortal man can give or take.
 And all the powers of Darkness and Evil can't break.
 Its light shines through every crevice in life, touching those beyond its walls.
 Blasting through life's prisons, gates, and dark halls.
All the while catching those who fall. Love is immortal.

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Re: Poetry
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2009, 01:31:43 AM »
Good concept, but it's very prosaic. Almost like a verbose dictionary definition, if you know what I mean. I'd say keep the idea, but find a way to make it truly poetic.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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