Hope you don't mind me rezzing this thread as much as I do but I enjoy poetry and maybe after some more rezzes, the devs will get tired of it and just sticky it

2011 - The Poem
On November twenty-eighth a family was born
With a union so strong it could never be torn
So let this poem here with this year archive
Introduce to you our forever family of five
The father we start with in this introduction
Who the past five years had the same occupation
He has taught a small group the card game Redemption
While through Kings he had led them with great jubilation
A new passion flared inside him that was so commanding
To become a cyclist and in events start riding
With Tour De Fresno behind him he keeps on his training
To one day be in a metric contending
Next is the mother who to us is so dear
Whose love and affection has brought us all near
Through her hospital stay she had no fear
And with her new preschool job we gave a great cheer
With a heart for foster kids a ministry she did start
To bring together siblings who were placed apart
Selling Gold Canyon became a passion in her heart
To raise funds for the ministry and other things take part
And then there’s the oldest who to us is quite thrilling
Between Wii time and sports, he enjoys all the gaming
He went with his father and grandfather fishing
Where he caught his first fish while we all stood by cheering
Though his hard work, a green strip did appear
For he advanced in martial arts with all of his peer
Then his birthday was held with some different footgear
As we put on our skates and moved around the skate sphere
The daughter to us is our little princess
With a smile so cheerful as she gives hugs in excess
A flower girl in a wedding she was with success
As she ran around the place in a beautiful white dress
A castle for our princess held her birthday party
With crowns and candles it was all rather nifty
And with her new name that brings her joys of plenty
She hopes her life from now on will be quite zesty
Last but not least is the youngest of us
Whose laughter and silliness has made us all joyous
Though a fractured leg had made him more cautious
It was not long until he was back causing a ruckus
A party at our house for his sixth birthday
With a bounce house and games there was plenty of play
And with the current school which he will not stay
As he looks forward to the new school with great hooray
To celebrate our family a trip we all went
To Disneyland with grandparents for a four day event
And with the adoption finally placed in cement
A merry Christmas we wish you and your joy be well spent