Author Topic: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project  (Read 19405 times)

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2009, 02:13:11 PM »
That's correct Metalpsalm...thanks!  (I knew I would know it if I heard it.)
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #51 on: April 08, 2009, 06:10:18 PM »
That's correct Metalpsalm...thanks!  (I knew I would know it if I heard it.)
In middleschool we ALL HAD to read that! This was in 1980-83. Pre empire, right?
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #52 on: April 08, 2009, 08:53:58 PM »
Okay... I'll repeat myself. Does ANYONE else like Mace Windu?  ;)
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #53 on: April 08, 2009, 08:57:08 PM »
I liked the way Mace was portrayed in the Clone Wars video series (I think it was volume II). He went up against a droid army and single-handedly demolished them, along with some new secret weapon (The Holepuncher).
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #54 on: April 08, 2009, 08:58:53 PM »
Sounds like Maci Windu...  ::)
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #55 on: April 09, 2009, 09:14:53 AM »
I read a book about Mace Windu in addition to the movies.  That Jedi had a lot of anger and mistrust issues.  If I didn't know any better, then I would be suspicious of him being a sith.   :maul:
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #56 on: April 09, 2009, 09:25:51 AM »
I read a book about Mace Windu in addition to the movies.  That Jedi had a lot of anger and mistrust issues.  If I didn't know any better, then I would be suspicious of him being a sith.   :maul:

This would explain the circumstances leading up to his death. He was too eager to kill Palpatine. Perhaps that was because of the "Two Sith" rule (which seemed to be broken many times).  :maul:
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #57 on: April 09, 2009, 09:31:06 AM »
the "2 Sith" rule was more of a guideline  ;)

Actually, Darth Bane created it to consolidate power.  He felt that a lot of Sith drawing on the force ultimately diminished the force for everyone.  So if there is only 2 then the force is more concentrated in those individuals.  That and I'm sure Darth Bane didn't want a lot of rivals.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2009, 09:38:04 AM »
the "2 Sith" rule was more of a guideline  ;)

Actually, Darth Bane created it to consolidate power.  He felt that a lot of Sith drawing on the force ultimately diminished the force for everyone.  So if there is only 2 then the force is more concentrated in those individuals.  That and I'm sure Darth Bane didn't want a lot of rivals.

If Darth Bane made the rule, then Darth Barbosa made it a "guideline."

I've never read any of the books, but that is an interesting insight. It would explain how Darth Sidious was able to beat Yoda.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #59 on: April 09, 2009, 09:38:15 AM »
the "2 Sith" rule was more of a guideline  ;)

Actually, Darth Bane created it to consolidate power.  He felt that a lot of Sith drawing on the force ultimately diminished the force for everyone.  So if there is only 2 then the force is more concentrated in those individuals.  That and I'm sure Darth Bane didn't want a lot of rivals.
Besides their nature of not sharing power. The master gains by teaching, the student gains by learning. They need and constantly plot against each other. It's a really great picture of evil. The rest of the world are just expendable pawns to use and manipulate.
I think Windu was right, he should have killed Palpy. Very jack Bower.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2009, 10:38:31 AM »
the "2 Sith" rule was more of a guideline  ;)

Actually, Darth Bane created it to consolidate power.  He felt that a lot of Sith drawing on the force ultimately diminished the force for everyone.  So if there is only 2 then the force is more concentrated in those individuals.  That and I'm sure Darth Bane didn't want a lot of rivals.
Well in Darth Bane's  time they had a whole Sith academy full of much weaker Sith than Darth Bane (The book was amazing). Which upset him due to the fact Sith is ALL about power of self rather than of group. Darth Bane realized it doesn't work with the way the Sith are taught so Darth Bane set out to find a new apprentice and make the rule of two, after he tricked the rest of the Sith into doing a Mind Bomb and eliminating them.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2009, 10:41:14 AM »
0 Darth Bane set out to find a new apprentice and make the rule of two, after he tricked the rest of the Sith into doing a Mind Bomb and eliminating them.

So that's what the movie Scanners was about.  :o
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2009, 01:42:36 PM »
It would explain how Darth Sidious was able to beat Yoda.
Actually, I don't think there is any good explanation as to why Sidious was able to beat Yoda, or for that matter why Dooku was able to beat Yoda.  Both times, Yoda lost because he was an idiot.  The 900 year old Jedi Master who is supposed to be the wisest being in the universe behaved like a complete moron.  This was one of the top 3 worst things about the prequels.

Top 3
Sacrilege of Yoda's character by making him make stupid decisions in important circumstances.
Sacrilege of Padme's character by making her fall in love for no reason, and then die from a "broken heart".
Sacrilege of Count Dooku's character by making him a shallow, evil, puppet, instead of the greatness that he could have been.

(notice that I did not include JarJar's existence, GuiGon Jin's death, Darth Maul's death, the little kid's acting, or several other popular critiques)
(also notice that I actually bought all 3 prequels, like them overall, and think that they made the complete saga stronger)

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2009, 02:01:42 PM »
Sacrilege of Count Dooku's character by making him a shallow, evil, puppet, instead of the greatness that he could have been.
I always liked Dooku, and He got a real nice start in episode 2...then it just...flat lined.
Sacrilege of Padme's character by making her fall in love for no reason, and then die from a "broken heart".
+1 It was because she wasn't named sandy, had she been named sandy, it never woulda happened

Sacrilege of Yoda's character by making him make stupid decisions in important circumstances.
Idk on Dooku's fight he didn't have much choice, Kill the Sith, OR let Anakin die which kills the plot. Either way I say making Annie a whiney emo boy was worse than Yoda's foolishness. Maybe Yoda gained wisdom by sitting there after failing for three movies? As for Annie. He shoulda been skipping along killing younglings with a giant smile while singing "The sun will come out tomorrow"
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #64 on: April 09, 2009, 03:39:33 PM »
It would explain how Darth Sidious was able to beat Yoda.

Sacrilege of Yoda's character by making him make stupid decisions in important circumstances.
I think of Yoda as one who learned a lot of wisdom and humility from his horrifying failings.
Character flaws move the story forward in every movie, Yoda is no exception.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 09:46:18 AM by metalpsalm »
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #65 on: April 09, 2009, 04:25:56 PM »
I always liked Dooku, and He got a real nice start in episode 2...then it just...flat lined.
Here's how Dooku's storyline should have gone.  Dooku is on the Jedi Council and learns of a conspiracy to turn the Republic into an empire.  He knows that Chancellor Palpatine is at the center and that there are even traitors on the Jedi Council (ie. Cypho Dias).  Not knowing who to trust, he quits the council and tries to investigate personally by going undercover and joining Palpatine as an apprentice.  Meanwhile he also works behind the scenes to build a coalition of droid armies so that in the event that he isn't personally able to stop Palpatine that there will at least be an army available with a chance to stop the clone army already being built.

This background would have totally fit in with the conversation that he had with Obi-Wan in the holding cell, and would have led to a deep and complex character.  A character who would have been loved by audiences and who would have been mourned when Anakin murders him, and die he must.  For it turns out that Palpatine actually knew of Dooku's deceitfulness all along and had his own back-up plan of tricking Anikin into eliminating Dooku while at the same time moving farther along the path to the darkside himself.

So disappointing that none of this turned out to be used.  If only George had consulted me :)

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #66 on: April 09, 2009, 04:41:46 PM »
Idk on Dooku's fight he didn't have much choice, Kill the Sith, OR let Anakin die...Maybe Yoda gained wisdom by sitting there after failing for three movies?
I appreciate your attempt to defend the idiocy of Yoda in the prequel movies, but there really is no excuse.  The whole kill Dooku or save Ani choice was a false dichotomy.  There were a lot of reinforcements on the way to the cave where Obi, Ani, Dooku, and Yoda were.  The only reason why Dooku got away was because he was able to distract Yoda (holding up the big falling pillar with great effort) while he flew away.  This should have never happened in the first place.

#1 - Yoda should have been smart enough to know when he first entered the room that without the ship to escape, Dooku was trapped.  Therefore a simple "force reach" into the ship would have enabled him to simply squash some small but critical part of the engine, and Dooku is grounded.

#2 - Yoda should have pushed the 2 small, light jedi (Obi & Ani) out of the way rather than try to hold up the huge heavy pillar.

#3 - As for Yoda learning from failure in the prequels...he was already 900 years old.  Is it really likely that he was an idiot after 900 years, but learned so much in the final 20 years of his life that he became the wisest being in the universe.  I don't think so.  He didn't even learn from his fight with Dooku and therefore lost to Sidious for the same stupid reason in the next movie.

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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #67 on: April 09, 2009, 08:01:04 PM »
to FN i like mace windu!
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #68 on: April 09, 2009, 08:11:12 PM »
My favorite character is now R2-D2. Not only does he survive all the movies and wars, but he kicks bucket several times, even against Super Battle Droids.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #69 on: April 09, 2009, 09:27:18 PM »
I always liked Dooku, and He got a real nice start in episode 2...then it just...flat lined.
Here's how Dooku's storyline should have gone.  Dooku is on the Jedi Council and learns of a conspiracy to turn the Republic into an empire.  He knows that Chancellor Palpatine is at the center and that there are even traitors on the Jedi Council (ie. Cypho Dias).  Not knowing who to trust, he quits the council and tries to investigate personally by going undercover and joining Palpatine as an apprentice.  Meanwhile he also works behind the scenes to build a coalition of droid armies so that in the event that he isn't personally able to stop Palpatine that there will at least be an army available with a chance to stop the clone army already being built.

This background would have totally fit in with the conversation that he had with Obi-Wan in the holding cell, and would have led to a deep and complex character.  A character who would have been loved by audiences and who would have been mourned when Anakin murders him, and die he must.  For it turns out that Palpatine actually knew of Dooku's deceitfulness all along and had his own back-up plan of tricking Anikin into eliminating Dooku while at the same time moving farther along the path to the darkside himself.

So disappointing that none of this turned out to be used.  If only George had consulted me :)
That is actually how I always thought of him. Dooku was not a true Sith, he was a Jedi trying to maintain peace while the council ignored the giant threat looming in front of them. I don't have anything against Jedi honestly but to ignore such threats in front of them, to believe they truly defended the peace while their own people were having inner confrontations, seems foolish....

My favorite character is now R2-D2. Not only does he survive all the movies and wars, but he kicks bucket several times, even against Super Battle Droids.
R2 is my second fave character. Seriously, without R2, there would be no rebellion. Luke gets so much credit while poor R2 gets shot MULTIPLE TIMES and does all the work.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #70 on: April 09, 2009, 09:56:40 PM »
I don't have anything against Jedi honestly but to ignore such threats in front of them, to believe they truly defended the peace while their own people were having inner confrontations, seems foolish....

Kind of like..... the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, CIA, FBI, ATF, Police, Sheriffs, Deputies, Mall Security, School Resource Officers, ...
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2009, 09:48:51 AM »
I always liked Dooku, and He got a real nice start in episode 2...then it just...flat lined.
Here's how Dooku's storyline should have gone.  Dooku is on the Jedi Council and learns of a conspiracy to turn the Republic into an empire.  He knows that Chancellor Palpatine is at the center and that there are even traitors on the Jedi Council (ie. Cypho Dias).  Not knowing who to trust, he quits the council and tries to investigate personally by going undercover and joining Palpatine as an apprentice.  Meanwhile he also works behind the scenes to build a coalition of droid armies so that in the event that he isn't personally able to stop Palpatine that there will at least be an army available with a chance to stop the clone army already being built.

This background would have totally fit in with the conversation that he had with Obi-Wan in the holding cell, and would have led to a deep and complex character.  A character who would have been loved by audiences and who would have been mourned when Anakin murders him, and die he must.  For it turns out that Palpatine actually knew of Dooku's deceitfulness all along and had his own back-up plan of tricking Anikin into eliminating Dooku while at the same time moving farther along the path to the darkside himself.

So disappointing that none of this turned out to be used.  If only George had consulted me :)

Dude! That is a great story line!
yeah, The Flanneled One never takes my ideas either. I think Mr Rob likes my ideas, although secretly. I did suggest Urim and Thimim after all , albeit as two cards....  ;D
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #72 on: April 10, 2009, 10:46:16 AM »
+1 on that idea.  that is the kind of character development that made the sequals better than the prequals.  I also agree with the love story problem.  The love story in the last three movies was a gazillion times better than the first three.  it is almost as if Lucas said, "hey, lets just make things explode and they will come."

I hated almost everything about the first three movies.
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #73 on: April 10, 2009, 02:46:34 PM »
I don't have anything against Jedi honestly but to ignore such threats in front of them, to believe they truly defended the peace while their own people were having inner confrontations, seems foolish....

Kind of like..... the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, CIA, FBI, ATF, Police, Sheriffs, Deputies, Mall Security, School Resource Officers, ...
Yup! But I'm pretty sure none of those could kill every single one of the people left in one fell swoop ;)
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Re: PM me with your favorite Star Wars character..Please its for a project
« Reply #74 on: April 10, 2009, 07:43:05 PM »
Dude! That is a great story line!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  I'm not very creative at coming up with my own ideas for stories/movies, but I am actually really good at reading rough drafts of other people's and making some great suggestions.


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